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Толковый словарь английского языка - go



I. verb (went; ~ne; ~ing; ~es) Etymology: Middle English ~n, from Old English gān; akin to Old High German gān to ~, Greek kichanein to reach, attain Date: before 12th century intransitive verb to move on a course ; proceed , to move out of or away from a place expressed or implied ; leave, depart , 3. to take a certain course or follow a certain procedure , to pass by means of a process like journeying , to proceed without delay and often in a thoughtless or reckless manner, d. to extend from point to point or in a certain direction , to give access ; lead , walk, to be habitually in a certain state or condition , 6. to become lost, consumed, or spent , die, to slip away ; elapse , to come to be given up or discarded , to pass by sale , to become impaired or weakened , to give way especially under great force or pressure ; break , 7. to move along in a specified manner ; fare , to be in general or on an average , to be or become especially as the result of a contest , to turn out well ; succeed , 8. to apply oneself , to put or subject oneself , intend , to have recourse to another for corroboration, vindication, or decision ; resort , 10. to begin an action or motion , to maintain or perform a certain action or motion , to function in the proper or expected manner ; run , to be known , 12. to act in accordance or harmony , to come to be determined , to come to be applied or appropriated , to pass by award, assignment, or lot , e. to contribute to an end or result , to be of advantage , to be about, intending, or expecting something, 14. extend , to come or arrive at a certain state or condition , to come to be ; become , to under~ a change , 15. to be in phrasing or expression ; read , to be capable of being sung or played , to be compatible, suitable, or becoming ; harmonize , 17. to be capable of passing, extending, or being contained or inserted , to have a usual or proper place or position ; belong , to have a tendency ; conduce , 19. a. to carry authority , to be acceptable, satisfactory, or adequate , to hold true ; be valid , to empty the bladder or bowels, transitive verb to proceed along or according to ; follow , to travel through or along ; traverse , 3. to make a wager of ; bet , to make an offer of ; bid , 4. to assume the function or obligation of , to participate to the extent of , yield, weigh , 6. to put up with ; tolerate , afford , enjoy , 7. to cause (a characteristic sound) to occur , say, to engage in , to have a record of , ~er noun II. noun (plural ~es) Date: 1727 the act or manner of ~ing, the height of fashion ; rage , an often unexpected turn of affairs ; occurrence, the quantity used or furnished at one time , energy, vi~r, 6. a turn in an activity (as a game) , attempt, try , a spell of activity , success , permission to proceed ; ~-ahead , III. adjective Date: 1961 functioning properly ; being in ~od and ready condition , IV. noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Japanese Date: 1890 a game played between two players who alternately place black and white stones on a board checkered by 19 vertical lines and 19 horizontal lines in an attempt to enclose the larger area on the board
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  1. v., n., & adj. --v. (3rd sing. present goes; past went; past part. gone) 1 intr. a start moving or be moving from one place or point in time to another; travel, proceed. b (foll. by to + infin., or and + verb) proceed in order to (went to find him; go and buy some bread). c (foll. by and + verb) colloq. expressing annoyance (you went and told him; they've gone and broken it; she went and won). 2 intr. (foll. by verbal noun) make a special trip for; participate in; proceed to do (went skiing; then went shopping; often goes running). 3 intr. lie or extend in a certain direction (the road goes to London). 4 intr. leave; depart (they had to go). 5 intr. move, act, work, etc. (the clock doesn't go; his brain is going all the time). 6 intr. a make a specified movement (go like this with your foot). b make a sound (often of a specified kind) (the gun went bang; the door bell went). c colloq. say (so he goes to me 'Why didn't you like it?'). d (of an animal) make (its characteristic cry) (the cow went 'moo'). 7 intr. be in a specified state (go hungry; went in fear of his life). 8 intr. a pass into a specified condition (gone bad; went mad; went to sleep). b colloq. die. c proceed or escape in a specified condition (the poet went unrecognized; the crime went unnoticed). 9 intr. (of time or distance) pass, elapse; be traversed (ten days to go before Easter; the last mile went quickly). 10 intr. a (of a document, verse, song, etc.) have a specified content or wording; run (the tune goes like this). b be current or accepted (so the story goes). c be suitable; fit; match (the shoes don't go with the hat). d be regularly kept or put (the forks go here). e find room; fit (this won't go into the cupboard). 11 intr. a turn out, proceed; take a course or view (things went well; Liverpool went Labour). b be successful (make the party go; went like a bomb). c progress (we've still a long way to go). 12 intr. a be sold (went for {pound}1; went cheap). b (of money) be spent ({pound}200 went on a new jacket). 13 intr. a be relinquished,...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference


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