Толковый словарь английского языка - flourish
I. verb Etymology: Middle English florisshen, from Anglo-French fluriss-, stem of flurir, florir, from Vulgar Latin *florire, alteration of Latin florēre, from flor-, flos flower Date: 14th century intransitive verb to grow luxuriantly ; thrive , 2. to achieve success ; prosper , to be in a state of activity or production , to reach a height of development or influence, to make bold and sweeping gestures, transitive verb to wield with dramatic gestures ; brandish , see: swing ~er noun ~ingly adverb II. noun Date: circa 1552 an act or instance of brandishing or waving, 2. a florid bit of speech or writing , an ornamental stroke in writing or printing, a decorative or finishing detail , fanfare , 4. a period of thriving, a luxuriant growth or profusion , showiness in the doing of something , a sudden burst
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Что такое flourish
Значение слова flourish
Что означает flourish
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