Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference - smart
adj., v., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a clever; ingenious; quickwitted (a smart talker; gave a smart answer). b keen in bargaining; quick to take advantage. c (of transactions etc.) unscrupulous to the point of dishonesty. 2 well-groomed; neat; bright and fresh in appearance (a smart suit). 3 in good repair; showing bright colours, new paint, etc. (a smart red bicycle). 4 stylish; fashionable; prominent in society (in all the smart restaurants; the smart set). 5 quick; brisk (set a smart pace). 6 painfully severe; sharp; vigorous (a smart blow). --v.intr. 1 (of a person or a part of the body) feel or give acute pain or distress (my eye smarts; smarting from the insult). 2 (of an insult, grievance, etc.) rankle. 3 (foll. by for) suffer the consequences of (you will smart for this). --n. a bodily or mental sharp pain; a stinging sensation. --adv. smartly; in a smart manner. Phrases and idioms look smart make haste. smart-arse (or -ass) = SMART ALEC. smart-money 1 money paid or exacted as a penalty or compensation. 2 money invested by persons with expert knowledge. Derivatives smartingly adv. smartish adj. & adv. smartly adv. smartness n. Etymology: OE smeart, smeortan
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