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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - yoke


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Перевод с английского языка yoke на русский

1. ярмо; хомут; ошейник 2. (тк. в ед. ч.) иго, ярмо colonial yoke —- колониальное иго, ярмо колониализма under the yoke of —- под игом to cast (to shake, to throw) off the yoke —- сбросить иго (ярмо) the yoke of servitude —- узы рабства 3. ист. деревянная колодка (на шее преступника) 4. узы, союз the yoke of marriage —- узы брака the yoke of convention —- рамки условностей 5. пара запряженных волов five yoke of oxen —- пять пар волов 6. парная упряжка 7. кокетка (на платье) 8. коромысло 9. ист. иго (арка из трех копий, под которой римляне проводили побежденных врагов) to send under the yoke —- провести под игом, унизить врага; разбить наголову to pass (to come) under the yoke —- пройти под игом; сдаться на милость победителя, признать свое поражение 10. символ рабства, порабощения 11. рабство, порабощение 12. ист. запашка (мера земли, 50-60 акров) 13. тех. скоба, бугель, хомут, обойма; серьга, зажим 14. тех. хобот (станка) 15. тех. поперечина; траверса 16. эл. ярмо 17. ав. штурвал, ручка управления 18. мор. поперечный румпель 19. эл. отклоняющая система (также magnetic yoke) 20. впрягать в ярмо 21. запрягать to yoke to a plough —- впрячь (волов и т. п.) в плуг to yoke a wagon —- запрягать телегу 22. заставлять работать, обуздывать to yoke the forces of nature —- обуздать силы природы 23. соединять, сочетать yoked in marriage —- соединенные узами брака your fortunes are henceforward yoked together —- отныне ваши судьбы нераздельны 24. соединяться 25. редк. подходить друг к другу they do not yoke well —- они неподходящая пара
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) ярмо  2) пара запряженных волов  3) иго, рабство; to endure (to shake off) the yoke - терпеть (сбросить) иго; to pass/come under the yoke - примириться с поражением  4) rare узы  5) коромысло  6) кокетка (на платье)  7) парная упряжка  8) tech. скоба; бугель; хомут, обойма  9) aeron. ручка управления  2. v.  1) впрягать в ярмо  2) fig. соединять, сочетать - yoke together YOKE together соединять, сочетать; соединяться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) коромысловый 2) обойма 3) скоба 4) хобот 5) хоботной 6) хоботовый 7) хомут 8) ярмо wheel and yoke assembly — аэро колонка штурвальная - deflection yoke - guide yoke - magnet yoke - magnetic yoke - towing yoke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) тлв. отклоняющая система 2) ярмо 3) станина – brush yoke – deflecting yoke – horizontal yoke – saddle-type yoke – scanning yoke – toroid yoke – vertical yoke ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  хомут (опалубки колонны); бугель, домкратная рама (скользящей опалубки) верхний горизонтальный брус дверной или оконной коробки; траверса, перекладина тройник slipform yoke ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) траверса; поперечина 2) хомут; бугель; обойма; скоба 3) вилка; развилина 4) тройник (фитинг трубопровода) 5) верхняя обвязка (дверной или оконной коробки) 6) ярмо, станина (магнита) 7) тлв отклоняющая система, ОС; отклоняющая катушка - anastigmatic yoke - brake rod yoke - brush-holder yoke - brush yoke - deflecting yoke - deflecting and focusing yoke - deflection yoke - flared deflection yoke - focus and scanning yoke - frame yoke - horizontal-deflection yoke - horizontal yoke - journal box yoke - lifter yoke - propeller shaft yoke - pulley yoke - saddle-toroidal yoke - saddle-type yoke - scanning yoke - shifter yoke - squeezer yoke - stand yoke - toroid yoke - transformer yoke - vertical-deflection yoke - vertical yoke ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two oxen etc. and attached to the plough or wagon to be drawn. 2 (pl. same or yokes) a pair (of oxen etc.). 3 an object like a yoke in form or function, e.g. a wooden shoulder-piece for carrying a pair of pails, the top section of a dress or skirt etc. from which the rest hangs. 4 sway, dominion, or servitude, esp. when oppressive. 5 a bond or union, esp. that of marriage. 6 Rom.Hist. an uplifted yoke, or an arch of three spears symbolizing it, under which a defeated army was made to march. 7 archaic the amount of land that one yoke of oxen could plough in a day. 8 a crossbar on which a bell swings. 9 the crossbar of a rudder to whose ends ropes are fastened. 10 a bar of soft iron between the poles of an electromagnet. --v. 1 tr. put a yoke on. 2 tr. couple or unite (a pair). 3 tr. (foll. by to) link (one thing) to (another). 4 intr. match or work together. Etymology: OE geoc f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English yok, from Old English geoc; akin to Old High German joh ~, Latin jugum, Greek zygon, Sanskrit yuga, Latin jungere to join  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals (as oxen) are joined at the heads or necks for working together  b. an arched device formerly laid on the neck of a defeated person  c. a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal portions  d. a bar by which the end of the tongue of a wagon or carriage is suspended from the collars of the harness  e.  (1) a crosspiece on the head of a boat's rudder  (2) an airplane control operating the elevators and ailerons  f. a frame from which a bell is hung  g. a clamp or similar piece that embraces two parts to hold or unite them in position  2. plural usually ~ two animals ~d or worked together  3.  a.  (1) an oppressive agency  (2) servitude, bondage  b. tie, link; especially marriage  4. a fitted or shaped piece at the top of a skirt or at the shoulder of various garments  II. verb  (~d; yoking)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a.  (1) to put a ~ on  (2) to join in or with a ~  b. to attach a draft animal to; also to attach (a draft animal) to something  2. to join as if by a ~  3. to put to work  intransitive verb to become joined or linked ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (yokes, yoking, yoked) 1. If you say that people are under the yoke of a bad thing or person, you mean they are forced to live in a difficult or unhappy state because of that thing or person. (LITERARY) People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery... N-SING: usu N of n, adj N 2. A yoke is a long piece of wood which is tied across the necks of two animals such as oxen, in order to make them walk close together when they are pulling a plough. N-COUNT 3. If two or more people or things are yoked together, they are forced to be closely linked with each other. The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together... The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy... Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes. VERB: V pl-n together, V n to/into n, be V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a wooden bar used for joining two animals, especially cattle, together in order to pull heavy loads 2 a frame fitted across someone's shoulders so that they can carry two equal loads 3 the yoke of sth literary something that restricts your freedom, making life hard or unpleasant  (the yoke of tradition) 4 a part of a skirt or shirt just below the waist or collar, from which the main piece of material hangs in folds ~2 v T + together/to 1 to join two animals with a yoke 2 literary to bring two ideas or people together so that they work well with each other  (The poet's choice of metaphor cleverly yokes together two dissimilar things.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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