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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - wrench


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Перевод с английского языка wrench на русский

1. дерганье, рывок; выкручивание; закручивание a wrench at the door-handle —- дерганье за дверную ручку to give smth. a wrench —- дернуть (рвануть) что-л. 2. вывих to give one's ankle a wrench —- вывихнуть ногу (лодыжку) 3. искажение, извращение (истины, текста); натяжка (в толковании) 4. щемящая тоска, сердечная боль (при разлуке и т. п.) leaving home was a wrench —- было очень тяжело расставаться с родным домом the wrench of saying goodbye —- горечь разлуки 5. резкая перемена умонастроения; угрызения совести 6. тех. гаечный ключ 7. фактор, вызывающий нарушение или срыв чего-л. to throw a wrench into smb.'s plans —- нарушить (сорвать) чьи-л. планы 8. дергать, рвать to wrench the door open —- взломать дверь 9. вывертывать, выкручивать; выхватывать, вырывать (часто wrench out, wrench away) to wrench oneself free —- вырваться to wrench a plant out of the ground —- выдернуть растение из земли he wrenched the knife away from him —- он вырвал у него нож 10. закручивать, подтягивать (гайки и т. п.) 11. мед. вывихнуть 12. искажать, извращать (смысл, текст); ложно истолковывать (закон и т. п.) 13. причинять душевные муки
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) дерганье; скручивание  2) вывих; to give ones ankle a wrench - вывихнуть лодыжку  3) щемящая тоска, боль (при разлуке); the wrench of saying good-bye - боль разлуки  4) искажение (истины, текста и т.п.)  5) tech. гаечный ключ  2. v.  1) вывертывать, вырывать (тж. wrench off, wrench away; from, out of); to wrench open - взламывать  2) вывихнуть  3) искажать (факты, истину) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) завернуть 2) завертывать 3) ключ гаечный 4) отвернуть 5) отвертывать chain pipe wrench — цепной ключ general utility wrench — универсальный ключ - adjustable wrench - alligator wrench - angle wrench - bent wrench - box wrench - box-end wrench - chuck wrench - dynamometric wrench - hex-nut wrench - hook-type wrench - impact wrench - lug wrench - pipe wrench - ratchet wrench - single-ended wrench - socket wrench - spark-plug wrench - toolpost wrench - torque wrench - union wrench - valve wrench - wrench jaw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гаечный ключ adjustable wrench adjustable box wrench air-operated wrench Allen wrench alligator wrench chain pipe wrench construction wrench coupling wrench crescent wrench double-end wrench electric wrench gas pipe wrench impact wrench monkey wrench multispindle power wrench open-ended wrench pin wrench pipe wrench podger wrench power wrench torque wrench track wrench ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  гаечный ключ; гайковёрт заворачивать или отворачивать гаечным ключом - adjustable wrench - air wrench - air-impact wrench - Allen wrench - alligator wrench - bidirectional wrench - cap wrench - chain pipe wrench - chuck wrench - double-ended wrench - double-end wrench - electric powered adjustable wrench - flare nut wrench - hand impact wrench - handle bent wrench - hex-nut wrench - hook-type wrench - impact wrench - monkey wrench - offset wrench - open end wrench - pipe wrench - ratchet wrench - screw wrench - single-ended wrench - socket wrench - spinning wrench - torque wrench - tube wrench - universal wrench ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a violent twist or oblique pull or act of tearing off. 2 an adjustable tool like a spanner for gripping and turning nuts etc. 3 an instance of painful uprooting or parting (leaving home was a great wrench). 4 Physics a combination of a couple with the force along its axis. --v.tr. 1 twist or pull violently round or sideways. 2 (often foll. by off, away, etc.) pull off with a wrench. 3 distort (facts) to suit a theory etc. Etymology: (earlier as verb:) OE wrencan twist ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wrencan; akin to Old High German renken to twist and perhaps to Latin vergere to bend, incline  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to move with a violent twist; also to undergo twisting  2. to pull or strain at something with violent twisting  transitive verb  1. to twist violently  2. to injure or disable by a violent twisting or straining ~ed her back  3. change; especially distort, pervert  4.  a. to pull or tighten by violent twisting or with violence  b. to snatch forcibly ; wrest  5. to cause to suffer mental anguish ; rack  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1530  1.  a. a violent twisting or a pull with or as if with twisting  b. a sharp twist or sudden jerk straining muscles or ligaments; also the resultant injury (as of a joint)  c. a distorting or perverting alteration  d. acute emotional distress ; sudden violent mental change  2. a hand or power tool for holding, twisting, or turning an object (as a bolt or nut)  3. monkey ~ 2 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wrenches, wrenching, wrenched) 1. If you wrench something that is fixed in a particular position, you pull or twist it violently, in order to move or remove it. He felt two men wrench the suitcase from his hand... They wrenched open the passenger doors and jumped into her car. VERB: V n prep, V n with adj 2. If you wrench yourself free from someone who is holding you, you get away from them by suddenly twisting the part of your body that is being held. She wrenched herself from his grasp... He wrenched his arm free... She tore at one man’s face as she tried to wrench free... VERB: V pron-refl prep, V n adj, V adj 3. If you wrench one of your joints, you twist it and injure it. He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall. VERB: V n 4. If you say that leaving someone or something is a wrench, you feel very sad about it. (BRIT) I always knew it would be a wrench to leave Essex after all these years... Although it would be a wrench, we would all accept the challenge of moving abroad. N-SING: usu a N to-inf/-ing 5. A wrench or a monkey wrench is an adjustable metal tool used for tightening or loosening metal nuts of different sizes. N-COUNT 6. If someone throws a wrench or throws a monkey wrench into a process, they prevent something happening smoothly by deliberately causing a problem. (AM; in BRIT, use throw a spanner in the works) Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR in/into n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 T always + adv/prep to twist and pull something from its position using force  (wrench sth away/free/off etc)  (I managed to wrench the knife away from him.) 2 T always + adv/prep to use your strength to pull yourself away from someone who is holding you  (wrench yourself away/free etc)  (Tim struggled to wrench himself free from her grasp.) 3 to twist a joint in your body suddenly and painfully  (I wrenched my knee playing soccer.) ~2 n 1 a strong feeling of sadness that you get when you leave a person or place that you love  (Leaving Arizona for New York had been a terrible wrench.) 2 C usually singular a twisting movement that pulls something violently  (With one almighty wrench, the door opened.) 3 a) AmE a metal tool with a round end that fits over and turns nuts nut1 (2); spanner BrE b) especially AmE also monkey wrench a tool that you can use to hold or turn nuts nut1 (2) that are different sizes; adjustable spanner BrE ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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