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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - war


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Перевод с английского языка war на русский

1. война; боевые действия nuclear war —- (ракетно-)ядерная война star wars —- звездные войны accidental war —- война в результате случайности cold war —- холодная война shooting war —- "горячая война", настоящая война (в противоп. холодной войне) war of attrition —- война на истощение war of movement —- воен. маневренная война war of position —- воен. позиционная война war of siege —- позиционная война; ист. осадная война; блокада he fought in the Second World War (in World War Two) —- он участник второй мировой войны W. between the States —- ам. ист. гражданская война в США (между Севером и Югом; 1861-1865 гг.) W. of Independence, Revolutionary W. —- ам. ист. война за независимость (1775- 1783 гг.) the Thirty Years' War —- ист. Тридцатилетняя война W. of the Roses —- ист. война Алой и Белой розы the art of war —- военное искусство luck of war —- военное счастье; превратности войны at war (with) —- в состоянии войны (с кем-л.) country at war —- воюющая страна in the war —- на войне; во время войны to wage (to make) war on (against) smb. —- вести войну (воевать) с кем-л. to go to war (against) —- прибегать к оружию (против кого-л.); начинать войну (с кем-л.); идти на войну (на фронт) from before the war —- с довоенного времени 2. борьба class war —- классовая борьба war of nerves —- война нервов, психологическая война war against illiteracy —- борьба с неграмотностью to make war on disease —- вести борьбу с болезнями war of the elements —- борьба стихий; буря, стихийное бедствие war of words —- словесная перепалка 3. вражда, антагонизм to have war in one's heart —- затаить в душе вражду 4. уст. войска Id: war to the knife —- воен. война на истребление; борьба не на живот, а на смерть Id: private war —- кровная месть; самочинные военные действия (без санкции правительства) Id: to carry the war into the enemy's camp —- переносить войну на территорию противника; наступать;переходить в наступление (в споре) Id: to have been in the wars —- разг. побывать в переделке Id: you look as if you had been in the wars —- у тебя потрепанный вид 5. книж. воевать, вести войну to war down —- завоевать, покорить 6. (with, against) бороться (с кем-л., чем-л.) 7. враждовать, конфликтовать
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) война; ideological war - идеологическая война; war of manoeuvre - маневренная война; in the war -  а) на войне;  б) во время войны; at war - в состоянии войны; to carry the war into the enemys country/camp - переносить войну на территорию противника; fig. предъявлять встречное обвинение; отвечать обвинением на обвинение; to declare war on smb. - объявить войну кому-л.; to levy/make/wage war on smb. - вести войну с кем-л.; art of war - военное искусство - civil war - war to the knife - the Great War - World War I - World War II  2) борьба; war of the elements - борьба стихий; war between man and nature - борьба человека с природой  3) attr. военный; war crimes - военные преступления; - War Office - war seat - on a war footing - war effort - war loan - war hawk  2. v. obs. воевать (against); For years they have warred against the people from the neighbouring islands. - war down WAR chest noun средства на войну WAR criminal военный преступник WAR down завоевать, покорить WAR effort военные усилия, мобилизация всех сил для обороны страны WAR hawk поджигатель войны, ястреб WAR loan военный заем WAR Office военное министерство (в Англии) WAR seat театр военных действий WAR to the knife война на истребление; борьба не на живот, а на смерть WAR widow noun вдова убитого на войне ...
Англо-русский словарь
  – ecological war – lymphocyte civil war ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. война - War Office - civil war - cold war - price war - rate war - tariff war - trade war - tug of war - wage war - war bonds - war debts - war effort - war loan - war risk insurance - war surplus WAR. сокр. от warrant ордер; варрант ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  война, боевой - articles of war - war game ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – flame war ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  n. & v. --n. 1 a armed hostilities between esp. nations; conflict (war broke out; war zone). b a specific conflict or the period of time during which such conflict exists (was before the war). c the suspension of international law etc. during such a conflict. 2 (as the War) a war in progress or recently ended; the most recent major war. 3 a hostility or contention between people, groups, etc. (war of words). b (often foll. by on) a sustained campaign against crime, disease, poverty, etc. --v.intr. (warred, warring) 1 (as warring adj.) a rival; fighting (warring factions). b conflicting (warring principles). 2 make war. Phrases and idioms art of war strategy and tactics. at war (often foll. by with) engaged in a war. go to war declare or begin a war. go to the wars archaic serve as a soldier. have been in the wars colloq. appear injured, bruised, unkempt, etc. war baby a child, esp. illegitimate, born in wartime. war bride a woman who marries a serviceman met during a war. war chest funds for a war or any other campaign. war-cloud a threatening international situation. war correspondent a correspondent reporting from a scene of war. war crime a crime violating the international laws of war. war criminal a person committing or sentenced for such crimes. war cry 1 a phrase or name shouted to rally one's troops. 2 a party slogan etc. war damage damage to property etc. caused by bombing, shelling, etc. war dance a dance performed by primitive peoples etc. before a battle or to celebrate victory. war department the State office in charge of the army etc. war-game 1 a military exercise testing or improving tactical knowledge etc. 2 a battle etc. conducted with toy soldiers. war-gaming the playing of war-games. war grave the grave of a serviceman who died on active service, esp. one in a special cemetery etc. war loan stock issued by the British Government to raise funds in wartime. war memorial a monument etc. commemorating those killed in a war. war of attrition a war in which each side seeks to wear out the other over a...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English werre, from Anglo-French werre, guerre, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German werra strife; akin to Old High German werran to confuse  Date: 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations  (2) a period of such armed conflict  (3) state of ~  b. the art or science of ~fare  c.  (1) obsolete weapons and equipment for ~  (2) archaic soldiers armed and equipped for ~  2.  a. a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism  b. a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end a class ~ a ~ against disease  c. variance, odds 3  • ~less adjective  II. intransitive verb  (~red; ~ring)  Date: 13th century  1. to be in active or vigorous conflict  2. to engage in ~fare  III. adverb or adjective  Etymology: Middle English werre, from Old Norse verri, adjective, verr, adverb; akin to Old English wiersa worse — more at worse  Date: 13th century chiefly Scottish worse  IV. transitive verb  (~red; ~ring)  Date: 15th century Scottish worst, overcome ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wars) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A war is a period of fighting or conflict between countries or states. He spent part of the war in the National Guard... They’ve been at war for the last fifteen years. ? peace N-VAR 2. War is intense economic competition between countries or organizations. The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war. N-VAR: usu with supp 3. If you make war on someone or something that you are opposed to, you do things to stop them succeeding. She has been involved in the war against organised crime. ...if the United States is to be successful in its war on drugs. N-VAR: oft N against/on n 4. see also warring, civil war, Cold War, council of war 5. If a country goes to war, it starts fighting a war. Do you think this crisis can be settled without going to war? PHRASE: V inflects 6. If two people, countries, or organizations have a war of words, they criticize each other because they strongly disagree about something. (JOURNALISM) Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation’s zoos. PHRASE: oft PHR between/with n 7. to lose the battle but win the war: see battle ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »WAR IN GENERAL« fighting between two or more countries or opposing groups within a country, involving large numbers of soldiers and weapons  (Cambodia has been ravaged by war for the past 20 years. | war breaks out (=war begins))  (War broke out in September of 1939. | be at war (with))  (In 1920 Poland and Russia were still at war. | declare war (on sb) (=announce publicly and officially that you are going to fight a war) | go to war (with) (=start to fight a war with another country) | wage war (on/against) (=start and continue a war, especially for a long period) | the outbreak of war (=the start of fighting in a war)) 2 »A PARTICULAR WAR« a particular period of time when countries fight with soldiers and weapons  (Do you remember the last war? | the Vietnam/Seven Years/First World etc War)  (America's defeat in the Vietnam War) + with/agains  (Iran's seven year war with Iraq | win/lose a war)  (tactical errors that made France lose the war | fight a war)  (Britain has fought two wars in Europe this century. | war between)  (The war between England and France was to last another 50 years. | a nuclear war)  (Both countries wanted to avoid a nuclear war. | a war hero (=a brave soldier) | a war veteran (=a former soldier)) 3 »AGAINST CRIME/DISEASE ETC« a struggle over a long period of time to control something harmful + against/on  (the State's war on drugs) 4 »FOR POWER/CONTROL« a situation in which a person or group is fighting for power, influence, or control  (No one wants to start a trade war here.) 5 This means war! spoken humorous used to say that you are ready to fight about something 6 the war especially BrE the Second World War 7 between the wars the period between the First and Second World Wars 8 look like you have been in the wars BrE spoken to look injured or damaged  (- see also civil war, cold war, price war, prisoner of war, war of attrition, war of nerves, war of words, warring) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  UN abbr. WHAT ARE RECORDS? NASA abbr. Weekly Activity Report U.S. gov. abbr. We Are Right U.S. gov. abbr. Weekly Activity Report mil. abbr. Wartime Asset Redistribution mil. abbr. Warriors And Rogues mil. abbr. Watch Arabs Run mil. abbr. Weekly Activity Report 3-let. lang. abbr. Waray railroad abbr. Warrenton Railroad Company funny abbr. Women Against Race funny abbr. Waste And Regret funny abbr. World Appreciation Of Ravenclaw funny abbr. White Aryan Resistance network. abbr. Web Application Resource telec. abbr. Wireless Access Revolution media abbr. Where Artists Record non-prof. org. abbr. Working Against Racism educ. abbr. Writing And Reading sport abbr. Winter Adventure Race sport abbr. Wilmington Adventure Racers religion abbr. Worst Act Of Reason religion abbr. Wisdom And Resistance pos. abbr. Wonderful And Reliable ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: COLD WAR, TUG OF WAR. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - early 12c., from O.N.Fr. werre "war," from Frank. *werra, from P.Gmc. *werso. Related to O.Saxon werran "bring into confusion," which may reflect the original sense. O.E. had many poetic words for "war" (guр, heaрo, hild, wig, all common in personal names), but the usual one to translate L. bellum was gewin "struggle, strife" (related to win). First record of wartime is late M.E.; warpath (1775) is from N.Amer. Ind., as is war-whoop (1761); warship first attested 1533; war crime first attested 1906; warhorse, in the figurative sense of "seasoned veteran" of anything, is from 1837. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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