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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - tower


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Перевод с английского языка tower на русский

1. башня old tower —- старая башня staged tower —- ступенчатая башня (в виде пагоды) absorbing tower —- хим. поглотительная (абсорбционная) башня ivory tower —- образ. башня из слоновой кости the T. of Babel —- библ. вавилонская башня service tower —- косм. башня обслуживания, фермы обслуживания tower clock —- башенные часы tower house —- укрепленный замок с башенками tower telescope —- башенный телескоп 2. вышка lookout tower —- сторожевая (дозорная) вышка television relay tower —- телевизионная вышка boring tower —- буровая вышка observation tower —- наблюдательная вышка 3. укрепленное место; безопасное место; цитадель 4. опора, оплот a tower of strenght —- надежная опора; защитник, на которого можно полностью положиться 5. парящий полет (жаворонка, сокола и т. п.) 6. взлет раненой птицы (перед падением) 7. тех. вышка, башенная опора tower body —- колонна башенной опоры 8. архит. пилон 9. небоскреб, высотное здание 10. (дом-)башня (жилое или административное здание) Id: tower and town —- заселенное место, населенный пункт (также town and tower) Id: The T.,T. of London, His Majesty's T. —- Лондонский Тауэр 11. выситься the skyscrapers tower over the city —- небоскребы высятся над городом the ship towered full thirty foot from waterline to rail —- корабль поднимался над водой на высоту целых тридцати футов; от ватерлинии до леера корабля было целых тридцать футов 12. тянуться to tower in one's imagination —- воспарять в мыслях 13. подымать; возвышать the hills towered high their crowns —- холмы высоко подымали свои вершины 14. взлетать перед падением (на добычу - о ястребе; о раненой птице) 15. высоко парить (о жаворонке, соколе и т. п.) 16. бурлак 17. буксирное судно
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См. в других словарях

  above быть выше других; TOWER  1. noun  1) башня; вышка  2) цитадель, крепость  3) fig. оплот, опора; a tower of strength - надежная опора; защитник, на которого можно полностью положиться  2) the Tower (of London) - Тауэр (ранее - тюрьма, где содержались коронованные и др. знатные преступники, ныне - арсенал и музей средневекового оружия и орудий пытки)  3) tech. вышка  4) archit. пилон  2. v.  1) выситься, возвышаться (часто tower up)  2) быть выше других also fig. (above, over) - tower above ...
Англо-русский словарь
  – absorption tower ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) (многоместная) стойка (напр. для инструментов) 2) башенный (цилиндрический) накопитель ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) башенный 2) башня 3) вертикальный 4) выситься 5) вышка 6) колонна 7) колонный 8) мачта 9) машиностр. пост cell-type cooling tower — секционная градирня chimney-type cooling tower — башенная градирня class field tower — башня полей классов control tower service — аэро служба диспетчерская counterflow cooling tower — противоточная градирня deodorizing scrubbing tower — башенный промывной дезодоратор drip-type cooling tower — капельная градирня film-type cooling tower — пленочная градирня lime rock tower — энерг. колонна с известняком open-type cooling tower — атмосферная градирня primary distillation tower — энерг. колонна первичная tinplate reflow tower — башня оплавления жести tower of automorphism groups — башня групп автоморфизмов tower silo distributor — загрузчик силосных башен - absorption tower - anchor tower - antenna tower - bubble tower - char tower - concentrating tower - cooling tower - countercurrent tower - crane tower - cyclic tower - derivation tower - distilling tower - drying tower - flash tower - fractionating tower - hump tower - intake tower - interlocking tower - launching tower - looping pit tower - looping tower - mechanical-draft tower - normal tower - orchard tower - packed tower - pyramidal tower - reaction tower - reflow tower - reflux tower - service tower - simple tower - steam-stripping tower - surge tower - switch tower - tower acid - tower covering - tower crane - tower function - tower normalization - tower of fields - tower of submodules - tower pickler - tower silo - tower truck - tower wagon - tower winder - umbilical tower - void tower - yard tower ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (антенная) мачта 2) корпус ПК (стоячего типа) – antenna tower – dead-end tower – fixed-radio tower – telescopic tower – television tower – transmission tower ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  башня; здание башенного типа пилон (напр. висячего моста); опора (ЛЭП) вышка колонный аппарат aeration tower A-frame tower airport traffic control tower air-spripping tower atmospheric cooling tower atmospheric water tower bell tower biological tower boring tower clock tower control tower cooling tower counterflow cooling tower crane tower crossflow cooling tower diagonally braced frames tower double pylon tower drip-type cooling tower drop cooling tower elevator tower erection tower fan cooling tower film cooling tower fire tower fixed tower forced draft cooling tower gabled tower hinged tower hoist tower hyperbolic cooling tower induced draft cooling tower inner and outer tower intake tower king tower lantern tower lattice tower lift tower mechanical draft cooling tower mobile scaffold tower multistory tower natural draft cooling tower observation tower observing tower outdoor hoist tower overflow tower packed tower pier tower portal tower pouring tower radiating tower radio tower satellite tower service tower signal tower single column tower single pylon tower slewing tower spray cooling tower stationary tower surge tower telecommunication tower telescopic tower television tower tiltable tower tourist tower transmission tower tray tower ventilation cooling tower viewing tower water tower ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) башня; вышка; мачта; опора (ЛЭП) 2) горн. башенный копёр 3) пилон 4) высотное здание 5) хим. колонна 6) ж.-д. пост - absorption tower - acid tower - aeration tower - aerodrome control tower - aligning tower - alkaline tower - alkylate rerun tower - anchor tower - anemometer tower - angle tower - angle suspension tower - angle-tension tower - antenna tower - atmospheric cooling tower - atmospheric flash tower - baby tower - baffle tower - batch tower - batter-leg tower - boom tower - bubble cap tower - bubble plate tower - carbonating tower - centrifugal spray tower - chainette tower - chemical tower - circus tower - clay tower - coke-packed tower - condensate expansion tower - conveyor-support tower - cooling tower - crank-up tower - crest tower - crossflow water cooling tower - cross rope suspension tower - cyclonic spray tower - dead-end tower - depropanizing tower - derrick tower - diffusion tower - double-circuit tower - double-flow water cooling tower - drill tower - dry intake tower - dry spinning tower - electron bombardment evaporation tower - elevator tower - evaporation tower - evaporative cooling tower - extending tower - falling bead dry cooling tower - fan cooling tower - flare tower - flash tower - flexible steel tower - floodlight tower - folding tower - forced draft cooling tower - fuel-oil flash tower - gas stripping tower - gate tower - graduation tower - Gray tower - guyed tower - guyed V-tower - H-tower - hoist tower - hump tower - hydraulic foam tower - hyperbolic cooling tower - hyperbolic tower - induced-draft tower - intake tower - integrated tower - interlocking control tower - interlocking tower - knockout tower - lattice tower - leaching tower - lime rock tower - line tower - looping tower - looping pit tower - mechanical-draft cooling tower - mechanical cooling tower - metal tower - mud-cooling tower - multiple-draw fractionating tower - multistage tower - natural draft cooling tower - offshore tower - open water cooling tower - outlet...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a tall esp. square or circular structure, often part of a church, castle, etc. b a fortress etc. comprising or including a tower. c a tall structure housing machinery, apparatus, operators, etc. (cooling tower; control tower). 2 a place of defence; a protection. --v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by above, high) reach or be high or above; be superior. 2 (of a bird) soar or hover. 3 (as towering adj.) a high, lofty (towering intellect). b violent (towering rage). Phrases and idioms tower block a tall building containing offices or flats. tower of silence a tall open-topped structure on which Parsees place their dead. tower of strength a person who gives strong and reliable support. Derivatives towered adj. towery adj. Etymology: OE torr, & ME tur, AF & OF tur etc., f. L turris f. Gk ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English tour, tor, from Old English torr & Anglo-French tur, tour, both from Latin turris, from Greek tyrris, tyrsis  Date: before 12th century  1. a building or structure typically higher than its diameter and high relative to its surroundings that may stand apart (as a campanile) or be attached (as a church belfry) to a larger structure and that may be fully walled in or of skeleton framework (as an observation or transmission ~)  2. a ~ing citadel ; fortress  3. one that provides support or protection ; bulwark a ~ of strength  4. a personal computer case that stands in an upright position  • ~ed adjective  • ~like adjective  II. intransitive verb  Date: 15th century  1. to reach or rise to a great height  2. to exhibit superior qualities ; surpass her intellect ~ed over the others' ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (towers, towering, towered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A tower is a tall, narrow building, that either stands alone or forms part of another building such as a church or castle. ...an eleventh century castle with 120-foot high towers. ...the Leaning Tower of Pisa. N-COUNT; N-IN-NAMES 2. Someone or something that towers over surrounding people or things is a lot taller than they are. He stood up and towered over her... VERB: V over/above n 3. A tower is a tall structure that is used for sending radio or television signals. Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower. N-COUNT 4. A tower is the same as a tower block. ...his design for a new office tower in Frankfurt. N-COUNT 5. A tower is a tall box that contains the main parts of a computer, such as the hard disk and the drives. (COMPUTING) N-COUNT 6. see also clock tower, control tower, ivory tower 7. If you refer to someone as a tower of strength, you appreciate them because they give you a lot of help, support, and encouragement when you have problems or are in a difficult situation. Pat was a tower of strength to our whole family. PHRASE: tower inflects, v-link PHR, oft PHR to n c darkgreen]approval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a tall narrow building either built on its own or forming part of a castle, church etc  (They rebuilt the church tower in the 1870s.) 2 a tall structure, often made of metal, used for signalling, broadcasting etc  (an air traffic control tower) 3 tower of strength someone who gives you a lot of help, sympathy, and support when you are in trouble  (Her father was a tower of strength to her when her marriage broke up.)  (- see also cooling tower, ivory tower ivory (6), water tower) ~2 v 1 to be much taller than the people or things around you + about/over  (Graham was ft, and towered over the rest of us.) 2 to be much better than any other person or organization that does the same thing as you + about/over  (Mozart towers over all other composers.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. torr, from L. turris "high structure," possibly from a pre-I.E. Mediterranean language. Also borrowed separately 13c. as tour, from O.Fr. tur. The modern spelling first recorded in 1526. The verb is 14c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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