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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - take off


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Перевод с английского языка take off на русский

take off
1. убирать, уносить, снимать to take everything off —- все убрать 2. уводить, увозить he took me off to the garden —- он увел меня в сад he was taken off to jail —- его забрали в тюрьму to take off the survivors from an island —- снять потерпевших с острова 3. уходить to take oneself off —- уйти, удалиться take (yourself) off! —- уходи!, убирайся! he took himself off quietly —- он тихо удалился 4. удалять to take off a leg —- ампутировать ногу to take off one's moustache —- сбрить усы a grenade had taken off his leg —- ему оторвало ногу гранатой 5. поднимать, снимать to take off the receiver —- снять трубку (телефона) to take off the lid —- снять крышку 6. снимать, сбрасывать to take off one's clothes —- раздеваться to take off one's coat —- снимать пальто to take everything off —- снять (с себя) все, раздеться совсем to take off a tyre —- снять покрышку (с колеса) 7. уменьшать, сбавлять, снижать he took off weight every summer —- он сбавлял в весе (худел) каждое лето to take off ten dollars from the total —- вычесть десять долларов из общей суммы I can't take off a penny —- не могу уступить ни пенса 8. ослаблять; отпускать to take off the brake —- отпускать тормоз 9. ав. взлетать, отрываться от земли или воды the plane takes off at six —- самолет вылетает в шесть to take off from the deck —- взлететь с палубы (авианосца) 10. срываться (с места) she took off at a run —- она сорвались с места и побежала when the horses took off —- когда лошади поскакали 11. разг. давать стрекача, деру, тягу; пускаться наутек; "сниматься"; улизнуть, исчезнуть he took off at the first sign of trouble —- при первых признаках заварушки он дал деру 12. разг. начинать he took off from here —- он начал с этого места; он отправился (вышел в путь) отсюда 13. отскакивать the ball took off from the post —- мяч отскочил от штанги 14. брать начало, ответвляться the rive takes off from this lake —- река вытекает из этого озера 15. отводить, ответвлять to take off current from the main line —- сделать отвод от электромагистрали 16. уменьшаться; прекращаться the wind is taking off —- ветер стихает 17. убивать; уничтожать the plague took off her parents —- ее родители погибли от чумы the sniper took the enemy officer off with one shot —- снайпер одним выстрелом сиял (убил) вражеского офицера a strong cup of tea takes off the effects of weariness —- чашка крепкого чая снимает ощущение усталости 18. пить залпом, глотать to take off a dose of medicine —- проглотить лекарство he took off the gin —- он залпом выпил джин 19. сл. грабить 20. (on) разг. критиковать (кого-л.); набрасываться (на кого-л.)
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) coll. подражание; карикатура  2) aeron. подъем, взлет; отрыв от земли  3) место, с которого производится взлет, отрыв от земли Syn: see caricature ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. гл. сбавлять, снижать, уменьшать(ся) 2. сущ. материально-техническое обеспечение Syn: maintenance ср. также take-off TAKE OFF гл. 1) общ. убирать, уносить 2) общ. поднимать, снимать; подниматься; взлетать 3) общ. уменьшать(ся); потерять ( в весе ); прекращаться 4) общ. сбавлять, снижать (напр. цену) 5) общ. уходить 6) бирж. быстро подниматься (о фондовой конъюнктуре или о курсе ценной бумаги) See: market situation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  матем. отнимать, вычитать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ответвление (трубопровода), несимметричный (косой) тройник power take-off отбор мощности вал отбора мощности take-off of the pile ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
   verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. remove take your shoes off  2.  a. release take the brake off  b. discontinue, withdraw took off the morning train  c. to take or allow as a discount ; deduct took 10 percent off  d. to spend (a period of time) away from a usual occupation or activity took two weeks off  3. slang rob  intransitive verb  1. to take away ; detract  2.  a. to start off or away often suddenly ; set out, depart took off for her trip  b.  (1) to branch off (as from a main stream or stem)  (2) to take a point of origin  c. to begin a leap or spring  d. to leave the surface ; begin flight  e. to embark on rapid activity, development, or growth  f. to spring into wide use or popularity ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. When an aeroplane takes off, it leaves the ground and starts flying. We eventually took off at 11 o’clock and arrived in Venice at 1.30. ? land PHRASAL VERB: V P 2. If something such as a product, an activity, or someone’s career takes off, it suddenly becomes very successful. In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off. PHRASAL VERB: V P 3. If you take off or take yourself off, you go away, often suddenly and unexpectedly. He took off at once and headed back to the motel... He took himself off to Mexico. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V pron-refl P 4. If you take a garment off, you remove it. He wouldn’t take his hat off... She took off her spectacles. ? put on PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 5. If you take time off, you obtain permission not to go to work for a short period of time. Mitchel’s schedule had not permitted him to take time off... She took two days off work. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V n P n 6. If you take someone off, you make them go with you to a particular place, especially when they do not want to go there. The police stopped her and took her off to a police station... = take away PHRASAL VERB: V n P prep/adv 7. If you take someone off, you imitate them and the things that they do and say, in such a way that you make other people laugh. (mainly BRIT) Mike can take off his father to perfection. = mimic PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 8. see also takeoff ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the time when a plane or rocket rises into the air 2 the act of leaving the ground as you make a jump 3 an amusing performance that copies the way someone behaves  (Suzie did a brilliant take-off of the principal.)  (- see also take off take1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  {v. phr.} 1a. To leave fast; depart suddenly; run away. * /The dog took off after a rabbit./ Compare: LIGHT OUT. 1b. {informal} To go away; leave. * /The six boys got into the car and took off for the drug store./ 2. To leave on a flight, begin going up. * /A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down./ 3. {informal} To imitate amusingly; copy another person's habitual actions or speech. * /He made a career of taking off famous people for nightclub audiences./ * /At the party, Charlie took off the principal and some of the teachers./ 4. To take (time) to be absent from work. * /When his wife was sick he took off from work./ * /Bill was tired out so he took the day off./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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