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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - take in


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Перевод с английского языка take in на русский

take in
1. принимать; предоставлять приют to take in guests —- принимать гостей (в гостинице и т. п.) to take in a refugee —- приютить беженца she took in the boy after his mother's death —- она взяла мальчика к себе после смерти его матери can you take me in for a day or two? —- мне можно будет остановиться у тебя на один-два дня? 2. брать (жильцов и т. п.) to take in paying guests —- брать жильцов с пансионом, сдавать комнаты с питанием 3. брать (работу на дом) to take in washing —- брать на дом стирку 4. выписывать, регулярно получать или покупать (газету и т. п.) to take in a French newspaper —- подписываться на (выписывать) французскую газету 5. включать, содержать an inventory that takes in all the contents of the room —- опись, включающая все, что находится в комнате our tour took in all the important towns —- наша поездка охватывала все важнейшие города 6. принимать в долю, делать участником he was taken in at the distribution of the profits —- при распределении прибыли ему выделили долю 7. пропускать to take in water —- давать течь(о лодке и т. п.) my shoes take in water —- мои ботинки промокают; мои ботинки прохудились 8. занимать, присоединять (территорию) the empire took in all these countries —- империя поглотида все эти страны 9. запасаться to take in coal for the winter —- запастись углем на зиму to take in fresh water —- мор. брать пресную воду 10. собирать to take in the harvest —- убрать (снять) урожай to take in taxes —- собирать налоги 11. инкассировать (деньги) 12. понять сущность (чего-л.); усвоить, разобраться to take in the situation —- разобраться в ситуации it wasn't easy to take in the matter —- было нелегко понять суть дела give me time to take it all in —- дай мне время разобраться во всем этом he took it all in at a glance —- ему было достаточно одного взгляда, чтобы все понять 13. обманывать, надувать, одурачивать to take in a customer —- обмануть клиента to be taken in —- быть обманутым, попасться I was taken in by his appearance —- меня ввел в заблуждение его (внешний) вид I am not to be taken in by your fine words —- я не верю твоим коасивым словам he was not taken in by flattery —- он не поддавался на лесть she was taken in again by the same trick —- она снова попалась на ту же удочку he was properly taken in —- разг. его здорово провели he's not a man to be taken in —- его не проведешь, его вокруг пальца не обведешь; он стреляный воробей 14. поверить (ложным заявлениям) he takes it all in —- он верит всему, что бы ему ни говорили) he took in the explanation without question —- это объяснение не вызвало у него сомнений 15. ушивать (одежду) to take in a seam —- убирать в швах to take in (at) the waist —- ушить в талии to take in a sleeve —- сузить (ушить) рукав 16. убирать (паруса) to take in a reef —- взять риф 17. сопровождать to take a lady in to dinner —- вести даму к столу 18. передавать he took my card in —- он взял мою визитную карточку и передал ее хозяину please, take in my name —- пожалуйста, объявите меня 19. смотреть, видеть the enemy positions could be taken in from the tower —- расположение войск противника можно было рассмотреть с башни the eye cannot take in the whole valley —- всю долину взглядом не обхватишь 20. ам. осматривать (достопримечательности); посещать (памятные места, зрелищные предприятия и т. п.) the tourists took in the Kremlin —- туристы осмотрели Кремль we can take in a movie tonight —- мы сможем пойти в кино сегодня вечером it's too late to take in her party —- уже поздно идти к ней на вечеринку
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Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) брать (груз) 2) собирать (урожай) - take in pledge - take in taxes - take in the harvest ...
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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
   transitive verb  Date: circa 1515  1. to draw into a smaller compass ~ the slack of a line:  a. furl  b. to make (a garment) smaller by enlarging seams or tucks  2.  a. to receive as a guest or lodger  b. to give shelter to  c. to take to a police station as a prisoner  3. to receive as payment or proceeds  4. to receive (work) into one's house to be done for pay ~ washing  5. to encompass within its limits  6.  a. to include in an itinerary  b. attend ~ a movie  7. to receive into the mind ; perceive took in the view  8. deceive, dupe ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If you take someone in, you allow them to stay in your house or your country, especially when they do not have anywhere to stay or are in trouble. He persuaded Jo to take him in... The monastery has taken in 26 refugees. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 2. If the police take someone in, they remove them from their home in order to question them. The police have taken him in for questioning in connection with the murder of a girl. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, also V P n (not pron) 3. If you are taken in by someone or something, you are deceived by them, so that you get a false impression of them. I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm–which soon vanished... I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in. PHRASAL VERB: be V-ed P, V n P 4. If you take something in, you pay attention to it and understand it when you hear it or read it. Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she’s not taking it in... Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 5. If you take something in, you see all of it at the same time or with just one look. The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 6. If you take in something such as a film or a museum, you go to see it. (INFORMAL) I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening. PHRASAL VERB: no passive, V P n (not pron), also V n P 7. If people, animals, or plants take in air, drink, or food, they allow it to enter their body, usually by breathing or swallowing. They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 8. If you take in a dress, jacket, or other item of clothing, you make it smaller and tighter. She had taken in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body. ? let out PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 9. If a store, restaurant, theatre, or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  {v.} 1. To include. * /The country's boundaries were changed to fake in a piece of land beyond the river./ * /The class of mammals takes in nearly all warm-blooded animals except the birds./ 2. To go and see; visit. * /The students decided to take in a movie while they were in town./ * /We planned to take in Niagara Palls and Yellowstone Park on our trip./ 3. To make smaller. * /This waistband is too big; it must be taken in about an inch./ * /They had to take in some sail to keep the ship from turning over in the storm./ 4. To grasp with the mind; understand. * /He didn't take in what he read because his mind was on something else./ * /He took in the situation at a glance./ 5a. To deceive; cheat; fool. * /The teacher was taken in by the boy's innocent manner./ Compare: PUT OVER, ROPE IN. 5b. To accept without question; believe. * /The magician did many tricks, and the children took it all in./ 6a. To receive; get. * /The senior class held a dance to make money and took in over a hundred dollars./ 6b. Let come in; admit. * /The farmer took in the lost travelers for the night./ * /When her husband died, Mrs. Smith took in boarders./ 7. To see or hear with interest; pay close attention to, * /When Bill told about his adventures, the other boys took it all in./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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