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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - steel


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Перевод с английского языка steel на русский

1. сталь alloy steel —- легированная сталь structural steel —- конструкционная сталь; строительная сталь a grip of steel —- железная хватка 2. стальной инструмент или предмет 3. точило (также rod of steel) 4. огниво 5. стальная пластинка (для корсета, кринолина и т. п.) 6. горн. стальной бур 7. холодное оружие, меч, шпага (также cold steel) an enemy worthy of one's steel —- достойный противник 8. твердость 9. фин. акции сталелитейных компаний 10. ам. серый цвет с голубоватым отливом Id: true as steel —- абсолютно преданный и верный 11. стальной steel construction —- стальная конструкция, металлоконструкция steel rope —- стальной трос steel tape —- стальная рулетка, рулетка со стальной мерной лентой steel furnace —- сталеплавильная печь 12. покрывать сталью; наваривать сталью 13. снабжать стальным наконечником и т. п. 14. закалять 15. ожесточать to steel one's heart —- ожесточиться, стать безжалостным; закалиться, стать мужественным to steel oneself against compassion (pity) —- не давать себя разжалобить to steel oneself to do smth. —- приготовиться (собраться с силами) сделать что-л.
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См. в других словарях

  nerves железные нервы; STEEL band noun шумовой оркестр, играющий на канистрах, бочках и т.п. STEEL wool тонкая стальная стружка для чистки кастрюль и т.п. STEEL  1. noun  1) сталь; a grip of steel - железная хватка  2) меч, шпага; an enemy worthy of ones steel - достойный противник  3) огниво  4) стальная пластинка  5) tech. стальной бур  7) твердость true as steel - абсолютно преданный и верный  2. adj.  1) стальной  2) жестокий  3. v.  1) покрывать сталью; снабжать стальным наконечником и т.п.  2) закалять; fig. ожесточать; to steel ones heart, to steel oneself against pity - заставить себя забыть жалость; ожесточиться ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ. сталь - bilateral steel agreements ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) насталивать 2) стале 3) сталелитейный 4) сталеплавильный 5) сталь 6) стальной bearing steel bars — несущая арматура для железобетона blow steel fully — продувать сталь полностью coiled steel strip — стальная рулонная полоса integrated steel plant — метал. комбинат металлургический non-integrated steel works — завод с прокатными цехами rail-and-structural steel mill — рельсобалочный прокатный стан tensioning of the steel — натяжение арматуры twisted steel bars — крученая арматура для железобетона - Damascus steel - Damask steel - acid steel - aircraft steel - austenitic steel - automatic steel - basic steel - bearing steel - bessemer steel - blue steel - boiler steel - carbon steel - cast steel - chromium steel - clad steel - corrugate steel - crucible steel - dynamo steel - extra-hard steel - fagot steel - fire-box steel - free-cutting steel - friction of steel - galvanize steel - grain-oriented steel - hexagonal steel - high-alloy steel - high-temperature steel - hypereutectoid steel - hypoeutectoid steel - kill steel - killed steel - low-alloyed steel - low-carbon steel - make steel - manganese steel - martensitic steel - nitralloy steel - nitride steel - nitrided steel - normatize steel - off-grade steel - overblow steel - pearlitic steel - pickle steel - pipe steel - place steel - plain steel - ply steel - rail steel - reheat steel - reinforcement steel - reinforcing-bar steel - rimmed steel - rising steel - rivet steel - rod steel - rolled steel - shallow-hardening steel - sheet steel - shipbuilding steel - silicon steel - skelp steel - special steel - spring steel - stainless steel - steel casting - steel construction - steel cord - steel facing - steel industry - steel matrix - steel mill - steel pipe - steel quality - steel reinforcement - steel ribbon - steel...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сталь арматура (железобетонных конструкций) acid steel alloy steel aluminum-clad steel aluminum-coated sheet steel band steel beam steel bottom-mat steel carbon steel cast steel clad steel colorcoat steel galvanized steel high-carbon steel high-strength steel high-tensile steel high yield stress steel hot dipped galvanized steel light section steel used in building low-carbon steel mild steel notch ductile steel plate steel post-tensioned steel prestressing steel pretensioned steel protruding reinforcing steel reinforcement steel rod steel rolled steel roof steel sheet steel stainless steel stainless clad steel strip steel structural steel structural-grade steel temperature steel thin sheet steel top-mat steel vinyl-coated steel weathering steel work-hardened steel zinc-coated steel ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сталь 2) арматура (железобетона) steel for arctic service — сталь северного исполнения - abnormal steel - abrasion-resistant steel - active steel - age-hardenable steel - aging steel - air-melted steel - alloy-free steel - alphatized steel - aluminized steel - aluminum grain-refined steel - aluminum-killed steel - annealed steel - arc-furnace steel - ausaging steel - ausforming steel - austenitic-carbidic steel - austenitic heat-resistant steel - austenitic-intermetallic steel - automatic steel - bainitically heat-treated steel - balanced steel - ball bearing steel - banding steel - basic converter steel - basic oxygen steel - Bessemer steel - blister steel - boron steel - bottle-top steel - bottom-run steel - bright drawing steel - butcher's steel - capped steel - carbon steel - carbon-free steel - carbon tool steel - carbon-vacuum deoxidized steel - cast steel - chrome-plated steel - chromium steel - chromium-nickel steel - chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel - clad sheet steel - cobalt-nickel steel - coiled steel - cold-drawn steel - cold-heading steel - cold-rolled steel - cold-strip steel - commercial quality steel - composite steel - compound steel - compression steel - consumable electrode vacuum-melted steel - controlled rimming steel - converter steel - copper-bearing steel - corrosion-resistant steel - corrugated sheet steel - creep-resisting steel - crude steel - cryogenic steel - deep-drawing quality steel - deep-drawing steel - degasified steel - deoxidized steel - die steel - direct-hardening steel - dispersion-hardening steel - distribution steel - doped steel - double-reduced steel - drawing quality steel - drawn steel - drill steel - duplex steel - effervescent steel - electrical steel - electric steel - exposed quality steel - extradeep drawing steel - extrahigh tensile steel - extrasoft steel - face-hardened steel - fast-finishing steel - faulty steel - ferritic steel - fine-grained steel - finished steel - free-machining steel - galvanized steel - general-purpose steel -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 any of various alloys of iron and carbon with other elements increasing strength and malleability, much used for making tools, weapons, etc., and capable of being tempered to many different degrees of hardness. 2 hardness of character; strength, firmness (nerves of steel). 3 a a rod of steel, usu. roughened and tapering, on which knives are sharpened. b a strip of steel for expanding a skirt or stiffening a corset. 4 (not in pl.) literary a sword, lance, etc. (foemen worthy of their steel). --adj. 1 made of steel. 2 like or having the characteristics of steel. --v.tr. & refl. harden or make resolute (steeled myself for a shock). Phrases and idioms cold steel cutting or thrusting weapons. pressed steel steel moulded under pressure. steel band a group of usu. W. Indian musicians with percussion instruments made from oil drums. steel-clad wearing armour. steel engraving the process of engraving on or an impression taken from a steel-coated copper plate. steel wool an abrasive substance consisting of a mass of fine steel shavings. Etymology: OE style, steli f. Gmc, rel. to STAY(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English stele, from Old English sty?le, stele; akin to Old High German stahal ~ and perhaps to Sanskrit stakati he resists  Date: before 12th century  1. commercial iron that contains carbon in any amount up to about 1.7 percent as an essential alloying constituent, is malleable when under suitable conditions, and is distinguished from cast iron by its malleability and lower carbon content  2. an instrument or implement of or characteristically of ~: as  a. a thrusting or cutting weapon  b. an instrument (as a fluted round rod with a handle) for sharpening knives  c. a piece of ~ for striking sparks from flint  3. a quality (as hardness of mind or spirit) that suggests ~ nerves of ~  4.  a. the ~ manufacturing industry  b. plural shares of stock in ~ companies  II. transitive verb  Date: 13th century  1. to overlay, point, or edge with ~  2.  a. to cause to resemble ~ (as in looks or hardness)  b. to fill with resolution or determination ~ed herself to face the crisis  III. adjective  Date: 13th century  1. made of ~  2. of or relating to the production of ~  3. resembling ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (steels, steeling, steeled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Steel is a very strong metal which is made mainly from iron. Steel is used for making many things, for example bridges, buildings, vehicles, and cutlery. ...steel pipes. ...the iron and steel industry... The front wall is made of corrugated steel. N-MASS: oft N n see also stainless steel 2. Steel is used to refer to the industry that produces steel and items made of steel. ...a three-month study of European steel... N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 3. If you steel yourself, you prepare to deal with something unpleasant. Those involved are steeling themselves for the coming battle... I was steeling myself to call round when Simon arrived. VERB: V pron-refl for/against n, V pron-refl to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 strong metal that can be shaped easily, consisting of iron and carbon  (A bridge made of steel | stainless steel)  (stainless steel cutlery) 2 the industry that makes steel  (Sheffield is a major steel town.) 3 nerves of steel the ability to be brave and calm in a dangerous or difficult situation  (You need nerves of steel to be a racing driver.) 4 a thin bar of steel used to sharpen knives ~2 v steel yourself to prepare yourself to do something that you know will be unpleasant or upsetting  (steel yourself to do sth)  (Bob steeled himself to tell her about her father's death.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. style, from W.Gmc. adj. *stakhlijan "made of steel," related to *stakhla "standing fast," both from base *stakh-/*stagh- "be firm." The verb sense of "make hard or strong like steel" is first recorded 1581. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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