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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - squat


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Перевод с английского языка squat на русский

1. сидение на корточках 2. припадание к земле (животных) 3. спорт. упор присев 4. ам. норка (мелкого животного 5. ам. студ. жарг. ноль 6. маленький и широкий; приземистый, коренастый squat man —- коренастый человек squat building —- приземистое здание 7. чаще predic сидящий на корточках; скорчившийся 8. прижавшийся, припавший к земле (о животных) 9. (часто squat down) сидеть на корточках to squat a la Japonaise —- сидеть по-японски (на пятках) to squat crosslegged —- сидеть по-турецки 10. садиться на корточки, приседать 11. припадать к земле (о животных) 12. разг. садиться, присесть 13. преим. ист. селиться на незанятой земле, выделенной государством; осваивать новые земли; становиться скваттером 14. самовольно селиться на чужой или государственной земле 15. вселяться в пустующий дом без разрешения владельца 16. редк. опускаться, погружаться Id: to squat hot —- сл. "посидеть на горячем", умереть на электрическом стуле 17. геол. небольшое рудное тело
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) сидение на корточках  2) нора  2. v.  1) сидеть на корточках; припадать к земле (о животных) (тж. squat down); The children squatted down to draw on the sand.  2) селиться самовольно на чужой земле; незаконно вселяться в дом  3) coll. садиться  4) селиться на государственной земле  3. adj. короткий и толстый, приземистый Syn: see small ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) нора, берлога; лежать в норе или берлоге 2) этол. припадание к земле; приседание; припадать к земле ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  v., adj., & n. --v. (squatted, squatting) 1 intr. a crouch with the hams resting on the backs of the heels. b sit on the ground etc. with the knees drawn up and the heels close to or touching the hams. 2 tr. put (a person) into a squatting position. 3 intr. colloq. sit down. 4 a intr. act as a squatter. b tr. occupy (a building) as a squatter. 5 intr. (of an animal) crouch close to the ground. --adj. (squatter, squattest) 1 (of a person etc.) short and thick, dumpy. 2 in a squatting posture. --n. 1 a squatting posture. 2 a a place occupied by a squatter or squatters. b being a squatter. Derivatives squatly adv. squatness n. Etymology: ME f. OF esquatir flatten f. es- EX-(1) + quatir press down, crouch ult. f. L coactus past part. of cogere compel: see COGENT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English ~ten to crush, crouch in hiding, from Middle French (Picard dialect) e~ir, escuater, from Old French es- ex- + quatir to hide, from Vulgar Latin *coactire to squeeze, alteration of Latin coactare to compel — more at cache  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to cause (oneself) to crouch or sit on the ground  2. to occupy as a ~ter ~ in an abandoned building  intransitive verb  1. to crouch close to the ground as if to escape observation a hare ~ting in the grass  2. to assume or maintain a position in which the body is supported on the feet and the knees are bent so that the buttocks rest on or near the heels  3. to be or become a ~ter  II. adjective  (~ter; ~test)  Date: 15th century  1. sitting with the haunches close above the heels  2.  a. low to the ground  b. marked by disproportionate shortness or thickness  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  III. noun  Date: 1580  1.  a. the act of ~ting  b. the posture of one that ~s  2.  a. a place where one ~s  b. the lair of a small animal the ~ of a hare  3. a lift in which a standing weight lifter drops to a ~ting position and then rises to an upright position while holding a barbell on the shoulders; also a competitive event involving this lift  4. chiefly British an empty house or building that is occupied by ~ters  5. slang diddly-~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (squats, squatting, squatted) 1. If you squat, you lower yourself towards the ground, balancing on your feet with your legs bent. We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down... He came over and squatted on his heels, looking up at the boys. = crouch VERB: V, V on n • Squat down means the same as squat. Albert squatted down and examined it... She had squatted down on her heels. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P prep • Squat is also a noun. He bent to a squat and gathered the puppies on his lap. N-SING: a N 2. If you describe someone or something as squat, you mean they are short and thick, usually in an unattractive way. Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. People who squat occupy an unused building or unused land without having a legal right to do so. You can’t simply wander around squatting on other people’s property... They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping. VERB: V, V n 4. A squat is an empty building that people are living in illegally, without paying any rent or any property tax. After returning from Paris, David moved to a squat in Brixton... N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v squatted, squatting 1 also squat down to sit with your knees bent under you, your bottom off the ground, and balancing on your feet + on/behind/in etc  (Parsons squatted down beside the footprints to get a better look.) 2 to live in a building or on a piece of land without permission and without paying rent  (There are people squatting in the house next door.) ~2 adj unattractively short and thick or low and wide  (squat stone cottages roofed in slate) ~3 n 1 a squatting position 2 BrE a house that people are living in without permission and without paying rent  (She lives in a draughty squat in Camden.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from O.Fr. esquatir "press down, lay flat, crush," from es- "out" (from L. ex-) + O.Fr. quatir "press down, flatten," from V.L. *coactire "press together, force," from L. coactus, pp. of cogere "compel." Meaning "crouch on the heels" first recorded 1410. The adjective sense of "short, thick" dates from 1630. Squatter "settler who occupies land without legal title" first recorded 1788. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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