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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - spin


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Перевод с английского языка spin на русский

1. прясть; сучить; скручивать (нитку) wool spun by hand —- шерсть ручного прядения cotton is spun into thread, thread is spun out of cotton —- нитки прядутся из хлопка 2. прясть, плести (о пауке, шелковичном черве и т. п.) to spin a cocoon —- заплести (спрясть) кокон 3. составлять, стряпать (также spin out) to spin intrigues —- плести интриги to spin stories (a yarn), —- сл. to spin a cuffer (a diffy) плести (сочинять) небылицы, рассказывать невероятные истории 4. кружение, верчение, вращение a spin of a top —- вращение волчка to give a coin a spin —- крутануть монету to put a lot of spin on a ball —- сильно "закрутить" мяч (теннис) 5. вращение (фигурное катание) airplane spin —- вращение в положении "ласточка"; "либела" combined (double) spin —- парное вращение cross-foot spin —- вращение "винт" ("штопор") one foot spin —- пируэт sit spin —- "волчок", нижнее вращение 6. разг. замешательство, волнение flat spin —- паника 7. ав. штопор spin recovery —- выход из штопора to go into a spin —- войти в штопор 8. резкое, угрожающее падение steel prices went into a spin —- цены на сталь резко упали (все время снижаются) 9. австрал. судьба; удача или неудача 10. -физ спин 11. дор. занос (автомобиля при торможении; также spin skidding) 12. крутить, вертеть, кружить to spin a top —- (за)пускать волчок to spin a coin on the table —- крутануть монету на столе to spin the prop —- ав. разг. запустить двигатель to spin the ball —- "закрутить" мяч 13. крутиться, вертеться, кружиться; описывать круги to send one spinning —- отбросить кого-л. ударом my head spins —- у меня голова кругом идет the room seemed to spin round —- комната поплыла у меня перед глазами he spun upon his heel and went out —- он повернулся на каблуке и вышел 14. ав. выполнять штопор 15. ав. входить в штопор to spin in —- врезаться в землю при штопоре to spin off —- выходить из штопора 16. сл. проваливать на экзамене 17. рыб. ловить рыбу на блесну, на спиннинг 18. струя быстро текущей жидкости 19. быстрая езда 20. непродолжительная прогулка или поездка (на автомобиле, велосипеде и т. п.) to go for a spin in a car —- прокатиться в автомобиле 21. быстро течь, литься, бить струей 22. быстро двигаться, нестись, быстро ехать (в автомобиле, на велосипеде и т. п.) 23. быстро проходить, кончаться (также spin away) his money spins —- деньги у него расходятся быстро time spins away —- время летит незаметно
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См. в других словарях

  см. spin control ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  плести (паутину) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. 1) прясть, плести 2) составлять, состряпать - spin out money ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  собственное вращение; буксование; проскальзывание при вращении ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) быстро двигаться 2) вращение 3) выпрядать 4) испрясть 5) кружение 6) крутить 7) насучивать 8) нестись 9) спин 10) спиновый 11) штопор 12) штопорить go out of spin — выходить из штопор incipient accidental spin — вращение аэроинерционное put ailerons against spin — отклонять элероны против штопора put ailerons with spin — отклонять элероны по штопору snap into spin — сваливаться в штопор spin magnetic moment — спиновый магнитный момент spin quantum number — спиновое квантовое число stall and spin entry — физ. срыв в штопор - channel spin - flat spin - integer spin - inverted spin - isotopic spin - left spin - nuclear spin - oscillatory spin - pertaining to spin - spin axis - spin base - spin echo - spin fibers - spin flip - spin frame - spin gyro - spin laser - spin manifold - spin matrix - spin model - spin of electron - spin operator - spin silk - spin stabilization - spin structure - spin superconnection - spin susceptibility - spin tensor - spin up wheels - spin vector - stable spin - steep spin - wheel spin - with spin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) быстрое вращение; кручение быстро вращаться; вертеть(ся); крутиться 2) физ. спин 3) центрифугирование центрифугировать 4) возд. штопор вводить в штопор 5) скручивание; свивка; закрутка скручивать; свивать; закручивать 6) вытягивать нить; тянуть в нить 7) формовать (волокно) 8) прясть; сучить 9) выдавливать (на токарно-давильном станке) 10) свинчивать или развинчивать (бурильные или лифтовые трубы) 11) спин (органический пигмент) to spin a full 360 degrees — поворачивать(ся) на 360°; to spin away — раскручивать (напр. заготовку при сверлении); to spin off — удалять центрифугированием; отфуговывать (в производстве сахара); to spin out — развинчивать; to spin up — свинчивать - antiparallel spins - electronic spin - electron spin - flat spin - integral spin - intrinsic spin - inverted spin - minus spin - nuclear spin - parallel spins - plus spin - steep spin - zero spin ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (spinning; past and past part. spun) 1 intr. & tr. turn or cause (a person or thing) to turn or whirl round quickly. 2 tr. (also absol.) a draw out and twist (wool, cotton, etc.) into threads. b make (yarn) in this way. c make a similar type of thread from (a synthetic substance etc.). 3 tr. (of a spider, silkworm, etc.) make (a web, gossamer, a cocoon, etc.) by extruding a fine viscous thread. 4 tr. tell or write (a story, essay, article, etc.) (spins a good tale). 5 tr. impart spin to (a ball). 6 intr. (of a person's head etc.) be dizzy through excitement, astonishment, etc. 7 tr. shape (metal) on a mould in a lathe etc. 8 intr. esp. Cricket (of a ball) move through the air with spin. 9 tr. (as spun adj.) converted into threads (spun glass; spun gold; spun sugar). 10 tr. fish in (a stream, pool, etc.) with a spinner. 11 tr. toss (a coin). 12 tr. = spin-dry. --n. 1 a spinning motion; a whirl. 2 an aircraft's diving descent combined with rotation. 3 a a revolving motion through the air, esp. in a rifle bullet or in a billiard, tennis, or table tennis ball struck aslant. b Cricket a twisting motion given to the ball in bowling. 4 colloq. a brief drive in a motor vehicle, aeroplane, etc., esp. for pleasure. 5 Physics the intrinsic angular momentum of an elementary particle. 6 Austral. & NZ sl. a piece of good or bad luck. Phrases and idioms spin bowler Cricket an expert at bowling with spin. spin-drier a machine for drying wet clothes etc. centrifugally in a revolving drum. spin-dry (-dries, -dried) dry (clothes etc.) in this way. spin off throw off by centrifugal force in spinning. spin-off n. an incidental result or results esp. as a side benefit from industrial technology. spin out 1 prolong (a discussion etc.). 2 make (a story, money, etc.) last as long as possible. 3 spend or consume (time, one's life, etc., by discussion or in an occupation etc.). 4 Cricket dismiss (a batsman or side) by spin bowling. spin a yarn orig. Naut. tell a story. spun silk a cheap material made of short-fibred and waste silk. spun...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (spun; ~ning)  Etymology: Middle English ~nen, from Old English ~nan; akin to Old High German ~nan to ~ and perhaps to Lithuanian spesti to set (a trap)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to draw out and twist fiber into yarn or thread  2. to form a thread by extruding a viscous rapidly hardening fluid — used especially of a spider or insect  3.  a. to revolve rapidly ; gyrate  b. to feel as if in a whirl ; reel my head is ~ning  4. to move swiftly especially on or as if on wheels or in a vehicle  5. to fish with ~ning bait ; troll  6.  a. of an airplane to fall in a ~  b. to plunge helplessly and out of control  7. to engage in ~ control (as in politics)  transitive verb  1.  a. to draw out and twist into yarns or threads  b. to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material  2. to form (as a web or cocoon) by ~ning  3.  a. to stretch out or extend (as a story) lengthily ; protract — usually used with out  b. to evolve, express, or fabricate by processes of mind or imagination ~ a yarn  4. to cause to whirl ; impart ~ to ~ a top  5. to shape into threadlike form in manufacture; also to manufacture by a whirling process  6. to set (records or compact discs) rotating on a player ; play ~ some discs  7. to present (as information) with a particular ~ ~ the statistics  II. noun  Date: 1831  1.  a. the act of ~ning or twirling something; also an instance of ~ning or of ~ning something doing axels and ~s an assortment of ~s and lobs  b. the whirling motion imparted (as to a ball or top) by ~ning  c. an excursion or ride in a vehicle especially on wheels go for a ~  2.  a. an aerial maneuver or flight condition consisting of a combination of roll and yaw with the longitudinal axis of the airplane inclined steeply downward  b. a plunging descent or downward spiral  c. a state of mental confusion all in a ~  3.  a. a quantum characteristic of an elementary particle that is visualized as the rotation of the particle on its axis and...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (spins, spinning, spun) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something spins or if you spin it, it turns quickly around a central point. The latest discs, used for small portable computers, spin 3600 times a minute... He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road... He spun his car round and went after them. VERB: V, V n, V n round/around • Spin is also a noun. This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions. N-VAR 2. When you spin washing, it is turned round and round quickly in a spin drier or a washing machine to get the water out. Just spin the washing and it’s nearly dry. VERB: V n • Spin is also a noun. Set on a cool wash and finish with a short spin. N-SING 3. If your head is spinning, you feel unsteady or confused, for example because you are drunk, ill, or excited. My head was spinning from the wine... VERB: V 4. If someone puts a certain spin on an event or situation, they interpret it and try to present it in a particular way. (INFORMAL) He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today. N-SING: with supp see also spin doctor 5. In politics, spin is the way in which political parties try to present everything they do in a positive way to the public and the media. The public is sick of spin and tired of promises. It’s time for politicians to act. N-UNCOUNT 6. If you go for a spin or take a car for a spin, you make a short journey in a car just to enjoy yourself. N-SING: a N 7. If someone spins a story, they give you an account of something that is untrue or only partly true. He was surprised, and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie. VERB: V n, also V n n 8. When people spin, they make thread by twisting together pieces of a fibre such as wool or cotton using a device or machine. Michelle will also spin a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 past tense and past participle spun ~ v 1 »TURN AROUND« to turn around and around very quickly, or to make something do this  (The ice skater was spinning faster and faster. | spin the roulette wheel | spin (sth/sb) around)  (Liz spun around on her heel to face me.) 2 »WOOL/COTTON« to make cotton, wool etc into thread by twisting it  (The wool is spun into thread and then woven.) 3 »WET CLOTHES« to get water out of clothes using a machine after you have washed them 4 »INSECT« if a spider or insect spins a web (1) or cocoon, it produces thread to make it 5 sb's head spins if your head spins, you feel as if you might faint because you are shocked, excited, or drunk  (My head was spinning with all this new information.) 6 spin a story/yarn/line to tell someone a story that is not true in order to deceive them  (beggars spinning hard-luck stories) 7 »DRIVE« I always + adv/ prep) to drive or travel quickly + past/along etc  (Barbara waved as she spun past in her new sportscar.) spin sth off phr v 1 to produce a new television programme using characters from another programme  (`The Rifleman' spun off another new series, `Wanted Dead or Alive.') 2 to form a separate and partly independent company from parts of an existing company  (The company spun off its financial services division in .) spin sth out phr v 1 to make something continue for longer than is necessary  (I'm paid by the hour, so I spin the work out as long as I can.) 2 to use money, food etc as carefully and slowly as possible because you do not have very much of it + over  (I've only got -10 left, so we'll have to spin it out over the whole week.) ~2 n 1 »TURNING« an act of turning around quickly  (the spin of a top | The dance ended with a dramatic spin.) 2 »CAR« informal a short trip in a car for pleasure  (Let's go for a spin in the country.) 3 »BALL« if you put spin on a ball in a game such as tennis or cricket (2), you deliberately make the ball turn very quickly so that it is difficult for your opponent to hit 4 fall/go into a ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Special Instructions electron. abbr. Software Process Improvement Network sc. fict. abbr. Senate Planetary Intelligence Network softw. abbr. Software Process Improvement Network media abbr. Strategic Press Information Network media abbr. Strategic Progressive Information Network educ. abbr. Serving People In Natomas sport abbr. Safe Pedaling In Nevada gen. bus. abbr. Sponsored Programs Information Network gen. bus. abbr. Situation Problem Implication And Need gen. bus. abbr. Supply Partner Information Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. spinnan "draw out and twist fibers into thread," from P.Gmc. *spenwanan, from PIE *spen- "stretch." Meaning "revolve, turn around rapidly" first recorded 1667. The noun meaning "fairly rapid ride" is from 1856. Spin doctor first attested 1984. Spinning-jenny is from 1783 (see jenny). Slang spin off (v.) is from 1959. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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