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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - sole


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Перевод с английского языка sole на русский

1. подошва, ступня 2. подметка, подошва to wear shoes with heavy soles —- носить обувь на толстой подошве to tap new soles on one's shoes —- набить новые подметки на туфли 3. геол. подошва 4. дно (долины) 5. редк. подоконник 6. редк. порог 7. стр. продольная балка 8. горн. горизонт откаточного штрека, основной горизонт этажа 9. под 10. спец. основание, пята, лежень 11. с-х. дно (борозды) Id: he was a businessman to the soles of his boots —- он был бизнесменом до мозга костей 12. ставить подметку 13. зоол. рыба из семейства косоротых (Soleidae) 14. зоол. морской язык 15. зоол. камбала; палтус 16. единственный; одиночный heir —- юр. единственный наследник her sole confidant —- единственный человек, которому она поверяла свои секреты he is his father's sole support —- для (своего) отца он единственная поддержка и опора 17. исключительный, единоличный sole owner —- единоличный владелец sole right —- исключительное право let conscience be the sole judge —- пусть судьей будет только совесть 18. уединенный 19. уст. одинокий, один 20. юр. не состоящий в браке (преимущественно о женщине); незамужняя
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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) подошва  2) подметка  3) нижняя часть  4) tech. лежень, пята, основание  2. v. ставить подметку II noun морской язык (рыба); камбала; палтус III adj.  1) единственный  2) исключительный  3) obs.; poet. одинокий; уединенный  4) leg. не состоящий в браке sole weight - собственный вес ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) анат. подошва 2) ихт. солея, морской язык (Solea); pl солеевые, косоротые, правосторонние морские языки (Soleidae) 3) pl ихт. циноглоссовые, левосторонние морские языки (Cynoglossidae) 4) лиманда (Limanda) 5) pl камбалообразные (Pleuronectiformes) – American sole – arrowtooth sole – creeping sole – elongate tongue sole – flathead sole – gray sole – lemon sole – lined sole – petrale sole – rex sole – rock sole – thickback sole – tongue soles – yellowfin sole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  единственный; исключительный; единоличный SOLE прил. 1) единственный 2) исключительный 3) единоличный 4) одиночный - corporation sole - sole right - sole source award ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) пята 2) основание; фундамент 3) под, подошва ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) единственный 2) обувная подошва 3) подметка 4) подошва 5) подошвенный - compact sole - leather sole - microcellular sole - monolith sole - rubber sole - shoe sole - sole calender - sole leather - sole manager - sole plate - sole sphere - sole splitting - split sole ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) основание; фундамент; постель; подошва; пята 2) горн. подкладка под стойку 3) горн. почва выработки 4) под (печи) 5) лежень 6) слив, отлив (наружный подоконник) 7) нижняя поверхность рубанка - half sole - laboratory sole - rudder sole ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 the under-surface of the foot. 2 the part of a shoe, sock, etc., corresponding to this (esp. excluding the heel). 3 the lower surface or base of an implement, e.g. a plough, golf-club head, etc. 4 the floor of a ship's cabin. --v.tr. provide (a shoe etc.) with a sole. Phrases and idioms sole-plate the bedplate of an engine etc. Derivatives -soled adj. (in comb.). Etymology: OF ult. f. L solea sandal, sill: cf. OE unrecorded solu or sola f. solum bottom, pavement, sole 2. n. any flatfish of the family Soleidae, esp. Solea solea used as food. Etymology: ME f. OF f. Prov. sola ult. f. L solea (as SOLE(1), named from its shape) 3. adj. 1 (attrib.) one and only; single, exclusive (the sole reason; has the sole right). 2 archaic or Law (esp. of a woman) unmarried. 3 archaic alone, unaccompanied. Derivatives solely adv. Etymology: ME f. OF soule f. L sola fem. of solus alone ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~a sandal, a flatfish  Date: 13th century any of various flatfishes (family Soleidae) having a small mouth, small or rudimentary fins, and small eyes placed close together and including important food fishes (as the European Dover ~); also any of various mostly market flatfishes (as lemon ~) of other families (as Pleuronectidae)  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~, soele, from Latin ~a sandal; akin to Latin solum base, ground, soil  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the undersurface of a foot  b. the part of an item of footwear on which the ~ rests and upon which the wearer treads  2. the usually flat or flattened bottom or lower part of something or the base on which something rests  • ~d adjective  III. transitive verb  (~d; soling)  Date: circa 1570  1. to furnish with a ~ ~ a shoe  2. to place the ~ of (a golf club) on the ground  IV. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, alone, from Anglo-French sul, soul, seul, from Latin solus  Date: 14th century  1. not married — used chiefly of women  2. archaic having no companion ; solitary  3.  a. having no sharer  b. being the only one she was her mother's ~ support  4. functioning independently and without assistance or interference let conscience be the ~ judge  5. belonging exclusively or otherwise limited to one usually specified individual, unit, or group  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (soles) 1. The sole thing or person of a particular type is the only one of that type. Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government. = only ADJ: ADJ n 2. If you have sole charge or ownership of something, you are the only person in charge of it or who owns it. Many women are left as the sole providers in families after their husband has died... Chief Hart had sole control over that fund. ADJ: ADJ n 3. The sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of it. ...shoes with rubber soles... He had burned the sole of his foot. N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. A sole is a kind of flat fish that you can eat. N-COUNT • Sole is this fish eaten as food. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj only before noun 1 the sole person, thing etc is the only one  (the sole American in the room) 2 a sole duty, right, responsibility etc is one that is not shared with anyone else  (Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Eire.) ~2 n 1 the bottom surface of your foot, especially the part you walk or stand on  (The soles of his feet were caked in mud.) 2 flat bottom part of a shoe, not including the heel 3 thick-soled/leather-soled etc having soles that are thick, made of leather etc 4 a flat fish that is often used for food  (- see also lemon sole) ~3 v T usually passive to put a new sole on a shoe ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Special Operations Liaison Element food abbr. Students Organizing For Labor And Economic educ. abbr. Student Outdoor Leadership Education firm name abbr. Society Of Logistics Engineers ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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