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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - shy


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Перевод с английского языка shy на русский

1. скачок (испугавшейся лошади)застенчивый, стеснительный, стыдливый; робкий, тихий shy girl —- застенчивая девушка he is very shy with strangers —- он очень стесняется посторонних 2. пугливый, осторожный (о птицах, животных); норовистый (о лошадях) flamingoes are very shy —- фламинго очень пугливы today the fish are shy —- сегодня рыба не клюет 3. (обыкн. of) не склонный, не могущий решиться или осмелиться (сделать что-либо); нерешительный he is shy of taking the responsibility —- он не хочет брать на себя ответственность he is shy of interfering —- он не решается вмешиваться they are not shy of such a hypothesis —- они не боятся такого предположения why are you so shy in owning it? —- почему вы не решаетесь признать это? 4. (of) боязливый, недоверчивый to be shy of geath —- бояться смерти to be shy of people —- сторониться людей 5. редк. уединенный, тихий; укромный shy recesses —- укромные уголки shy house —- уединенный дом 6. недостаточный; недостающий my blunt is getting shy —- мои денежки тают they are shy of funds —- у них маловато ресурсов he was shy of the required two-thirds majority —- он не набрал необходимого большинства в две трети голосов he looks about ten years shy of his 62 —- ему 62 года, но он выглядит на десять лет моложе 7. уст. скудный, скромный shy dinner —- скудный обед her geography is rather shy —- у нее хромает география 8. уст. сомнительный, подозрительный shy place —- подозрительное место shy character —- сомнительная репутация; темная личность shy saloons —- притоны 9. (-shy) как компонент сложных слов 10. боящийся, чурающийся work-shy —- увиливающий от работы Id: to look shy on people —- смотреть на людей с подозрением Id: to fight shy of —- избегать (кого-либо); уклоняться (от чего-либо); шарахаться (от чего-либо) Id: to fight shy of smth. —- уклоняться от чего-либо Id: we fight shy of criticising him —- мы избегаем критиковать его 11. отступать, останавливаться (перед чем-либо); не решаться, колебаться he won't shy at treachery —- он не остановится перед предательством he will never shy to do it —- он сделает это не задумываясь 12. пугаться to shy at the sight of blood —- испугаться при виде крови she shies at the very thought of it —- она дрожит при одной мысли об этом the horse shied at an automobile —- лошадь испугалась автомобиля 13. сторониться, избегать; уклоняться, увиливать (также shy away, shy off) he has shied us lately —- он сторонился нас последнее время he shies the subject —- он избегает этой темы he shies work —- он увиливает от работы to shy away from the thought —- отбрасывать от себя мысль her eyes shy away from mine —- она старается не встречаться со мной взглядом to shy off from all allusions to the fact —- избегать всякого упоминания об этом факте she was shying off from us —- она нас избегала 14. вспугивать, отпугивать (также shy off) 15. разг. бросок; швырок to have a shy —- бросать 16. спорт. бросок 17. разг. резкий выпад to have a shy at smb. —- делать выпады против кого-либо, прохаживаться на чей-либо счет 18. разг. мишень (для насмешек) 19. разг. попытка to have a shy at doing smth. —- попытаться сделать что-либо 20. бросаться, швыряться to shy at a cow with a stone —- швырнуть в корову камнем 21. бросать to shy a ball to the other end of the field —- бросить мяч в другой конец поля 22. спорт. бросать в цель
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См. в других словарях

  I  1. adj.  1) пугливый  2) застенчивый, робкий; осторожный, нерешительный; to be shy of smth. -  а) избегать чего-л.; не решаться на что-л.;  б) amer. недоставать, не хватать (тж. to be shy on smth.) Syn: see modest see timid  2. v. бросаться в сторону, пугаться; At the last moment the horse shied at the fence and threw its rider. - shy away Syn: see demur II coll.  1. noun  1) бросок  2) coll. попытка; to have a shy at smth. - попробовать добиться чего-л.  3) coll. насмешливое, колкое замечание  2. v. бросать (камень, мяч); You have to stop those boys shying rocks at passing cars. SHY away сторониться, избегать; уклоняться Insurance firms tend to shy away from advertising. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  пугливый; настороженный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. adj., v., & n. --adj. (shyer, shyest or shier, shiest) 1 a diffident or uneasy in company; timid. b (of an animal, bird, etc.) easily startled; timid. 2 (foll. by of) avoiding; chary of (shy of his aunt; shy of going to meetings). 3 (in comb.) showing fear of or distaste for (gun-shy; work-shy). 4 (often foll. by of, on) colloq. having lost; short of (I'm shy three quid; shy of the price of admission). --v.intr. (shies, shied) 1 (usu. foll. by at) (esp. of a horse) start suddenly aside (at an object, noise, etc.) in fright. 2 (usu. foll. by away from, at) avoid accepting or becoming involved in (a proposal etc.) in alarm. --n. a sudden startled movement. Derivatives shyer n. shyly adv. (also shily). shyness n. Etymology: OE sceoh f. Gmc 2. v. & n. --v.tr. (shies, shied) (also absol.) fling or throw (a stone etc.). --n. the act or an instance of shying. Phrases and idioms have a shy at colloq. 1 try to hit with a stone etc. 2 make an attempt at. 3 jeer at. Derivatives shyer n. Etymology: 18th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (shier or ~er; shiest or ~est)  Etymology: Middle English schey, from Old English sceoh; akin to Old High German sciuhen to frighten off  Date: before 12th century  1. easily frightened ; timid  2. disposed to avoid a person or thing publicity ~  3. hesitant in committing oneself ; circumspect  4. sensitively diffident or retiring ; reserved; also expressive of such a state or nature a ~ smile  5. secluded, hidden  6. having less than the full or specified amount or number ; short just ~ of six feet tall  7. disreputable gambling hells and ~ saloons — Blackwood's  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, bashful, diffident, modest, coy mean not inclined to be forward. ~ implies a timid reserve and a shrinking from familiarity or contact with others ~ with strangers. bashful implies a frightened or hesitant ~ness characteristic of childhood and adolescence a bashful boy out on his first date. diffident stresses a distrust of one's own ability or opinion that causes hesitation in acting or speaking felt diffident about raising an objection. modest suggests absence of undue confidence or conceit modest about her success. coy implies a pretended ~ness put off by her coy manner.  II. intransitive verb  (shied; ~ing)  Date: 1649  1. to develop or show a dislike or distaste — usually used with from or away from an author who shies away from publicity  2. to start suddenly aside through fright or alarm  III. noun  (plural shies)  Date: 1791 a sudden start aside (as from fright)  IV. verb  (shied; ~ing)  Etymology: perhaps from 1~  Date: 1787  intransitive verb to make a sudden throw  transitive verb to throw (an object) with a jerk ; fling  V. noun  (plural shies)  Date: 1791  1. the act of ~ing ; toss, throw  2. a verbal fling or attack  3. cock~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shyer, shyest, shies, shying, shied) 1. A shy person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people. She was a shy and retiring person off-stage... He is painfully shy of women. ADJ • shyly The children smiled shyly. ADV: usu ADV with v • shyness Eventually he overcame his shyness. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you are shy of doing something, you are unwilling to do it because you are afraid of what might happen. You should not be shy of having your say in the running of the school. ADJ: oft ADJ of -ing 3. When a horse shies, it moves away suddenly, because something has frightened it. Llewelyn’s stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying. VERB: V 4. A number or amount that is just shy of another number or amount is just under it. ...a high-school dropout rate just shy of 53%... = short of PREP-PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 nervous and embarrassed about talking to other people, especially people you do not know  (Billy's very shy with adults, but he's fine with other children. | a shy smile | painfully shy (=extremely shy))  (At 15, I was painfully shy. | be too shy to do sth)  (I needed a ride home but was too shy to ask anyone. | go all shy spoken (=suddenly become very shy))  (Look, she's gone all shy - stop teasing her!) 2 unwilling to do something or get involved in something + about/of  (Men are often shy about sharing their problems. | Madonna is certainly not shy of publicity.) 3 especially AmE less than the amount needed + of  (He was only 30 votes shy of the number he needed for the nomination.) 4 fight shy of (doing) sth to avoid doing something or getting involved in something  (He fought shy of an open quarrel.) 5 shy animals get frightened easily and are unwilling to come near people  (- see also once bitten twice shy bite1 (13), camera­shy) - shyly adv  ("I have a question," she said, shyly stroking Ralph's arm.) - shyness n ~2 v 1 if a horse shies, it makes a sudden movement away from something because it is frightened 2 old-fashioned to throw a ball or other object at something shy away from sth phr v to avoid doing something because you are not confident enough or you are worried or nervous about it  (They criticized the leadership, but shied away from a direct challenge.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Shinyanga, Tanzania gen. comp. abbr. Syllable Hyphen chat abbr. Say Hi Yes ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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