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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - resolution


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Перевод с английского языка resolution на русский

1. решительность, решимость; твердость (характера) a man of resolution —- решительный человек to show great resolution —- проявить большую решимость to show not much resolution —- действовать не очень решительно 2. решение; твердое намерение New Year resolutions —- новогодние зароки (бросить курить и т. п.) her resolution never to marry —- ее зарок не выходить замуж to make good resolutions —- преисполниться благими намерениями, дать себе слово исправиться 3. резолюция; решение; постановление draft resolution —- проект резолюции joint resolution —- совместная резолюция to pass (to carry, to adopt) a resolution —- выносить резолюцию (решение) a resolution in favour of... —- резолюция (постановление) в пользу... 4. разрешение (проблемы) a resolution of the conflict —- разрешение конфликта 5. спец. разложение (сил) 6. разложение (вещества) 7. расщепление 8. растворение 9. разборка, демонтаж 10. спец. разрешающая способность 11. муз. разрешение 12. мед рассасывание; прекращение воспалительных явлений 13. спец. разрешение, степень обнаружения деталей (изображения и т. п.); степень детализации 14. мат. резольвента
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  noun  1) решение, резолюция; to pass/carry/adopt a resolution - выносить резолюцию  2) решительность, решимость, твердость (характера)  3) разложение на составные части (into); анализ  4) растворение  5) разборка, демонтаж  6) разрешение (проблемы, конфликта и т.п.)  7) развязка (в литературном произведении)  8) med. рассасывание; прекращение воспалительных явлений  9) prosody замена долгого слога двумя короткими  10) mus. разрешение, переход в консонанс Syn: decision, determination, resolve see courage Ant: doubt, hesitation, irresolution, vacillation ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) растворение 2) рассасывание; разрушение 3) разрешение, разрешающая способность (микроскопа) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  резолюция, решение RESOLUTION сущ. 1) решительность, твердость 2) решение, резолюция - adopt a resolution - alternative dispute resolution - approve of a resolution - block a resolution - bond resolution - carry a resolution - defeat a resolution - draft resolution - endorse a resolution - joint resolution - move a resolution - pass a resolution - propose a resolution - push through a resolution - put forward a resolution - railroad a resolution - reject a resolution - table a resolution - throw out a resolution - turn down a resolution Syn: decision ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) пептизация 2) разделение 3) научн. разрешающая способность 4) разрешение 5) раствор 6) растворение 7) расщепление 8) резольвента 9) резольвентный 10) резолюция 11) решение allowable projective resolution — допустимая проективная резольвента extremally disconnected resolution — экстремально несвязная резольвента finite free resolution — конечная свободная резольвента lattice plane resolution — разрешающая способность электронного микроскопа по кристаллической решетке resolution into components — разложение на составляющие - allowable resolution - angular resolution - birational resolution - canonical resolution - categorical resolution - complete resolution - disconnected resolution - energy resolution - exact resolution - fine resolution - flat resolution - free resolution - generalized resolution - ground resolution - infinite resolution - injective resolution - left resolution - linear resolution - minimal resolution - normal resolution - optimal resolution - ordinary resolution - partial-fraction resolution - point resolution - polyhedral resolution - projective resolution - relative resolution - resolution graph - resolution of forces - resolution of game - resolution of identity - resolution of singularity - resolution ratio - resolution thereshold - resolution threshold - resolution width - right resolution - simplicial resolution - spatial resolution - spectral resolution - standard resolution - time resolution - triangular resolution - vector resolution ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  разложение (на составляющие) resolution of forces resolution of vector ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) разрешающая способность; разрешение 2) машиностр. дискретность 3) чёткость, резкость (изображения) 4) матем. разложение 5) обратное растворение; повторное растворение; пептизация 6) резолюция (в логике) 7) разрешение (проблемы или противоречия) - resolution of lens - resolution of singularity - resolution of vector - along-track resolution - amplitude resolution - angular resolution - azimuth resolution - beam-edge resolution - bearing resolution - coarse resolution - command resolution - conflict resolution - control resolution - depth resolution - distance resolution - edge resolution - encoder resolution - film resolution - fine resolution - frequency resolution - hologram resolution - horizontal resolution - image resolution - ineferior resolution - laser resolution - lateral resolution - limiting resolution - linewidth resolution - mask resolution - measurement resolution - phase resolution - phase-ambiguity resolution - priority resolution - radar resolution - range resolution - raster resolution - recording resolution - scan resolution - simultaneous resolution - single photoelectron resolution - spatial resolution - target motion resolution - temporal resolution - tuning resolution - unity resolution - unit resolution - vertical resolution - writing resolution ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a resolute temper or character; boldness and firmness of purpose. 2 a thing resolved on; an intention (New Year's resolutions). 3 a a formal expression of opinion or intention by a legislative body or public meeting. b the formulation of this (passed a resolution). 4 (usu. foll. by of) the act or an instance of solving doubt or a problem or question (towards a resolution of the difficulty). 5 a separation into components; decomposition. b the replacing of a single force etc. by two or more jointly equivalent to it. 6 (foll. by into) analysis; conversion into another form. 7 Mus. the act or an instance of causing discord to pass into concord. 8 Physics etc. the smallest interval measurable by a scientific instrument; the resolving power. 9 Med. the disappearance of inflammation etc. without suppuration. 10 Prosody the substitution of two short syllables for one long. Etymology: ME f. L resolutio (as RESOLVE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English resolucioun, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French resolucion, from Latin ~-, resolutio, from resolvere  Date: 14th century  1. the act or process of resolving: as  a. the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones  b. the act of answering ; solving  c. the act of determining  d. the passing of a voice part from a dissonant to a consonant tone or the progression of a chord from dissonance to consonance  e. the separating of a chemical compound or mixture into its constituents  f.  (1) the division of a prosodic element into its component parts  (2) the substitution in Greek or Latin prosody of two short syllables for a long syllable  g. the analysis of a vector into two or more vectors of which it is the sum  2. the subsidence of a pathological state (as inflammation)  3.  a. something that is resolved made a ~ to mend my ways  b. firmness of resolve  4. a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group  5. the point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is worked out  6.  a. the process or capability of making distinguishable the individual parts of an object, closely adjacent optical images, or sources of light  b. a measure of the sharpness of an image or of the fineness with which a device (as a video display, printer, or scanner) can produce or record such an image usually expressed as the total number or density of pixels in the image a ~ of 1200 dots per inch  Synonyms: see courage ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (resolutions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A resolution is a formal decision taken at a meeting by means of a vote. He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal. N-COUNT: usu N supp, oft N num 2. If you make a resolution, you decide to try very hard to do something. They made a resolution to lose all the weight gained during the Christmas period. N-COUNT see also New Year’s resolution 3. Resolution is determination to do something or not do something. ‘I think I’ll try a hypnotist,’ I said with sudden resolution. N-UNCOUNT 4. The resolution of a problem or difficulty is the final solving of it. (FORMAL) ...the successful resolution of a dispute involving UN inspectors in Baghdad. N-SING: oft N to/of n 5. The resolution of an image is how clear the image is. (TECHNICAL) Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »DECISION« a formal decision or statement agreed on by a group of people, especially after a vote  (The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.) 2 »SOLUTION« the act of finding a way to deal with a difficulty  (The lawyer's advice led to the resolution of this problem.) 3 »DETERMINATION« approving the quality of having strong beliefs and determination 4 »PROMISE« a promise to yourself to do something  (make a resolution)  (Carol made a resolution to work hard at school this year. | New Year's resolution (=a resolution made on January 1st))  (a New Year's resolution to stop smoking)  (- compare resolve2) 5 »CLEARNESS« the power of a television, camera, microscope etc to give a clear picture of things, or a measure of this  (a high resolution microscope) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., "process of reducing things into simpler forms," from L. resolutionem (nom. resolutio), from pp. stem of resolvere "loosen" (see resolve). Originally "a breaking into parts;" sense of "solving" (as of mathematical problems) first recorded 1548, that of "holding firmly" (in resolute) 1533, and that of "decision or expression of a meeting" is from 1604. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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