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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - represent


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Перевод с английского языка represent на русский

1. изображать или представлять (в каком-л. аспекте); разъяснять the work represents the character of the country —- в этой работе описывается характер страны I will represent to him the danger he is running —- я расскажу ему о тех опасностях, которым он подвергается let me try to represent my idea to you in another way (in different terms) —- разрешите изложить свою мысль несколько иначе (другими словами) 2. изображать, рисовать и т. п. she desired to be represented as a shepherdess —- ей хотелось, чтобы художник изобразил ее в виде пастушки 3. быть изображением, изображать the picture represents a hunting scene —- картина изображает охотничью сцену 4. обозначать to represent musical sounds by notes —- обозначать звуки музыки нотами phonetic signs represent sounds —- фонетические значки изображают звуки such excuses represent nothing to me —- подобные оправдания ничего для меня не значат 5. олицетворять; символизировать the flag represents the nation —- флаг - символ страны a movie hero who represents the ideal of our culture —- киногерой, олицетворяющий идеал современной культуры 6. исполнять роль the characters he represented on the stage —- те характеры, которые он изображал на сцене 7. ставить на сцене to represent a play —- поставить пьесу на сцене; сыграть пьесу 8. представлять all the twelve guilds were represented in the procession —- все двенадцать гильдий были представлены в процессии our firm is represented in India by Mr. N. —- представителем нашей фирмы в Индии является г-н Н. many countries were represented by their Ambassadors —- многие страны были представлены своими послами a genus represented by two species —- род, состоящий из двух видов 9. быть представителем, представлять he represented the town in Parliament —- он был представителем города в парламенте to represent one's government in a foreign country —- представлять свое правительство в одном из иностранных государств Mps representing Welsh constituencies —- члены парламента от валлийских избирательных округов 10. (часто as) изображать (кого-л.); выдавать (за кого-л.) he represented himself as an expert —- он выдавал себя за эксперта; он изображал специалиста the candidate was careful to represent himself as a man of the people —- кандидат усиленно подчеркивал, что он выходец из народа I'm not what you represented me to be —- я не таков, каким вы меня изобразили 11. заявлять (протест и т. п.); делать представление they represented their grievances to the governor —- они изложили свои жалобы губернатору he represented to the magistrate that the offender was only a child —- юр. он обратил внимание судьи, что правонарушителю еще нет четырнадцати лет 12. представлять себе; создавать мысленный образ; вызывать в памяти 13. соответствовать, заменять, быть эквивалентом
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См. в других словарях

  v.  1) изображать; быть изображением; представлять в определенном свете (as); Love is represented as a child with a flower. This photograph represents my childhood.  2) изображать (кого-л.); выдавать (за кого-л.); The teacher has been falsely represented as one who knows everything. Never represent yourself as perfect.  3) символизировать; олицетворять; означать; She represented the ideal of American culture.  4) исполнять (роль)  5) быть представителем, представлять (какое-л. лицо или организацию); Our firm is represented in USA by Mr. Smith.  6) излагать, формулировать; объяснять, разъяснять; How do you intend to represent your ideas to the committee? I represented to him that it would be dangerous to do what he suggested. Syn: see portray ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) представлять; быть представителем 2) сообщать, заявлять, давать сведения о фактах – to represent the applicant REPRESENT гл. 1) представлять (кого-л.), быть представителем 2) представлять себе, воображать 3) изображать Syn: comprise, constitute, depict, exhibit, show ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) изображать 2) отображать 3) представлять - represent by diagram - represent nomographically - represent number ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v.tr. 1 stand for or correspond to (the comment does not represent all our views). 2 (often in passive) be a specimen or example of; exemplify (all types of people were represented in the audience). 3 act as an embodiment of; symbolize (the sovereign represents the majesty of the State; numbers are represented by letters). 4 call up in the mind by description or portrayal or imagination; place a likeness of before the mind or senses. 5 serve or be meant as a likeness of. 6 a state by way of expostulation or persuasion (represented the rashness of it). b (foll. by to) try to bring (the facts influencing conduct) home to (represented the risks to his client). 7 (often foll. by as, to be) describe or depict as; declare or make out (represented them as martyrs; not what you represent it to be). 8 (foll. by that + clause) allege. 9 show, or play the part of, on stage. 10 fill the place of; be a substitute or deputy for; be entitled to act or speak for (the Queen was represented by the Princess of Wales). 11 be elected as a member of Parliament, a legislature, etc. by (represents a rural constituency). Derivatives representable adj. representability n. Etymology: ME f. OF representer or f. L repraesentare (as RE-, PRESENT(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, from Latin repraesentare, from re- + praesentare to present  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to bring clearly before the mind ; present a book which ~s the character of early America  2. to serve as a sign or symbol of the flag ~s our country  3. to portray or exhibit in art ; depict  4. to serve as the counterpart or image of ; typify a movie hero who ~s the ideals of the culture  5.  a. to produce on the stage  b. to act the part or role of  6.  a.  (1) to take the place of in some respect  (2) to act in the place of or for usually by legal right  (3) to manage the legal and business affairs of athletes ~ed by top lawyers and agents  b. to serve especially in a legislative body by delegated authority usually resulting from election  7. to describe as having a specified character or quality ~s himself as a friend  8.  a. to give one's impression and judgment of ; state in a manner intended to affect action or judgment  b. to point out in protest or remonstrance  9. to serve as a specimen, example, or instance of  10.  a. to form an image or ~ation of in the mind  b.  (1) to apprehend (an object) by means of an idea  (2) to recall in memory  11. to correspond to in essence ; constitute  intransitive verb  1. to make ~ations against something ; protest  2. slang to perform a task or duty admirably ; serve as an outstanding example  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (represents, representing, represented) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If someone such as a lawyer or a politician represents a person or group of people, they act on behalf of that person or group. ...the politicians we elect to represent us... VERB: V n 2. If you represent a person or group at an official event, you go there on their behalf. The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies. VERB: V n 3. If you represent your country or town in a competition or sports event, you take part in it on behalf of the country or town where you live. My only aim is to represent Britain at the Olympics. VERB: V n 4. If a group of people or things is well represented in a particular activity or in a particular place, a lot of them can be found there. Women are already well represented in the area of TV drama... In New Mexico all kinds of cuisines are represented. V-PASSIVE: be adv V-ed, be V-ed 5. If you say that something represents a change, achievement, or victory, you mean that it is a change, achievement, or victory. (FORMAL or WRITTEN) These developments represented a major change in the established order. V-LINK: V n 6. If a sign or symbol represents something, it is accepted as meaning that thing. ...a black dot in the middle of the circle is supposed to represent the source of the radiation. = symbolize VERB: no cont, V n 7. To represent an idea or quality means to be a symbol or an expression of that idea or quality. We believe you represent everything British racing needs. = embody VERB: no cont, no passive, V n 8. If you represent a person or thing as a particular thing, you describe them as being that thing. The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru. = portray VERB: V n as n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »SPEAK FOR SB« a) to speak officially for another person or group of people, giving their opinions and taking action for them  (Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference. | He was represented in court by a famous criminal lawyer.) b) to say or do something that expresses the feelings, opinions etc of a group of people  (The protesters represented only a small section of public opinion.) 2 be represented to have sent someone from your group to a meeting, ceremony etc  (All the local societies and clubs were represented in the parade.) 3 represent an improvement/an obstacle/a challenge etc formal used to say that something should be thought of as a particular thing  (This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work.) 4 »GOVERNMENT« to be the member of a parliament or other law making institution, such as the Congress, for a particular area  (Does Kathryn Walker still represent Worcester? | He represents the Congressional District of Illinois.) 5 »A SIGN« to be a sign or mark that shows the position of a particular thing, especially on a map or plan; symbolize  (The red lines on the map represent railways.) 6 »SHOW STH« to be a picture or statue of something  (This painting represents the first settlers arriving in America.) 7 represent yourself as to say that you are something that you are not  (They represented themselves as the party of low taxation.) 8 represent sb as to describe someone in a particular way, so that people have a particular opinion of them  (Shakespeare represents Richard III as a black-hearted villain.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1375, from O.Fr. representer, from L. reprжsentare, from re-, intensive prefix, + prжsentare "place before" (see present (2)). Representative (adj.) in the political sense of "having citizens represented by chosen persons" is first recorded 1628. First used 1694 in noun sense of "member of a legislative body." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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