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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - reception


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Перевод с английского языка reception на русский

1. прием, принятие; получение reception of deposits —- прием вкладов reception of evidence by a court of law —- принятие доказательств судом reception test —- спец. приемочные испытания reception capacity —- спец. пропускная способность 2. (into) прием в члены reception into the club —- прием в члены клуба 3. прием (гостей, официальных представителей и т. п.) state reception —- торжественный прием the reception of a new ambassador by the President —- прием президентом нового посла to hold a reception —- устроить (дать) прием there was a reception after the wedding ceremony —- после венчания состоялся прием 4. встреча, прием warm reception —- горячий прием; ирон. сильное сопротивление; отпор to give smb. a kind reception —- встретить кого-л. приветливо to meet with a hostile reception —- быть встреченным враждебно his reception was frigid —- его приняли крайне холодно the play had (met with) a favourable reception —- пьеса была хорошо принята (встречена зрителями) 5. восприятие faculty of reception —- способность восприятия reception of new ideas —- восприятие новых идей 6. эллипт. гостиная, общая комната (в объявлениях) 3 reception, 2 bed 3 —- общих комнаты, 2 спальни 7. рад. тлв. тел. прием reception was poor —- слышно (видно) было плохо 8. контора гостиницы (также reception office) reception desk —- конторка портье reception clerk —- ам. портье, дежурный гостиницы 9. юр. рецензия reception of Roman law —- рецензия римского права
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См. в других словарях

  centre noun  1) приемник для бездомных, беспризорных и т.п.  2) mil. призывной пункт RECEPTION noun  1) прием, получение  2) прием (тж. в члены); принятие; warm reception - горячий прием; iron. сильное сопротивление; the play met with a cold reception - пьеса была холодно принята  3) прием (гостей); вечеринка, встреча  4) восприятие  5) radio; tv прием  6) attr. reception camp/centre - приемный пункт (для размещения беженцев, эвакуированных и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) принятие, прием, получение 2) прием (официальных представителей и т.п.) - give a reception - hold a reception - reception of deposits - state reception - warm reception Syn: method, way, device, acceptance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) получение 2) прием 3) приемный 4) рецепция poor reception area — область плохого приема - aural reception - consistent reception - directional reception - figure-of-eight reception - frequency-diversity reception - heterodine reception - multipath reception - reception diagram - regenerative reception - space-diversity reception - straight reception - superheterodyne reception - transmission and reception ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прием; радиоприем – beat reception – community reception – degraded reception – digital quality reception – diversed reception – double-superheterodyne reception – dual-diversity reception – exalted-carrier reception – fixed reception – heterodyne reception – homodyne reception – individual reception – information reception – long-distance reception – master-antenna reception – mobile reception – noncoherent reception – nondiversed reception – outdoor reception – quasi-coherent reception – sound reception – space diversity reception – summarized reception – super long-distance reception – weak reception – zero-beat reception ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  приём; радиоприём - audible reception - autodyne reception - beam reception - beat reception - coherent reception - community reception - correlation reception - diversity reception - endodyne reception - facsimile reception - frequency-diversity reception - heterodyne reception - homodyne reception - image reception - infradyne reception - intermittent reception - long-distance reception - monophonic reception - multiband reception - noncoherent reception - off-the-air reception - off-air reception - part reception - partially coherent reception - polarization-diversity reception - signal reception - simultaneous train reception - single-sideband reception - sound reception - space-diversity reception - stereophonic reception - superheterodyne reception - superregenerative reception - synchrodyne reception - television reception - ultradyne reception - vestigial-sideband reception - zero-beat reception ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or an instance of receiving or the process of being received, esp. of a person into a place or group. 2 the manner in which a person or thing is received (got a cool reception). 3 a social occasion for receiving guests, esp. after a wedding. 4 a formal or ceremonious welcome. 5 a place where guests or clients etc. report on arrival at a hotel, office, etc. 6 a the receiving of broadcast signals. b the quality of this (we have excellent reception). Phrases and idioms reception order an order authorizing the entry of a patient into a mental hospital. reception room a room available or suitable for receiving company or visitors. Etymology: ME f. OF reception or L receptio (as RECEIVE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English recepcion, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French ~, from Latin ~-, receptio, from recipere  Date: 15th century  1. the act or action or an instance of receiving: as  a. receipt the ~ and distribution of funds  b. admission ~ into the church  c. response, reaction the play met with a mixed ~  d. the receiving of a radio or television broadcast  e. the catching of a forward pass by a receiver  2. a social gathering often for the purpose of extending a formal welcome ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (receptions) 1. The reception in a hotel is the desk or office that books rooms for people and answers their questions. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use front desk) Have him bring a car round to the reception... ...the hotel’s reception desk. N-SING: the N, oft N n, also at N 2. The reception in an office or hospital is the place where people’s appointments and questions are dealt with. (mainly BRIT) Wait at reception for me. N-SING: the N, oft N n, also at N 3. A reception is a formal party which is given to welcome someone or to celebrate a special event. At the reception they served smoked salmon. N-COUNT 4. If someone or something has a particular kind of reception, that is the way that people react to them. Mr Mandela was given a tumultuous reception in Washington... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu supp N 5. If you get good reception from your radio or television, the sound or picture is clear because the signal is strong. If the reception is poor, the sound or picture is unclear because the signal is weak. Adjust the aerial’s position and direction for the best reception. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 C usually singular a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etc  (If you spoke their language you'd get a friendlier reception. | Vaughan's play met with a mixed reception from the critics.) 2 a large formal party to celebrate an event or to welcome someone  (a wedding reception | A champagne reception will be held in honour of the ambassador's visit.) 3 a) the desk or office where visitors arriving in a hotel or large organization go first  (Please leave your key at the reception desk.) b) BrE the area around or in front of this desk or office; lobby1 (1)  (I'll wait for you in reception.) 4 the quality of radio or television signals that you receive  (listeners complaining about poor reception) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., in astrology, "effect of two planets on each other;" sense of "receiving" is early 15c., from L. receptionem (nom. receptio) "a receiving," from recipere (see receive). Sense of "ceremonial gathering" is 1882, from Fr. Receptionist first recorded 1867. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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