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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - rap


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Перевод с английского языка rap на русский

1. легкий удар to get a rap over (on) the knuckles (the fingers) —- получить удар по рукам 2. (негромкий) стук there was a rap on the window —- в окно кто-то постучал 3. сл. наказание; приговор; срок to beat the rap —- избежать наказания; уйти от правосудия to take the rap —- получить срок, попасть за решетку 4. разг. выговор; взыскание 5. австрал. сл. похвала to give smb. a rap —- похвалить кого-л.; погладить по головке 6. рэп (речитатив под музыку в стиле рок-н-ролла; также rap music) 7. слегка ударять to rap smb.'s knuckles (smb.'s fingers), to rap smb. over the knuckles (over the fingers) —- дать кому-л. по рукам some students were rapped on the knuckles for not submitting their papers on time —- некоторым учащимся попало за то, что они вовремя не сдали письменные работы the chairman rapped the table —- председатель ударил по столу молотком the chairman rapped the meeting to order —- председатель открыл собрание (постучав по столу) 8. стучать, постукивать to rap at a door —- постучать в дверь he rapped on the table —- он барабанил пальцами по столу 9. выстукивать (сигналы) 10. резко говорить; выкрикивать 11. браниться, ругаться 12. сл. арестовать; посадить (в тюрьму) 13. обколачивать (модель и т. п.) 14. ирл. ист. обесцененная или фальшивая монета 15. безделица; капелька; чуточка it isn't worth a rap —- гроша ломаного не стоит I don't care a rap —- мне наплевать 16. текст. пасма, моток пряжи 17. уст. уносить, захватывать to rap and rend —- захватить и разграбить 18. уст. захватывать, охватывать (о чувстве) 19. ам. простореч. (откровенная) беседа; разговор по душам; обсуждение to get into a rap with smb. —- разговориться с кем-л. 20. ам. простореч. разговаривать откровенно; говорить по душам; вместе потолковать (о чем-л.) 21. ам. простореч. сочувствовать; сопереживать; понимать (кого-л., чьи-л. трудности, неудачи и т. п.)
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См. в других словарях

  I  1. noun  1) легкий удар; to get/give a rap over/on the knuckles -  а) получить (дать) по рукам;  б) получить (сделать) выговор, замечание  2) стук; rap on the window - негромкий стук в окно  3) coll. ответственность (за проступок); наказание; to take the rap for smth. - получить выговор за что-л. Syn: see blow  2. v.  1) слегка ударять; to rap someone on the knuckles coll. - ругать, бранить  2) стучать (at, on); Theres someone rapping at the door. Rap on the wall with the heel of your shoe, someone will surely hear and let us out.  3) резко говорить, выкрикивать (обыкн. rap out)  4) amer.; sl. отчитать - rap out - rap with II noun hist. мелкая обесцененная монета (в Ирландии в XVIII в.) not a rap - ни гроша; I dont care a rap мне на это наплевать it does not matter a rap - это не имеет никакого значения III noun моток пряжи в 120 ярдов RAP with coll. поговорить с кем-л. неформально; You can learn a lot by rapping with people you think might be your enemies. RAP out  а) выкрикнуть, испустить (крик), извергать (ругательства); to rap out an oath выругаться; The officer rapped out an order, and all the soldiers raised their guns.  б) выстукивать; to rap out a message выстукивать сообщение RAP knuckles дать нагоняй ...
Англо-русский словарь
  см. rap music RAP MUSIC рэп Популярный музыкальный стиль афро-американского Afro-Americans происхождения, получивший широкое распространение в 1980-х. Представляет собой произносимые скороговоркой рифмованные фразы под аккомпанемент компьютерной ритм-группы или музыки многих других стилей. Непременными элементами стиля являются танец и характерные жесты. Этнические меньшинства страны увидели в нем возможность рассказать в доступной форме о своих проблемах. Однако исполнителей рэпа - рэпперов rappers часто обвиняют в непристойности (из-за текстов песен), расизме, политическом радикализме, пропаганде наркотиков и т. п. Популярен рэп и среди белой молодежи. С середины 1980-х такие исполнители и группы, как Эм-Си Хаммер M. C. Hammer, "Айс-ти" "Ice-T", "Айс-кьюб" "Ice Cube", "Паблик энеми" "Public Enemy" и др. выпускают альбомы миллионными тиражами Тж. rap, hip-hop ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  стук, обколачивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) стук простукивать (напр. отливку); горн. остукивать (кровлю) 2) расколачивать, расталкивать (модель) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a smart slight blow. 2 a knock, a sharp tapping sound. 3 sl. blame, censure, or punishment. 4 sl. a conversation. 5 a a rhyming monologue recited rhythmically to prerecorded music. b (in full rap music) a style of rock music with a pronounced beat and words recited rather than sung. --v. (rapped, rapping) 1 tr. strike smartly. 2 intr. knock; make a sharp tapping sound (rapped on the table). 3 tr. criticize adversely. 4 intr. sl. talk. Phrases and idioms beat the rap US escape punishment. rap on (or over) the knuckles a reprimand or reproof. rap out 1 utter (an oath, order, pun, etc.) abruptly or on the spur of the moment. 2 Spiritualism express (a message or word) by raps. take the rap suffer the consequences. Derivatives rapper n. Etymology: ME, prob. imit. 2. n. a small amount, the least bit (don't care a rap). Etymology: Ir. ropaire Irish counterfeit coin ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~pe  Date: 14th century  1. a sharp blow or knock  2.  a. a sharp rebuke or criticism  b. a negative and often undeserved reputation or charge — often used with bum or bad given a bum ~ by the press  3.  a. the responsibility for or adverse consequences of an action refused to take the ~  b. a criminal charge  c. a prison sentence  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to strike with a sharp blow  2. to utter suddenly and forcibly  3. to cause to be or come by ~s ~ the meeting to order  4. to criticize sharply  intransitive verb  1. to strike a quick sharp blow  2. to make a short sharp sound  III. transitive verb  (~ped; also ~t; ~ping)  Etymology: back-formation from ~t  Date: 1599  1. to snatch away or upward  2. en~ture  IV. noun  Etymology: perhaps from 1~  Date: 1834 a minimum amount or degree (as of care or consideration) ; the least bit doesn't care a ~  V. intransitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: perhaps from 1~  Date: 1929  1. to talk freely and frankly  2. to perform ~ music  VI. noun  Date: 1967  1. talk, conversation; also a line of talk ; patter  2.  a. a rhythmic chanting often in unison of usually rhymed couplets to a musical accompaniment  b. a piece so performed ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (raps, rapping, rapped) 1. Rap is a type of music in which the words are not sung but are spoken in a rapid, rhythmic way. Her favorite music was by Run DMC, a rap group. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 2. Someone who raps performs rap music. ...the unexpected pleasure of hearing the Kids not only rap but even sing... VERB: V 3. A rap is a piece of music performed in rap style, or the words that are used in it. Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus. N-COUNT 4. If you rap on something or rap it, you hit it with a series of quick blows. Mary Ann turned and rapped on Simon’s door. ...rapping the glass with the knuckles of his right hand... A guard raps his stick on a metal hand rail. VERB: V on n, V n, V n on n • Rap is also a noun. There was a sharp rap on the door. N-COUNT: usu N on n 5. A rap is a statement in a court of law that someone has committed a particular crime, or the punishment for committing it. (AM INFORMAL) You’ll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict. N-COUNT: oft adj N for n/-ing 6. A rap is an act of criticizing or blaming someone. (JOURNALISM) FA chiefs could still face a rap and a possible fine... N-COUNT: usu sing 7. If you rap someone for something, you criticize or blame them for it. (JOURNALISM) Water industry chiefs were rapped yesterday for failing their customers... VERB: V n for/over n 8. The rap about someone or something is their reputation, often a bad reputation which they do not deserve. (AM INFORMAL) The rap on this guy is that he doesn’t really care... N-SING: usu with supp 9. If someone in authority raps your knuckles or raps you on the knuckles, they criticize you or blame you for doing something they think is wrong. (JOURNALISM) I joined the workers on strike and was rapped over the knuckles... PHRASE: V inflects 10. If someone in authority gives you a rap on the knuckles, they criticize you or blame you for doing something they think is wrong....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 rapped, rapping ~ v 1 »HIT« to hit or knock something quickly and lightly  (She rapped the table with her pen and called for silence.) + at/on  (rapping loudly on the door) 2 »SAY« also rap out to say something loudly, suddenly, and in a way that sounds angry  (Captain Blake rapped out an order.) 3 »CRITICIZE« a word meaning to criticize someone angrily used in newspapers  (a film rapped by critics for its excessive violence) 4 »MUSIC« to say the words of a rap2 (2) 5 »CONVERSATION« old-fashioned to talk in an informal way to friends; chat 6 rap sb over the knuckles to criticize someone, often officially, for something they have done wrong  (schools rapped over the knuckles for their failure to improve examination results) ~2 n 1 »KNOCK« a quick light hit or knock  (We heard a sharp rap on the door.) 2 »MUSIC« a type of popular music in which the words of a song are not sung, but spoken in time to music with a steady beat 3 »CRIME« AmE informal a) a statement by the state that someone is responsible for a serious crime; charge1 (4)  (murder rap/drunk driving rap)  (He's in police custody facing a murder rap.) b) time spent in prison as punishment for a crime  (beat the rap (=escape punishment)) 4 take the rap (for sth) to be blamed or punished for a mistake or crime, especially unfairly  (It didn't worry him that someone else would have to take the rap for his greed.) 5 »CRITICISM« a rap on/over the knuckles informal strong criticism for something you have done wrong  (The New York Post received an official rap over the knuckles for the way it reported the story.) 6 »NOT FAIR« a bum rap AmE slang unfair treatment or punishment ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Reinforcing Aids Prevention U.S. gov. abbr. Regional Advisory Process U.S. gov. abbr. Rythm And Poetry U.S. gov. abbr. Radiological Assistance Program U.S. gov. abbr. Rental Assistance Program U.S. gov. abbr. Rights Action Power U.S. gov. abbr. Resident Assessment Protocols U.S. gov. abbr. Relocation Assistance Program transport. abbr. Roadside Assistance Program transport. abbr. Runs Above Position mil. abbr. Radio Access Point mil. abbr. Rocket Assisted Projectile mil. abbr. Revised Approved Program mil. abbr. Ready For Action Point mil. abbr. Rocket Accelerated Penetrator mil. abbr. Rear Area Protection airport code Rapid City, South Dakota USA ocean sc. abbr. Regional Analysis and Prediction univ. abbr. Research Assistance For Papers electron. abbr. Relay Access Probe electron. abbr. Radio Activated And Programmable funny abbr. Retards Attempting Poetry funny abbr. Really Annointed People funny abbr. Righteous Anointed People funny abbr. Respice Aspice And Prospice adult abbr. Rotten Ass Puke adult abbr. Right Ass Pussies adult abbr. Ragging Ass Pirates adult abbr. Rude Ass People softw. abbr. Reactive Agent Planner softw. abbr. Report Application Pascal network. abbr. Relay Access Probe network. abbr. Repository Access Protocol media abbr. Review And Preview media abbr. Research Author And Publish media abbr. Rhythm And Poetry media abbr. Redundant Acronym Phrase media abbr. Really Awful Poetry media abbr. Real American Poetry educ. abbr. Reading Any Place educ. abbr. Reader's Advisory Panel educ. abbr. Responsible Attitudes Program educ. abbr. Read Ask And Paraphrase educ. abbr. River Adventure Program educ. abbr. Rapid Assessment Process educ. abbr. Read A Passage educ. abbr. Read Aloud Program educ. abbr. Resource Access Project religion abbr. Righteous And Powerful law abbr. Rules of Appellate Procedure ( Court Rules) law abbr. Rams Alternative Program law abbr. Relative Ability To Pay music abbr. Retards Attempting Poetry gen. bus. abbr. Risk Analysis Process gen....
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: TAKE THE RAP. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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