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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - qualify


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Перевод с английского языка qualify на русский

1. готовить (кого-л.) к какой-л. деятельности; обучать (кого-л.) для какой-л. цели; подготавливать (кого-л.) to qualify officers —- готовить офицеров to qualify oneself for a post —- готовить себя к какой-л. должности 2. (for) готовиться к какой-л. деятельности; готовиться стать специалистом в какой-л. области; приобретать какую-л. квалификацию to qualify for the rank of captain —- проходить подготовку для получения звания капитана a refresher course can qualify you for this job —- после учебы на курсах повышения квалификации ты сможешь устроиться на эту работу 3. получать диплом, аттестат, удостоверение he qualified in medicine as a doctor last year —- в прошлом году он получил диплом врача to qualify as a teacher —- получать диплом преподавателя he qualified in London to teach English —- он получил диплом преподавателя английского языка в Лондоне 4. быть компетентным I am not qualified to judge —- не мне об этом судить being a son of a member of parliament does not qualify him to talk about politics —- то, что он сын члена парламента, еще не дает ему права судить о политике 5. делать правомочным to qualify smb. as a voter —- внести кого-л. в список избирателей this certificate does not qualify you for admission —- этот аттестат не дает вам право на поступление 6. стать правомочным; обрести право (на что-л.) to qualify for the vote —- получить право голоса will our team qualify for the second round of the competition? —- сможет ли наша команда добиться права участвовать во втором туре соревнований? to qualify for entry —- спорт. соответствовать требованиям для участия в соревновании; пройти отборочные соревнования to qualify for the final —- спорт. выйти в финал 7. зарабатывать a few more remarks like that and you will qualify for punch on the nose —- поговори еще и заработаешь по носу 8. умерять, уменьшать; ослаблять, смягчать to qualify one's anger —- умерить (свой) пыл (гнев) qualify that statement, it is too strong —- смягчи это заявление, оно слишком резкое to qualify criticism —- смягчить критику to qualify the severity of a judgement —- смягчить суровость приговора 9. разбавлять to qualify coffee with cognac —- добавлять коньяк в кофе 10. оценивать, квалифицировать, определять this book hardly qualifies as a works of art —- эту книгу вряд ли назовешь произведеним искусства to qualify an opinion as erroneous —- считать мнение ошибочным 11. уточнять I would like to qualify this statement —- я хотел бы уточнить это заявление 12. грам. определять adjectivees qualify nouns —- прилагательные являются определением к существительным 13. ам. давать присягу, клятву (для получения права на занятие должности) 14. обыкн. pass приводить к присяге, к клятве (для введения в должность) 15. шотл. доказывать, подтверждать
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См. в других словарях

  v.  1) обучать для какой-л. цели; готовить (кого-л.) к какой-л. деятельности;  2) готовиться к какой-л. деятельности; приобретать какую-л. квалификацию; At the end of three years, our son hopes to qualify as a lawyer.  3) быть компетентным  4) получать право (на что-либо); делать или стать правомочным (as, for); to qualify for the vote - получить право голоса  5) оценивать, квалифицировать; называть (as)  6) зарабатывать; If that boy goes on behaving like that, hell qualify for severe punishment.  7) ослаблять, смягчать; Qualify this statement, it is too strong.  8) разбавлять; He qualified coffee with milk.  7) gram. определять ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) квалифицировать(ся) 2) готовить к деятельности; обучать 3) определять 4) называть(ся) 5) делать(ся) способным/годным 6) делать(ся) правомочным QUALIFY 1) отвечать требованиям; обладать правом 2) ограничивать 3) квалифицировать; определять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) уточнять 2) тарировать; калибровать 3) сертифицировать; контролировать 4) квалифицировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) квалифицировать 2) ограничивать 3) определять - qualify name ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. make competent or fit for a position or purpose. 2 tr. make legally entitled. 3 intr. (foll. by for) (of a person) satisfy the conditions or requirements (for a position, award, competition, etc.). 4 tr. add reservations to; modify or make less absolute (a statement or assertion). 5 tr. Gram. (of a word, esp. an adjective) attribute a quality to another word, esp. a noun. 6 tr. moderate, mitigate; make less severe or extreme. 7 tr. alter the strength or flavour of. 8 tr. (foll. by as) attribute a specified quality to, describe as (the idea was qualified as absurd). 9 tr. (as qualifying adj.) serving to determine those that qualify (qualifying examination). Derivatives qualifiable adj. qualifier n. Etymology: F qualifier f. med.L qualificare f. L qualis such as ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (-fied; -fying)  Etymology: Middle French qualifier, from Medieval Latin qualificare, from Latin qualis  Date: 1533  transitive verb  1.  a. to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form ; modify  b. to make less harsh or strict ; moderate  c. to alter the strength or flavor of  d. to limit or modify the meaning of (as a noun)  2. to characterize by naming an attribute ; describe cannot ~ it as…either glad or sorry — T. S. Eliot  3.  a. to fit by training, skill, or ability for a special purpose  b.  (1) to declare competent or adequate ; certify  (2) to invest with legal capacity ; license  intransitive verb  1. to be or become fit (as for an office) ; meet the required standard  2. to acquire legal or competent power or capacity has just qualified as a lawyer  3.  a. to exhibit a required degree of ability in a preliminary contest qualified for the finals  b. to shoot well enough to earn a marksmanship badge ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (qualifies, qualifying, qualified) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When someone qualifies, they pass the examinations that they need to be able to work in a particular profession. But when I’d qualified and started teaching it was a different story... I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago. VERB: V, V as/in n, also V to-inf 2. If you qualify for something or if something qualifies you for it, you have the right to do it or have it. To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years... The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist. ...skills that qualify foreigners for work visas. ...highly trained staff who are well qualified to give unbiased, practical advice. VERB: V for n, V n to-inf, V n for n, V-ed, also V, V to-inf 3. To qualify as something or to be qualified as something means to have all the features that are needed to be that thing. 13 percent of American households qualify as poor, says Mr. Mishel... These people seem to think that reading a few books on old age qualifies them as experts. VERB: V as n, V n as n, also V 4. If you qualify in a competition, you are successful in one part of it and go on to the next stage. Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday... Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone. ...a World Cup qualifying match. VERB: V for n, V, V-ing • qualifier (qualifiers) Kenya’s Robert Kibe was the fastest qualifier for the 800 metres final. N-COUNT 5. If you qualify a statement, you make it less strong or less general by adding a detail or explanation to it. I would qualify that by putting it into context. VERB: V n 6. see also qualified ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »PASS EXAMS« to pass an examination or reach the standard of knowledge or skill that you need in order to do something + as  (Olga recently qualified .as a pilot. | After qualifying, doctors spend at least two years working in hospitals.) 2 »HAVE A RIGHT« to have the right to claim something + for  (You may be able to qualify for unemployment benefit.) 3 »MAKE SB SUITABLE« if your knowledge or ability qualifies you to do something, it makes you a suitable person to do it  (qualify sb for sth)  (Fluency in three languages qualifies her for work in the European Parliament. | qualify sb to do sth)  (Our four-week course will qualify you to teach English overseas.) 4 »HAVE THE RIGHT QUALITIES« to have all the necessary qualities to be considered to be a particular thing + as  (I don't think that really qualifies as an answer. | Does photography qualify as an art form?) 5 »SPORT« to reach the necessary standard to enter or continue in a competition or sports event  (If the French team wins, it will qualify for a place in the finals.) 6 »ADD SOMETHING« to add to something that has already been said, in order to limit its effect or meaning; modify  (Could I just qualify that last statement?) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1465, "to invest with a quality," from M.L. qualificare "attribute a quality to," from L. qualis "of what sort" + facere "to make." Sense of "be fit for a job" first appeared 1588. Qualification in the sense of "limitation, restriction" is from 1543. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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