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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - prove


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Перевод с английского языка prove на русский

1. доказывать to prove smb.'s guilt —- доказать чью-либо вину 2. удостоверять, подтверждать документами; (за)свидетельствовать to prove one's identity —- удостоверить личность to prove a will —- утвердить завещание 3. уст. испытывать, пробовать to prove smb.'s honesty —- испытать чью-либо честность 4. спец. подвергать испытанию, испытывать to prove a new weapon —- испытывать новый вид оружия 5. оказываться to prove satisfactory —- оказаться удовлетворительным 6. показывать; демонстрировать to prove oneself —- проявлять себя, показывать себя 7. мат. проверять the correctness of the subtraction has been proved —- правильность вычитания проверена 8. полигр. получать пробный оттиск 9. горн. разведывать 10. кул. производить расстойку (теста) 11. испытывать, переживать to prove the extreme depths of poverty and sorrow —- испытать крайнюю нужду и горе
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См. в других словарях

  up amer.  а) доказать (преимущественное) право на приобретение государственной земли  б) приводить в качестве доказательства PROVE out подтверждать(ся); проявлять себя в полной мере; доказывать готовность; PROVE an alibi доказывать алиби PROVE v.  1) доказывать; удостоверять; подтверждать документами; You will have to prove to the police that you were at home that night.  2) испытывать, пробовать; подвергать испытанию  3) оказываться; the play proved a success - пьеса имела успех  4) показывать, демонстрировать; Some people do the strangest things just to prove themselves.  4) math. проверять  5) leg. утверждать (завещание)  6) typ. делать пробный оттиск - prove out - prove up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) доказывать (удостоверять) 2) оказываться 3) пробовать 4) испытывать - prove a debt Syn: try, test PROVE 1) доказывать 2) пробовать; испытывать 3) утверждать – to prove by a document – to prove invalidity ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) доказывать 2) испытывать 3) проверять - failing to prove - failure to prove - prove an equation - prove by exhaustion - prove by experiment - prove by induction - prove deposit - prove differentiability - prove rigorously - prove the theorem - prove useful ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) проверять; контролировать 2) матем. доказывать 3) печатать пробный оттиск или корректурный оттиск: получать пробное изображение 4) производить расстойку теста to prove up — определять наличие полезного ископаемого ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. (past part. proved or proven) 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) demonstrate the truth of by evidence or argument. 2 intr. a (usu. foll. by to + infin.) be found (it proved to be untrue). b emerge incontrovertibly as (will prove the winner). 3 tr. Math. test the accuracy of (a calculation). 4 tr. establish the genuineness and validity of (a will). 5 intr. (of dough) rise in bread-making. 6 tr. = PROOF 6. 7 tr. subject (a gun etc.) to a testing process. 8 tr. archaic test the qualities of; try. Phrases and idioms not proven (in Scottish Law) a verdict that there is insufficient evidence to establish guilt or innocence. prove oneself show one's abilities, courage, etc. Derivatives provable adj. provability n. provably adv. Etymology: ME f. OF prover f. L probare test, approve, demonstrate f. probus good ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; ~d or ~n; proving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, pruver, from Latin probare to test, ~, from probus good, honest, from pro- for, in favor + -bus (akin to Old English beon to be) — more at pro-, be  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. archaic to learn or find out by experience  2.  a. to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of the exception ~s the rule ~ a will at probate  b. to test the worth or quality of; specifically to compare against a standard — sometimes used with up or out  c. to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result)  3.  a. to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic) ~ a theorem the charges were never ~d in court  b. to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth the vaccine has been ~n effective after years of tests ~d herself a great actress  4. to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable eager to ~ myself in the new job  intransitive verb to turn out especially after trial or test the new drug ~d effective  • provable adjective  • provableness noun  • provably adverb  • ~r noun Usage:  The past participle ~n, originally the past participle of preve, a Middle English variant of ~ that survived in Scotland, has gradually worked its way into standard English over the past three and a half centuries. It seems to have first become established in legal use and to have come only slowly into literary use. Tennyson was one of its earliest frequent users, probably for metrical reasons. It was disap~d by 19th century grammarians, one of whom included it in a list of “words that are not words.” Surveys made some 50 or 60 years ago indicated that ~d was about four times as frequent as ~n. But our evidence from the last 30 or 35 years shows this no longer to be the case. As a past participle ~n is now about as frequent as ~d in all contexts. As an attributive adjective ~d or ~n gas reserves ~n is much more common than ~d. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (proves, proving, proved, proved, or proven) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something proves to be true or to have a particular quality, it becomes clear after a period of time that it is true or has that quality. We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true... In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult. ...an experiment which was to prove a source of inspiration for many years to come. V-LINK: V to-inf, V adj, V n 2. If you prove that something is true, you show by means of argument or evidence that it is definitely true. You brought this charge. You prove it!... The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate. ...trying to prove how groups of animals have evolved... That made me hopping mad and determined to prove him wrong... History will prove him to have been right all along. ...a proven cause of cancer. VERB: V n, V that, V wh, V n adj, V n to-inf, V-ed 3. If you prove yourself to have a certain good quality, you show by your actions that you have it. Margaret proved herself to be a good mother... As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms... A man needs time to prove himself... Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability. VERB: V pron-refl to-inf, V pron-refl adj, V pron-refl, V-ed, also V pron-refl n, V that 4. If you prove a point, you show other people that you know something or can do something, although your action may have no other purpose. They made a 3,000 mile detour simply to prove a point. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v past tense provedpast participle proved also proven especially AmE 1 »SHOW THE TRUTH« to show that something is true by providing facts, information etc  (Evidence has been found that proves his innocence. | prove (that))  (It is impossible to prove that God exists. | prove sb wrong/innocent etc)  (It would give me great pleasure to prove Sam wrong.)  (- see also disprove) 2 »BE SOMETHING« linking verb, if someone or something proves difficult, helpful etc, you find out that this is what they are like  (Working from home proved a real advantage after my son was born. | prove to be sth)  (Your computing experience should prove to be useful.) 3 prove yourself to show how good you are at something by trying hard to do it well  (When I started the job, I felt I had to prove myself.) 4 »BREAD« if dough (=unbaked bread mixture) proves, it rises and becomes light because of the yeast in it 5 »LAW« law to show that a will has been made properly - provable adj - provably adv ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., from O.Fr. prover, from L. probare "to test, prove worthy," from probus "worthy, good," from PIE *pro-bhwo- "being in front," second element is root of Eng. be. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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