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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - parade


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Перевод с английского языка parade на русский

1. показ beauty parade —- конкурс красоты mannequin parade —- демонстрация мод hit parade —- хит-парад (лучшие эстрадные произведения недели, сезона) 2. выставление напоказ to make a parade of one's accomplishments —- щеголять своими достоинствами 3. парад a show-of-force parade —- парад-демонстрация (военной) силы to be on parade —- участвовать в параде 4. ам. процессия, манифестация 5. место для прогулок 6. гуляющая публика 7. воен. построение 8. воен. плац 9. спорт. защита (фехтование) 10. парадный parade order —- строй для парада, парадное построение parade rest —- ам. воен. строевая стойка "вольно" parade state —- воен. строевой состав parade uniform —- парадная форма 11. выставлять напоказ to parade one's learning —- щеголять своими знаниями 12. шествовать; гордо выступать to parade the streets —- шествовать по улицам 13. воен. строить 14. воен. строиться 15. воен. идти строем, маршировать to parade under arms —- маршировать при полном снаряжении to parade troops —- делать смотр войскам
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) парад; A military parade marched slowly down Pennsylvania Avenue.  2) показ; - a mannequin parade  3) выставление напоказ; - make a parade of smth.  4) mil. построение; Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.  5) mil. плац  6) место для гулянья  7) гуляющая публика  8) amer. процессия  9) череда, вереница; When I asked Nick about his childhood, he remembered a parade of baby-sitters. - programme parade  2. v.  1) mil. строить(ся); проходить строем; маршировать; More than four thousand soldiers paraded down the Champs Elysee.  2) выставлять напоказ; Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions. Five leading Communist fighters have been paraded before the media.  3) шествовать; разгуливать; to parade the streets - гулять по улицам PARADE order строй для парада ...
Англо-русский словарь
  "Парэйд" Еженедельный популярный иллюстрированный журнал. Выпускается как воскресное приложение к 130 газетам. Издается в г. Нью-Йорке. Основан в 1941. Тираж около 22 млн. экз. PARADE парад непременная часть большинства праздников в больших и малых городах США. В процессии обычно участвуют духовые оркестры, мажоретки majorettes (девушки в военных мундирах и коротких юбочках, в сапожках, с жезлами) и передвижные платформы с макетами, а также известные люди города или страны, следующие в открытых автомобилях convertible. Среди наиболее известных традиционных парадов - "Парад Мейси" Macy's Parade в День Благодарения в г. Нью-Йорке и "Парад роз" Tournament of Roses Parade в г. Пасадина Pasadena, шт. Калифорния ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a formal or ceremonial muster of troops for inspection. b = parade-ground. 2 a public procession. 3 ostentatious display (made a parade of their wealth). 4 a public square, promenade, or row of shops. --v. 1 intr. assemble for parade. 2 a tr. march through (streets etc.) in procession. b intr. march ceremonially. 3 tr. display ostentatiously. Phrases and idioms on parade 1 taking part in a parade. 2 on display. parade-ground a place for the muster of troops. Derivatives parader n. Etymology: F, = show, f. Sp. parada and It. parata ult. f. L parare prepare, furnish ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: French, from Middle French, from parer to prepare — more at pare  Date: circa 1656  1. a pompous show ; exhibition  2.  a. the ceremonial formation of a body of troops before a superior officer  b. a place where troops assemble regularly for ~  3.  a. an informal procession  b. a public procession  c. a usually lengthy array or succession a ~ of visitors  4.  a. a place for strolling  b. those who promenade  II. verb  (~d; parading)  Date: 1686  transitive verb  1. to cause to maneuver or march ; marshal  2. promenade  3. to exhibit ostentatiously  intransitive verb  1. to march in or as if in a procession  2. promenade  3.  a. show off  b. masquerade myths which ~ as modern science — M. R. Cohen  Synonyms: see show  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (parades, parading, paraded) 1. A parade is a procession of people or vehicles moving through a public place in order to celebrate an important day or event. A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue. N-COUNT 2. When people parade somewhere, they walk together in a formal group or a line, usually with other people watching them. More than four thousand soldiers, sailors and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysee... VERB: V prep/adv 3. Parade is a formal occasion when soldiers stand in lines to be seen by an officer or important person, or march in a group. He had them on parade at six o’clock in the morning... N-VAR: oft on N 4. If prisoners are paraded through the streets of a town or on television, they are shown to the public, usually in order to make the people who are holding them seem more powerful or important. Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep 5. If you say that someone parades a person, you mean that they show that person to others only in order to gain some advantage for themselves. Children are paraded on television alongside the party leaders to win votes. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 6. If people parade something, they show it in public so that it can be admired. Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions. = show off VERB: V n 7. If someone parades, they walk about somewhere in order to be seen and admired. I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach... They danced and paraded around. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 8. If you say that something parades as or is paraded as a good or important thing, you mean that some people say that it is good or important but you think it probably is not. The Chancellor will be able to parade his cut in interest rates as a small victory... ...all the fashions that parade as modern movements in art. VERB: V n as n, V as n 9. If you talk about a parade of people or things, you mean...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a public celebration when musical bands, brightly decorated vehicles etc move down the street  (a victory parade) 2 a military ceremony in which soldiers stand or march together so that important people can examine them  (a passing-out parade | be on parade (=be standing or marching in a parade)) 3 a line of people moving along so that other people can watch them  (fashion parade (=a show of different styles of clothes)) 4 especially BrE a street with a row of small shops  (- see also identification parade, hit parade) ~2 v 1 »CELEBRATE/PROTEST« to walk or march together to celebrate or protest about something + around/past etc  (The marchers paraded peacefully through the center of the capital.) 2 »SHOW STH« to show your possessions, knowledge etc in order to make people admire you  (He loves to parade his knowledge in front of his students.) 3 »WALK AROUND« to walk around, especially in a way that shows that you want people to notice and admire you + around/past etc  (A trio of girls in extremely brief bikinis paraded up and down.) 4 »SHOW SB« T always + adv/prep to proudly show someone to other people, often to prove that you have control over them  (The prisoners were paraded in front of the TV cameras.) 5 »SOLDIERS« if soldiers parade or if an officer parades them, they march together so that an important person can watch them  (Two thousand of his warriors paraded before him.) 6 parade as/be paraded as if something parades as something else that is better, someone is pretending that it is the other better thing  (It's just self-interest parading as concern for your welfare.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: HIT PARADE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1656, from Fr. parade "display, show, military parade," from M.Fr. parade, probably from L. parer "arrange, prepare, adorn." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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