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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - odd


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Перевод с английского языка odd на русский

1. непарная вещь 2. нечетное число 3. странность; случайность и т. п. 4. спорт. дополнительный, лишний удар (в гольфе) 5. фора 6. карт. решающая взятка 7. нечетный odd number —- нечетное число odd houses —- дома с нечетными номерами odd months —- месяцы, имеющие 31 день odd files —- нечетные шеренги odd and even —- чет и нечет 8. непарный odd shoe —- непарный полуботинок the box was full of odd gloves —- в коробке лежало много перчаток от разных пар 9. превышающий (круглое число) the odd money —- сдача, мелочь five hundred odd, five hundred and odd —- пятьсот с лишним 10. немногим больший; дополнительный, еще один или несколько she is 30 odd years —- ей за тридцать it will cost 23 dollars odd —- это будет стоить чуть больше двадцати трех долларов 11. лишний, избыточный (сверх нужного количества) odd player —- запасной игрок 12. разрозненный odd volumes of Dickens —- отдельные тома (из собрания сочинений) Диккенса odd bits of information —- отрывочные сведения he turntd out to be the odd guest at the party —- он оказался на вечере без пары 13. случайный, нерегулярный odd job —- случайная работа odd man —- человек, выполняющий случайную работу odd stroke of luck —- случайная удача, неожиданное везение at odd moments —- в свободные минуты; когда удается выбрать время he would see her again some odd day —- он еще когда-нибудь с ней увидится I've got one or two odd jobs for you to do —- у меня есть некоторые поручения для тебя 14. странный, необычный, эксцентричный odd manners —- эксцентричные манеры odd way of speaking —- странная манера говорить how odd! —- как странно! odd in shape —- неправильной формы he looks very odd in uniform —- он очень странно выглядит в форме that's very odd —- очень странно that's an odd way to show gratitude —- разве так благодарят? 15. отдаленный, дальний; заброшенный odd corner —- дальний уголок a tour to the odd parts of the Far East —- поездка в отдаленные районы Дальнего Востока Id: the odd man —- решающий голос
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См. в других словарях

  money сдача, мелочь ODD  1. adj.  1) нечетный; odd and (or) even - чет и/или нечет; odd houses - дома с нечетными номерами; - odd months  2) непарный, разрозненный; - odd volumes - odd player  3) лишний, добавочный, остающийся (сверх суммы или определенного количества); three pounds odd - три с лишним фунта; три фунта, не считая шиллингов и пенсов; twenty odd years - двадцать с лишним лет; forty odd - сверх сорока, сорок с лишним; - odd money  4) незанятый, свободный; - odd moments - at odd times  5) случайный; odd job - случайная работа; - odd man - odd lad - odd hand  6) необычный, странный, эксцентричный; how odd! - как странно! the odd thing is - достойно удивления - the odd man - odd man out Syn: see queer  2. noun  1) cards решающая взятка (в висте)  2) удар, дающий перевес (в гольфе) ODD card чудак ODD fish чудак ODD hand человек, выполняющий случайную работу; разнорабочий [ср. тж. odd ] ODD lad человек, выполняющий случайную работу; разнорабочий [ср. тж. odd ] ODD man человек, выполняющий случайную работу; разнорабочий [ср. тж. odd ] ODD man out  а) игрок, оставшийся без пары; третий лишний;  б) coll. человек, предпочитающий одиночество; некоммуникабельный человек ODD moments минуты досуга; ODD volumes разрозненные тома; ODD months месяцы, имеющие 31 день ODD player запасной игрок ...
Англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) лишний, избыточный 2) добавочный 3) нечетный, непарный 4) разрозненный 5) незанятый 6) случайный 7) странный, необычный - odd hand - odd job - odd lot - odd man - odd money Syn: uneven ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выборочный 2) добавочный 3) курьезный 4) лишний 5) непарный 6) неспаренный 7) нечетный 8) остающийся 9) разрозненный 10) сверхсчетный 11) странный game of odd man out — игра лишний уходи property of being odd — нечетность - odd and even - odd automorphism - odd character - odd cycle - odd difference - odd dimensionality - odd extension - odd face - odd function - odd graph - odd harmonic - odd hole - odd integer - odd invariant - odd isometry - odd kernel - odd matrix - odd node - odd number - odd order - odd ordinal - odd parity - odd parts - odd permutation - odd polynomial - odd prime - odd representation - odd semichain - odd square - odd substitution - odd vertex ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 extraordinary, strange, queer, remarkable, eccentric. 2 casual, occasional, unconnected (odd jobs; odd moments). 3 not normally noticed or considered; unpredictable (in some odd corner; picks up odd bargains). 4 additional; beside the reckoning (earned the odd pound). 5 a (of numbers such as 3 and 5) not integrally divisible by two. b (of things or persons numbered consecutively) bearing such a number (no parking on odd dates). 6 left over when the rest have been distributed or divided into pairs (have got an odd sock). 7 detached from a set or series (a few odd volumes). 8 (appended to a number, sum, weight, etc.) somewhat more than (forty odd; forty-odd people). 9 by which a round number, given sum, etc., is exceeded (we have 102 - what shall we do with the odd 2?). --n. Golf a handicap of one stroke at each hole. Phrases and idioms odd job a casual isolated piece of work. odd job man (or odd jobber) Brit. a person who does odd jobs. odd man out 1 a person or thing differing from all the others in a group in some respect. 2 a method of selecting one of three or more persons e.g. by tossing a coin. Derivatives oddish adj. oddly adv. oddness n. Etymology: ME f. ON odda- in odda-mathr third man, odd man, f. oddi angle ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old Norse ~i point of land, triangle, ~ number; akin to Old English ord point of a weapon  Date: 14th century  1.  a. being without a corresponding mate an ~ shoe  b.  (1) left over after others are paired or grouped  (2) separated from a set or series  2.  a. somewhat more than the indicated approximate quantity, extent, or degree — usually used in combination 300-~ pages  b.  (1) left over as a remainder had a few ~ dollars left after paying his bills  (2) constituting a small amount had some ~ change in her pocket  3.  a. being any of the integers (as -3, -1, +1, and +3) that are not exactly divisible by two  b. marked by an ~ number of units  c. being a function such that f (-x) = -f (x) where the sign is reversed but the absolute value remains the same if the sign of the independent variable is reversed  4.  a. not regular, expected, or planned worked at ~ jobs  b. encountered or experienced from time to time ; occasional  5. having an out-of-the-way location ; remote  6. differing markedly from the usual or ordinary or accepted ; peculiar  Synonyms: see strange  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (odder, oddest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you describe someone or something as odd, you think that they are strange or unusual. He’d always been odd, but not to this extent... What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family... Something odd began to happen. = peculiar ADJ see also odd-looking • oddly ...an oddly shaped hill... His own boss was behaving rather oddly. ADV: ADV with v 2. You use odd before a noun to indicate that you are not mentioning the type, size, or quality of something because it is not important. ...moving from place to place where she could find the odd bit of work... I knew that Alan liked the odd drink. = occasional ADJ: det ADJ 3. You use odd after a number to indicate that it is only approximate. (INFORMAL) He has now appeared in sixty odd films... ‘How long have you lived here?’—‘Twenty odd years.’ ADV: num ADV 4. Odd numbers, such as 3 and 17, are those which cannot be divided exactly by the number two. The odd numbers are on the left as you walk up the street... There’s an odd number of candidates. ? even ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. You say that two things are odd when they do not belong to the same set or pair. I’m wearing odd socks today by the way. ? matching ADJ 6. The odd man out, the odd woman out, or the odd one out in a particular situation is a person who is different from the other people in it. Azerbaijan has been the odd man out, the one republic not to hold democratic elections... Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer. PHRASE: N inflects, usu v-link PHR 7. see also odds, odds and ends ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »STRANGE« different from what is normal or expected  (an odd character | Isn't that odd? She's never done that before. | An odd thing happened last night! | it is odd (that))  (It's odd that Diana never answered your letter. | the odd thing is...)  (The odd thing is no one seems to know who actually bought the picture.) 2 odd-looking/sounding looking or sounding strange or unusual  (He was an odd-looking bloke.) 3 the odd drink/word/moment etc especially BrE a few drinks etc at various times but not often and not regularly; occasional (1)  (We get the odd complaint from customers. | We have the odd drink together now and again.) 4 »VARIOUS« only before noun not specially chosen or collected  (He'd written the addresses on odd scraps of paper. | odd jobs (=many different small pieces of work))  (He sometimes does odd jobs around the estate.) 5 »NOT IN A PAIR/SET« only before noun separated from its pair or set  (an odd shoe | odd socks/gloves etc (=not a matching pair of socks etc)) 6 odd number a number that cannot be divided exactly by two, for example 1, 3, 5, 7 etc  (- opposite even2 (4)) 7 20-odd/30-odd etc spoken a little more than 20 etc  (I have 20-odd years to work before I retire.) 8 odd man out/odd one out a) especially BrE someone or something that is different from the rest of the group  (Which of these three shapes is the odd one out?) b) BrE informal someone who is not usually included in groups of people or friends  (I was always the odd one out in my class at school.)  (- see also oddly) - oddness n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Oppisitional Defiant Disorder physiol. abbr. Oppositional Deficit Disorder physiol. abbr. Oxidative Dysoxygenative Dysfunction physiol. abbr. Observation Danger And Diagnosis mil. abbr. Offboard Deception Device mil. abbr. Objective Digital Division airport code Oodnadatta, South Australia, Australia funny abbr. Obsessive Derek Disorder adult abbr. Ordells Dirty Dozen adult abbr. Old Dirty Dogs adult abbr. Old Dirty Drunk gen. comp. abbr. Optical Disk Drive sport abbr. Oddity Death Drop law abbr. Oppositional Defiant Disorder gen. bus. abbr. Oppositional Defiance Disorder pos. abbr. Official Designated Driver chat abbr. Oooo Don't Do ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1280, from O.N. oddi "third or additional number," as in odda-maрr "third man, odd man (who gives the casting vote)." Related via notion of "triangle" to oddr "point of a weapon," from P.Gmc. *uzdaz "pointed upward," from PIE *uzdho-. Originally "left over;" sense of "strange, peculiar" first attested 1588 from notion of "odd one out, unpaired one of three." Oddity is first recorded 1713; odds in betting sense is found first in Shakespeare ("Measure for Measure," 1500). Oddments is 1780, after fragments. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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