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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - object


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Перевод с английского языка object на русский

1. предмет; вещь distant object —- отдаленный предмет minute object —- мелкий предмет the names of these objects —- названия этих предметов objects about us —- окружающие нас предметы 2. объект, предмет object of pity —- объект сострадания an object of public charity —- объект благотворности object of thorough investigation —- предмет тщательного изучения 3. (конечная) цель; намерение; движущий мотив the object of one's life —- цель жизни an object of our visit —- цель нашего прихода an object for a walk —- цель прогулки with this object in mind —- преследуя эту цель, с этой целью, имея это в виду to have no object in life —- не иметь цели в жизни to achieve one's object —- достичь своей цели what's the object of doing that? —- зачем это делать? 4. грам. дополнение direct —- прямое дополнение 5. филос. объект (в противоп. субъекту) 6. разг. нелепый человек; смешная, необычная вещь a nice object he looked with a black eye! —- ну и вид же у него был с фонарем под глазом! Id: no object —- не имеет значения, не важно Id: money no object —- плата по соглашению Id: buy it for me, money no object —- купи это для меня, я заплачу любые деньги Id: distance no object —- расстояние не имеет значения (в объявлении) 7. возражать, протестовать; противиться (чему-л.); выдвигать возражение; выражать неодобрение I don't object to a cup of coffee —- я бы не прочь выпить чашечку кофе you should have objected in time —- нужно было высказывать свои возражения вовремя he objected in strong language —- он выразил свой протест в резкой форме do you object to smoking? —- вы против курения? the new plan is much objected to —- новый план вызывает немалые возражения he objected that... —- он возразил, что... 8. не любить, не одобрять; не переносить; испытывать неприязнь I object very much to a wet summer —- я не выношу сырого лета
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См. в других словарях

  I noun  1) предмет; вещь  2) объект (изучения и т.п.)  3) цель; - fail in object - succeed in object  4) philos. объект (в противоп. субъекту)  5) gram. дополнение  6) coll. человек/вещь необычного, жалкого, смешного и т.п. вида; what an object you look in that hat! - ну и вид же у тебя в этой шляпе! no object - не имеет значения; money (time) no object оплата (часы работы) по соглашению (в объявлениях); distance no object расстояние не имеет значения (в объявлениях) Syn: see purpose II v.  1) возражать, протестовать (to, against); I object to smoking - я возражаю против курения  2) не любить, не переносить ...
Англо-русский словарь
  объект – substitute object – visual object ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) предмет 2) цель 3) объект • - cost object - object of company - object of utility Syn: item, piece of work, commodity, product, entity 2. гл. возражать (против) OBJECT 1) предмет, объект 2) цель – object of action – object of legal protection – object of license – object of license agreement – object of property – object of the invention – added object – associated object – broad object – cardinal object – corollary object – data object – database object – detailed object – different object – double object – incidental object – foremost object – further object of the invention – kindred object – special object – stimulus object – visual object ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) возражать 2) объект 3) объектный 4) предмет 5) предметный compactly covered object — компактно покрывающий объект completely covered object — полностью покрытый объект completely symmetric object — абсолютно симметричный объект continuation of geometric object — продолжение геометрического объекта dually universal object — двойственно универсальный объект faithfully projective object — строго проективный объект object of projective connectivity — объект проективной связности object with differentiation — дифференциальный объект precompactly covered object — предкомпактно покрытый объект relative projective object — относительно проективный объект set antenna to bear on an object — наводить антенну на объект topologically universal object — топологически универсальный объект unidentified flying object — неопознанный летающий объект universally attracting object — универсально притягивающий объект universally repelling object — универсально отталкивающий объект - absolute object - abstract object - additive object - analytic object - antisymmetric object - changing object - characteristic object - closed object - coequating object - cofibrant object - cofree object - cohomology object - cointegral object - complete object - composite object - conceptual object - connecting object - connectivity object - constructive object - control object - cosimplicial object - covered object - cylinder object - diagonal object - differential object - direct object - distinguished object - dual object - external object - final object - foreign object - formal object - framed object -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) объект 2) оригинал (в факсимильной связи) 3) (выделенная) область изображения – applied object – audio object – audiovisual object – control object – device object – display object – guarded object – managed object – media object – nonservicing object – primitive video object – protected object – radio-tail object ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  предмет цель bulky objects long objects movable object ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) объект; предмет 2) цель - assignable object - astrophysical object - axially symmetric object - beyond visual range object - compound object - curved object - data object - diffracting object - diffuse object - extragalactic object - extraterrestrial object - ferrous object - free-flier object - free-flying object - galactic object - geometrical object - geometric object - hidden object - interplanetary object - interstellar object - irregular object - man-made object - movable object - nonterrestrial object - observable object - open object - optical object - primitive object - quasi-stellar object - radio object - reentry object - return object - stealth object - stellar object - test object - three-dimensional object - tracking object - transiting space object - visibility object - within-visual-range object - working object ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a material thing that can be seen or touched. 2 (foll. by of) a person or thing to which action or feeling is directed (the object of attention; the object of our study). 3 a thing sought or aimed at; a purpose. 4 Gram. a noun or its equivalent governed by an active transitive verb or by a preposition. 5 Philos. a thing external to the thinking mind or subject. 6 derog. a person or thing of esp. a pathetic or ridiculous appearance. 7 Computing a package of information and a description of its manipulation. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by to, against) express or feel opposition, disapproval, or reluctance; protest (I object to being treated like this; objecting against government policies). 2 tr. (foll. by that + clause) state as an objection (objected that they were kept waiting). 3 tr. (foll. by to, against, or that + clause) adduce (a quality or fact) as contrary or damaging (to a case). Phrases and idioms no object not forming an important or restricting factor (money no object). object-ball Billiards etc. that at which a player aims the cue-ball. object-glass the lens in a telescope etc. nearest to the object observed. object language 1 a language described by means of another language (see METALANGUAGE). 2 Computing a language into which a program is translated by means of a compiler or assembler. object-lesson a striking practical example of some principle. object of the exercise the main point of an activity. Derivatives objectless adj. objector n. Etymology: ME f. med.L objectum thing presented to the mind, past part. of L objicere (as OB-, jacere ject- throw) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin ~um, from Latin, neuter of ~us, past participle of obicere to throw in the way, present, hinder, from ob- in the way + jacere to throw — more at ob-, jet  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something material that may be perceived by the senses I see an ~ in the distance  b. something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion (as pity) look to the tragic loading of this bed…the ~ poisons sight; let it be hid — Shakespeare  2.  a. something mental or physical toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed an ~ for study the ~ of my affection delicately carved art ~s  b. something physical that is perceived by an individual and becomes an agent for psychological identification the mother is the primary ~ of the child  3.  a. the goal or end of an effort or activity ; purpose, ~ive their ~ is to investigate the matter thoroughly  b. a cause for attention or concern money is no ~  4. a thing that forms an element of or constitutes the subject matter of an investigation or science  5.  a. a noun or noun equivalent (as a pronoun, gerund, or clause) denoting the goal or result of the action of a verb  b. a noun or noun equivalent in a prepositional phrase  6.  a. a data structure in ~-oriented programming that can contain functions as well as data, variables, and other data structures  b. a discrete entity (as a window or icon) in computer graphics that can be manipulated independently of other such entities  Synonyms: see intention  • ~less adjective  • ~lessness noun  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us, past participle of obicere to throw in the way, ~  Date: 15th century  transitive verb to put forth in opposition or as an ~ion ~ed that the statement was misleading  intransitive verb  1. to oppose something firmly and usually with words or arguments  2. to feel distaste for something  • ~or noun  III. adjective  Date: 1959 of, relating to, or being ~ code an ~ file ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (objected) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An object is anything that has a fixed shape or form, that you can touch or see, and that is not alive. ...an object the shape of a coconut... In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects. N-COUNT 2. The object of what someone is doing is their aim or purpose. The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity... My object was to publish a scholarly work on Peter Mourne. N-COUNT: usu with poss 3. The object of a particular feeling or reaction is the person or thing it is directed towards or that causes it. The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French... The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha... N-COUNT: N of n see also sex object 4. In grammar, the object of a verb or a preposition is the word or phrase which completes the structure begun by the verb or preposition. N-COUNT see also direct object, indirect object 5. If you object to something, you express your dislike or disapproval of it. A lot of people will object to the book... Cullen objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work... We objected strongly but were outvoted... ‘Hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Russo objected. VERB: V to n, V that, V, V with quote 6. If you say that money is no object or distance is no object, you are emphasizing that you are willing or able to spend as much money as necessary or travel whatever distance is required. Hugh Johnson’s shop in London has a range of superb Swedish crystal glasses that I would have if money were no object... Although he was based in Wales, distance was no object. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »THING« a solid thing, especially something that you can hold or touch  (some kind of heavy blunt object) 2 an object of pity/desire/contempt etc someone or something that is pitied, desired etc  (Once famous, he was now a mere object of pity.)  (- see also sex object) 3 »AIM« the intended result of a plan, action, or activity + of  (The object of the game is to score 100 points. | His primary object was to gain publicity.) the object of the exercise (=the object of whatever you are doing)  (The customer will benefit most, and that after all is the object of the exercise.) 4 money/expense is no object used to say that you are willing to spend a lot of money 5 object lesson an event or story that shows you the right or wrong way of doing something  (The whole weekend was an object lesson in how not to attract a woman.) 6 »IN GRAMMAR« a noun, n phrase, or pronoun representing a) the person or thing that something is done to, for example `the house' in `We built the house.'; direct object b) the person who is concerned in the result of an action, for example `her' in `I gave her the book.'; indirect object c) the person or thing that is joined by a prep to another word or phrase, for example `table' in `He sat on the table.' ~2 v 1 to complain or protest about something, or to feel or say that you oppose it or disapprove of it  (Do you think anyone would object if I park my car here?)  (My mother objected to every boy I brought home.) object to being called/being told etc  (I object to being spoken to like that. | I object (=used in formal arguments))  (Mr. Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.) 2 T + tha to state a fact or opinion as a way of opposing something or complaining  (Mom objected that we were too young to go on vacation alone. | "My name's not Sonny," the child objected.)  (- see also objector) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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