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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - noise


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Перевод с английского языка noise на русский

1. шум, гам; крик, галдеж noise density —- интенсивность шума noise control —- борьба с шумом noise meter —- мед. шумомер, измеритель уровня шума don't make such a noise! —- перестаньте шуметь! hold your noise! —- не кричите!, молчать! I could not sleep for the noise —- я не мог спать из-за шума 2. толки, разговоры to make a noise about smth. —- поднимать шум из-за чего-л. to make a noise in the world —- вызывать много шума (толков) to make a lot of noise about a novel —- много шуметь о романе the novel made a lot of noise —- роман вызвал много шума (шумные толки) to do smth. without noise —- делать что-л. без шума (не привлекая внимания) 3. звук (обыкн. неприятный); шум, грохот hammering noise —- стук buzzing noise —- жужжание what's that noise? —- что это за звук (шум)? the noise of the rain —- шум дождя the noise of the bells —- колокольный звон the noises of the machine-shop —- лязг механического цеха the terrific noise of an explosion —- страшный грохот взрыва the noise of a brook —- журчание ручейка a noise of falling leaves —- шорох падающих листьев noise of burning wood —- треск горящих дров noise in the ear —- звон в ухе 4. уст. молва; (клеветнический) слух, сплетня 5. спец. шум, шумы; помехи atmospheric noise —- атмосферные помехи background noise —- фон (шумов или помех); шумы фона noise immunity —- помехоустойчивость, помехозащищенность noise suppression —- рад. подавление помех noise suppressor (muffler) —- рад. подавитель помех или шумов 6. фон. шумный звук 7. геогр. неритмичные случайные колебания уровня воды edge-wave noise —- "метеорологические" морские волны малых периодов Id: a big noise —- ирон. шишка, важная персона Id: to make noises —- выражать чувства; давать понять, намекать Id: to make encouraging noises —- выражать свое одобрение; поддакивать Id: to make comforting noises —- уговаривать, успокаивать 8. редк. разглашать; распространять; обнародовать, провозгласить to noise abroad —- распространять слухи it was noised abroad that... —- распространился слух, что... this success was noised abroad —- этот успех всюду наделал много шума the scandal was noised all over the town —- сплетня распространилась по всему городу 9. редк. шуметь, кричать, галдеть
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) шум, гам, грохот; гвалт  2) толки, разговоры; to make a noise about smth. - поднимать шум из-за чего-л.  3) звук (обыкн. неприятный)  4) помеха, помехи; - atmospheric noise - big noise to be a lot of noise amer. быть болтуном, пустомелей to make a noise in the world производить сенсацию; быть у всех на устах Syn: blare, clamour, clatter, din, hubbub, racket, sound, uproar Ant: calm, hush, quiet, silence, tranquillity  2. v.  1) разглашать; распространять; обнародовать (тж. noise abroad); Stories have been noised abroad about the governments intention to hold a quick election.  2) rare шуметь, кричать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  шум – dark noise – electrical noise – immunologic background noise ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  шум; помехи – retrieval noise NOISE сущ. 1) тех. (случайные) помехи 2) общ. толки, разговоры 3) общ. звук; шум, помехи 4) бирж. случайная сделка (сделка, не отражающая общебиржевых настроений (напр., одновременная покупка всех ценных бумаг, входящих в какой-либо фондовый индекс, арбитражером)) See: arbitrage 5) упр. шумы (явления и процессы в окружающей среде, снижающие эффективность коммуникации) Syn: disturbance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  шум; помехи – acoustic noise – additive noise – aerial noise – ambient noise – antenna noise – atmospheric noise – audible noise – auroral noise – background noise – band noise – beat noise – broadband noise – buffer noise – burst noise – cable noise – carrier noise – cascaded noise – cavitation noise – circuit noise – coherent noise – color noise – colored noise – contact noise – continuous noise – convertor noise – crosstalk noise – dark current noise – DCT noise – dial noise – digital reference noise – discharge noise – dynamic noise – electromagnetic noise – equipment-intermodulation noise – equivalent-PCM noise – excess noise – extraterrestrial noise – false pulse noise – feeder-echo noise – fixed-pattern noise – flat noise – flickering noise – fluctuating noise – flutter noise – frequency noise – frying noise – galactic noise – Gaussian noise – granular noise – ground noise – heat noise – HF-noise – high-intensity noise – hydrophone noise – idle-channel noise – impulse noise – in-band noise – induced noise – internal equipment noise – intrinsic noise – isotropic noise – LF-noise – line noise – loop noise – man-made noise – medium noise – modal noise – mode-partition noise – modulating noise – mosquite noise – narrowband noise – natural noise – needle noise – nonlinear noise – nonwhite noise – notched noise – occupational noise – out-of-band noise – overload noise – phase noise – photodiode noise – photomagnifier noise – photon noise – pink noise – popcorn noise – preamplifier noise – precipitation noise – pseudorandom noise – pulse noise – quantization noise – quantum noise – quasi-minimum noise – quasi-white noise – quiet-sun noise – radiation noise – random noise – recording noise – reference noise – regular noise – restriction noise – Schottky noise – short-time noise – shot noise – solar radio noise – speckle noise...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  шум; шумы; помехи acoustic noise aerodynamic noise airborne noise air-flow generated noise ambient noise background noise buzzing noise community noise duct noise impact noise inherent noise man-made noise structure-borne noise traffic noise ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  шум; шумы; помеха; помехи - acoustic noise - added noise - additive noise - aerodynamic noise - aircraft noise - aliasing noise - alias noise - ambient noise - amplifier noise - amplitude noise - angle noise - antenna noise - atmosphere noise - atmospheric noise - audible noise - audio-frequency noise - auroral noise - avalanche noise - aviation noise - avoidable noise - background noise - band-limited noise - Barkhausen noise - basic noise - beam noise - beat noise - bias noise - broadband noise - burst noise - carrier noise - carrier residual modulation noise - chaff noise - chaotic noise - circuit noise - click noise - C-message weighted noise - collector noise - combustion noise - community noise - contact noise - contact-resistance noise - control motion noise - corona-induced acoustic noise - cosmic noise - crackling noise - crosstalk noise - current noise - dark-current noise - delta noise - dial noise - diffuse noise - diffusion noise - discharge-caused audible noise - discharge audible noise - distribution noise - dither noise - electrical noise - electrical discharge-caused noise - electrical discharge noise - electromagnetic noise - environmental noise - environmental aircraft noise - excess noise - external noise - extraneous noise - extraterrestrial noise - feed-line noise - film-grain noise - filtered noise - fixed-pattern noise - flat noise - flicker noise - flow noise - fluctuation noise - flutter noise - flying noise - forward noise - friction-induced noise - front-end noise - frying noise - full shot noise - galactic noise - gated noise - Gaussian noise - generation-recombination noise - generator noise - granularity noise - granular noise - ground noise - high-frequency noise - high-intensity noise - hissing noise - hum noise - idle-channel noise - ignition noise - impulse noise - impulsive noise - in-band noise - induced noise - industrial noise - inherent noise - in-phase noise - in-plant noise - intermodulation noise - internal noise - intrinsic noise - jitter noise - Johnson noise - junction noise -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a sound, esp. a loud or unpleasant or undesired one. 2 a series of loud sounds, esp. shouts; a confused sound of voices and movements. 3 irregular fluctuations accompanying a transmitted signal but not relevant to it. 4 (in pl.) conventional remarks, or speechlike sounds without actual words (made sympathetic noises). --v. 1 tr. (usu. in passive) make public; spread abroad (a person's fame or a fact). 2 intr. archaic make much noise. Phrases and idioms make a noise 1 (usu. foll. by about) talk or complain much. 2 be much talked of; attain notoriety. noise-maker a device for making a loud noise at a festivity etc. noise pollution harmful or annoying noise. noises off sounds made off stage to be heard by the audience of a play. Etymology: ME f. OF, = outcry, disturbance, f. L nausea: see NAUSEA ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, disturbance, ~, from Latin nausea nausea  Date: 13th century  1. loud, confused, or senseless shouting or outcry  2.  a. sound; especially one that lacks agreeable musical quality or is noticeably unpleasant  b. any sound that is undesired or interferes with one's hearing of something  c. an unwanted signal or a disturbance (as static or a variation of voltage) in an electronic device or instrument (as radio or television); broadly a disturbance interfering with the operation of a usually mechanical device or system  d. electromagnetic radiation (as light or radio waves) that is composed of several frequencies and that involves random changes in frequency or amplitude  e. irrelevant or meaningless data or output occurring along with desired information  3. common talk ; rumor; especially slander  4. something that attracts attention the play…will make little ~ in the world — Brendan Gill  5. something spoken or uttered  6. a style of rock music that is loud, often discordant, and usually uses electronic ~ (as feedback)  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  II. verb  (~d; noising)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to talk much or loudly  2. to make a ~  transitive verb to spread by rumor or report — usually used with about or abroad the scandal was quickly ~d about ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (noises) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Noise is a loud or unpleasant sound. There was too much noise in the room and he needed peace... The noise of bombs and guns was incessant... The baby was filled with alarm at the darkness and the noise. N-UNCOUNT 2. A noise is a sound that someone or something makes. Sir Gerald made a small noise in his throat. ...birdsong and other animal noises... N-COUNT 3. If someone makes noises of a particular kind about something, they say things that indicate their attitude to it in a rather indirect or vague way. The President took care to make encouraging noises about the future... His mother had also started making noises about it being time for him to leave home. N-PLURAL: usu with supp 4. If you say that someone makes the right noises or makes all the right noises, you think that they are showing concern or enthusiasm about something because they feel they ought to rather than because they really want to. He was making all the right noises about multi-party democracy and human rights. PHRASE: V inflects 5. see also big noise ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SOUND« sound, especially a loud or unpleasant sound  (the noise of the traffic | a loud cracking noise | make (a) noise)  (Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs. | Stop making so much noise.) 2 make polite/encouraging etc noises to talk in a way that sounds polite, encouraging etc  (My teacher made encouraging noises when I told her I wanted to go to university. | make the right noises (=pretend to be concerned about or interested in what someone is saying)) 3 make a noise about to complain a lot about something so that other people will notice 4 »ELECTRICAL« technical unwanted signals produced by an electrical circuit 5 »COMPUTERS« technical pieces of unwanted information that can prevent a computer from working effectively  (- see also big noise)  ( USAGE NOTE: NOISE WORD CHOICE noise, sound, racket, voice A sound is anything that you hear I love the sound of the sea. | the sound of voices/a guitar/breaking glass A noise is usually an unpleasant sound, often not made by a person `What's that noise?' she asked nervously. | They had to shout to make themselves heard above the noise of the machines. A voice is the sound of a person speaking or singing We heard voices outside. | She has rather a high-pitched voice. Racket is an informal word for a loud unpleasant noise They're making a hell of a racket next door.   ) ~2 v be noised abroad/about/around old-fashioned, especially BrE if news or information is noised abroad people are talking about it  (Rumours of an election are being noised abroad.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., from O.Fr. noise "uproar, brawl," apparently from L. nausea "disgust, annoyance, discomfort," lit. "seasickness" (see nausea). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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