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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - needle


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Перевод с английского языка needle на русский

1. иголка, игла needle's eye —- игольное ушко; трудный путь, узкий проход to ply one's needle —- заниматься шитьем, шить 2. вязальная спица 3. вязальный крючок 4. гравировальная игла, гравировальный резец (также etcher's needle) 5. граммофонная иголка 6. хвоя, иголки (сосны и т. п.) 7. стрелка (прибора) magnetic needle —- стрелка компаса 8. остроконечная вершина; утес 9. архит. шпиль; шпиц 10. архит. обелиск Cleopatra's N. —- игла Клеопатры (египетский обелиск) 11. игольчатый кристалл ice needle —- кристалл льда 12. воен. жало (взрывателя) 13. (the needle) сл. хандра, раздражение to get (to have) the needle —- хандрить; злиться to give smb. the needle —- раздражать, бесить кого-л. 14. шприц (для впрыскивания) needle administration —- мед. введение лекарства инъекцией, подкожное впрыскивание 15. разг. укол, впрыскивание (лекарства, наркотика) 16. (the needle) сл. наркотики to hit the needle —- стать наркоманом 17. разг. колкое замечание; шпилька Id: sharp as a needle —- острый; проницательный, наблюдательный Id: to look for a needle in a haystack (in a bundle of hay, ina bottle of hay) —- искать иголку в стоге сена, заниматься безнадежным делом Id: true as the needle to the pole —- уст. надежный, постоянный, верный 18. шить; зашивать 19. прокалывать иглой 20. протискиваться, пробираться to needle one's way —- пробивать себе путь (в толпе и т. п.) 21. разг. язвить, дразнить; раздражать 22. разг. науськивать, подстрекать he needled the boy into a fight —- он подбил мальчишку на драку 23. ам. разг. крепить (пиво спиртом) 24. ам. разг. приукрашивать (рассказ); прилгнуть
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) иголка, игла; needles eye - игольное ушко; to ply ones needle - заниматься шитьем, шить  2) спица, крючок (для вязания)  3) стрелка (компаса, измерительного прибора); true as the needle to the pole - надежный  4) игла (хирургическая); to give smb. the needle coll. - сделать укол кому-л.  5) гравировальная игла  6) игла (хвоя)  7) остроконечная вершина, утес  8) шпиль; готическая игла  9) обелиск  10) игольчатый кристалл  11) (the needle) coll. дурное настроение; раздражение; - have the needle - get the needle - give the needle to  12) attr. игольный, игольчатый  13) attr. швейный  14) attr. needle fall - опадание хвои to look for a needle in a haystack (или in a bundle, in a bottle) of hay - искать иголку в стоге сена; заниматься безнадежным делом as sharp as a needle - острый, проницательный; наблюдательный  2. v.  1) шить, зашивать иглой  2) протискиваться, проникать (сквозь что-л.)  3) amer.; coll. подбавлять спирт (к пиву)  4) coll. язвить; раздражать  5) coll. подстрекать  6) min. кристаллизоваться иглами  7) med. снимать катаракту Syn: see spur ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) игла, иголка 2) pl хвоя, иглы – dissecting needle – entry needle – glass needle – hypodermic needle – inoculating needle – microscopic needle – Spanish needles – teasing needle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) игла 2) иголка 3) игольный 4) игольчатый 5) указатель dip of the needle — магнитное наклонение needle test point — игла пробника spring beard needle — крючковая игла test point needle — острие контактное - Vical needle - compass needle - cylinder needle - double-ended needle - etching needle - guide needle - instrument needle - knitting needle - latch needle - localizer needle - looping needle - narrowing needle - needle annunciator - needle bar - needle bearing - needle bed - needle brake - needle butt - needle cam - needle experiment - needle filter - needle gap - needle gate - needle hook - needle laser - needle lift - needle lubricator - needle problem - needle size - needle stem - needle valve - needle vibrator - needle wire - nozzle needle - radium needle - sensing needle - sewing needle - suture needle - syringe needle - test needle - throttle needle - valve needle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (воспроизводящая) игла 2) стрелка (прибора) – diamond needle – magnetic needle – meter needle – sapphire needle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  игла; спица; стрелка; указатель балка для временного опирания стены (при усилении фундамента) палец, пропущенный сквозь стену (для опирания выпускных лесов) шпиль, шпиц; обелиск Gilmore needle meter needle penetration needle Proctor needle Vicat needle ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) игла, иголка 2) указатель, стрелка (прибора) 3) плунжер (питателя стекломассы) 4) обелиск 5) подпорная фундаментная балка 6) игольчатый кристалл 7) полигр. графейка 8) спица; вязальный крючок 9) шить, вышивать или зашивать иглой 10) резец (рекордера) - artery pumping needle - barb needle - bearded needle - blank needle - compound needle - cushioning needle - double-hooked lath needle - dummy needle - engraving needle - etching needle - float needle - floating needle - frame needles - Gilmore needle - gobbing needle - hollow needle - hook needle - inoculative needle - knitting needle - latch needle - machine needles - meander needle - meter needle - netting needle - nozzle needle - opposed set needles - perforated needle - pickle pumping needle - pickle needle - pipe needle - Proctor needle - sewing needle - spring beard needle - stitching needle - stitch transfer needle - tapered needle - trussing needle - unlapped needle - unpressed needle - valve needle - vibratory needle - Vicat needle - waiting needle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a very thin small piece of smooth steel etc. pointed at one end and with a slit (eye) for thread at the other, used in sewing. b a larger plastic, wooden, etc. slender stick without an eye, used in knitting. c a slender hooked stick used in crochet. 2 a pointer on a dial (see magnetic needle). 3 any of several small thin pointed instruments, esp.: a a surgical instrument for stitching. b the end of a hypodermic syringe. c = STYLUS. d an etching tool. e a steel pin exploding the cartridge of a breech-loading gun. 4 a an obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle). b a pointed rock or peak. 5 the leaf of a fir or pine tree. 6 a beam used as a temporary support during underpinning. 7 Brit. sl. a fit of bad temper or nervousness (got the needle while waiting). --v.tr. 1 colloq. incite or irritate; provoke (the silence needled him). 2 sew, pierce, or operate on with a needle. Phrases and idioms needle game (or match etc.) Brit. a contest that is very close or arouses personal grudges. needle in a haystack something almost impossible to find because it is concealed by so many other things etc. needle-lace lace made with needles not bobbins. needle-point 1 a very sharp point. 2 = needle-lace. 3 = GROS or petit point. needle's eye (or eye of a needle) the least possible aperture, esp. with ref. to Matt. 19:24. needle time an agreed maximum allowance of time for broadcasting music from records. needle valve a valve closed by a thin tapering part. Etymology: OE n{aelig}dl f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English nedle, from Old English n?dl; akin to Old High German nadala ~, najan to sew, Latin nere to spin, Greek nen  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a small slender usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread or surgical sutures at one end and that is used for sewing  b. any of various devices for carrying thread and making stitches (as in crocheting or knitting)  c.  (1) a slender hollow instrument for introducing material into or removing material from the body (as by insertion under the skin)  (2) any of various slender hollow devices used to introduce matter (as air) into or remove it from an object (as a ball)  2.  a. a slender bar of magnetized steel that when allowed to turn freely (as in a compass) indicates the direction of a magnetic field (as of the earth)  b. a slender usually sharp-pointed indicator on a dial  3.  a. a slender pointed object resembling a ~: as  (1) a pointed crystal  (2) a sharp rock  (3) obelisk  b. a ~-shaped leaf (as of a conifer)  c. a slender rod (as of jewel or steel) with a rounded tip used in a phonograph to transmit vibrations from a record ; stylus  d. a slender pointed rod controlling a fine inlet or outlet (as in a valve)  4. a teasing or gibing remark  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~d; needling)  Date: circa 1715  transitive verb  1. to sew or pierce with or as if with a ~  2.  a. tease, torment  b. to incite to action by repeated gibes ~d the boy into a fight  intransitive verb sew, embroider  • ~r noun NEEDLEFISH  noun  Date: 1601  1. any of a family (Belonidae) of elongate carnivorous chiefly marine bony fishes that are silvery with blue or green backs and have long slender jaws and sharp teeth  2. pipefish ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (needles, needling, needled) 1. A needle is a small, very thin piece of polished metal which is used for sewing. It has a sharp point at one end and a hole in the other for a thread to go through. N-COUNT 2. Knitting needles are thin sticks that are used for knitting. They are usually made of plastic or metal and have a point at one end. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3. A needle is a thin hollow metal rod with a sharp point, which is part of a medical instrument called a syringe. It is used to put a drug into someone’s body, or to take blood out. N-COUNT 4. A needle is a thin metal rod with a point which is put into a patient’s body during acupuncture. N-COUNT 5. On an instrument which measures something such as speed or weight, the needle is the long strip of metal or plastic on the dial that moves backwards and forwards, showing the measurement. She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees. N-COUNT 6. The needles of a fir or pine tree are its thin, hard, pointed leaves. The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot. N-COUNT: usu pl 7. If someone needles you, they annoy you continually, especially by criticizing you. Blake could see he had needled Jerrold, which might be unwise. VERB: V n 8. like looking for a needle in a haystack: see haystack see also pins and needles ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SEWING« a) a small thin piece of steel, with a point at one end and a hole in the other, used for sewing  (a needle and thread) b) a knitting needle 2 »DRUGS« a very thin, pointed steel tube at the end of a syringe, which is pushed into your skin to put a drug or medicine into your body or to take out blood 3 »POINTING« a long thin piece of metal on a scientific instrument, that moves backwards and forwards and points to numbers or directions 4 »FROM A TREE« a small needle-shaped leaf, especially from a pine tree  (pine needles) 5 »FOR PLAYING RECORDS« the very small, pointed part in a record player that picks up sound from the records; stylus (1) 6 like looking for a needle in a haystack informal used to say that something is almost impossible to find 7 a needle match BrE a game in which both teams are determined to win because they do not like each other ~2 v informal to deliberately annoy someone by continuously making unkind remarks or stupid jokes  (She's always needling me about my accent.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. naeрlж, nedlж, from P.Gmc. *nжthlo, from PIE base *ne- "to sew." The verb sense of "goad, provoke" is first attested 1881, probably from meaning "haggle in making a bargain" (1812). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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