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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - magic


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Перевод с английского языка magic на русский

1. магия, волшебство; колдовство black magic —- черная магия; чернокнижие white magic —- белая магия as if by magic —- словно (как) по волшебству 2. работа фокусника, иллюзиониста; "оригинальный жанр" (в цирке, на эстраде) 3. очарование the magic of poetry —- волшебная (чарующая) сила поэзии the magic of the moment —- чудесный миг, очарование этой минуты 4. рад. "магический глаз", индикатор настройки 5. волшебный, магический to say the magic word —- произнести заклинание (магические слова) 6. очаровательный, волшебный magic beauty —- чарующая красота
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) магия, волшебство  2) очарование  2. adj. волшебный, магический ...
Англо-русский словарь
  магический addition-multiplication magic square — магический квадрат сложения и умножения diabolic magic square — совершенный магический квадрат generalized magic square — обобщенный магический квадрат pandiagonal magic square — пандиагональный магический квадрат prime magic square — магический квадрат для простых чисел trivially magic space — тривиально магическое пространство - magic cube - magic design - magic graph - magic hexagon - magic number - magic set - magic space - magic square - magic squares ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a the supposed art of influencing the course of events by the occult control of nature or of the spirits. b witchcraft. 2 conjuring tricks. 3 an inexplicable or remarkable influence producing surprising results. 4 an enchanting quality or phenomenon. --adj. 1 of or resulting from magic. 2 producing surprising results. 3 colloq. wonderful, exciting. --v.tr. (magicked, magicking) change or create by magic, or apparently so. Phrases and idioms like magic very rapidly. magic away cause to disappear as if by magic. magic carpet a mythical carpet able to transport a person on it to any desired place. magic eye 1 a photoelectric device used in equipment for detection, measurement, etc. 2 a small cathode-ray tube used to indicate the correct tuning of a radio receiver. magic lantern a simple form of image-projector using slides. magic mushroom a mushroom producing psilocybin. magic square a square divided into smaller squares each containing a number such that the sums of all vertical, horizontal, or diagonal rows are equal. Etymology: ME f. OF magique f. L magicus adj., LL magica n., f. Gk magikos (as MAGUS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English magique, from Middle French, from Latin ~e, from Greek magike, feminine of magikos Magian, ~al, from magos magus, sorcerer, of Iranian origin; akin to Old Persian magus sorcerer  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces  b. ~ rites or incantations  2.  a. an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source  b. something that seems to cast a spell ; enchantment  3. the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. of or relating to ~  2.  a. having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers  b. giving a feeling of enchantment  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb  III. transitive verb  (~ked; ~king)  Date: 1906 to produce, remove, or influence by ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Magic is the power to use supernatural forces to make impossible things happen, such as making people disappear or controlling events in nature. They believe in magic... Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic. N-UNCOUNT 2. You can use magic when you are referring to an event that is so wonderful, strange, or unexpected that it seems as if supernatural powers have caused it. You can also say that something happens as if by magic or like magic. All this was supposed to work magic... The picture will now appear, as if by magic! N-UNCOUNT 3. You use magic to describe something that does things, or appears to do things, by magic. So it’s a magic potion? ...the magic ingredient that helps to keep skin looking smooth. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Magic is the art and skill of performing mysterious tricks to entertain people, for example by making things appear and disappear. His secret hobby: performing magic tricks. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 5. If you refer to the magic of something, you mean that it has a special mysterious quality which makes it seem wonderful and exciting to you and which makes you feel happy. It infected them with some of the magic of a lost age... N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp • Magic is also an adjective. Then came those magic moments in the rose-garden. ADJ 6. If you refer to a person’s magic, you mean a special talent or ability that they have, which you admire or consider very impressive. The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic. N-UNCOUNT: usu with poss 7. You can use expressions such as the magic number and the magic word to indicate that a number or word is the one which is significant or desirable in a particular situation. ...their quest to gain the magic number of 270 electoral votes on Election Day. ADJ: the ADJ n 8. Magic is used in expressions such as there is no magic formula and there is no magic solution to say that someone will have to make an...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a secret power used to control events or do impossible things, by saying special words or performing special actions  (Do you believe in magic? | work/do magic)  (tales of wizards who could work magic)  (- see also black magic, white magic) 2 a special, attractive or exciting quality  (These old stories still retain their magic.) 3 the skill of doing tricks that look like magic, used by a magician, or the tricks a magician does 4 like magic/as if by magic in a surprising way that seems impossible to explain  (The bottle had disappeared as if by magic. | work like magic (=be very effective)) ~2 adj 1 only before noun having special powers that are not normal or natural, so that you can do impossible things  (There is no magic formula for instant success. | magic spell/charm etc)  (a magic hat that makes her invisible | magic trick (=a trick in which something happens in a way that seems impossible to explain))  (His best magic trick is sawing a lady in half.) 2 magic number/word a number or word that is very important or that has a powerful effect on people 3 have a magic touch to have a special ability to make things work well or to make people happy  (The baby's always quiet for Gary - he has a magic touch.) 4 BrE spoken very good or very enjoyable  ("Did you have a good time?" "Yeah, it was magic!") 5 magic bullet informal a quick, painless cure for illness, or something that solves a difficult problem in an easy way ~3 v magicked, magicking BrE magic sth/sb away phr v to make someone or something disappear by using magic  (I wish I could magic us away to a warm beach.) magic sth up phr v to make something appear suddenly and unexpectedly ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Mucosta Against Gastric Inflammation Carcinogenesis U.S. gov. abbr. Multiple Access Graphics Imaging Center U.S. gov. abbr. Map And Geographic Information Center transport. abbr. Mobile Automotive Geographic Information Core univ. abbr. Maximizing Academic Growth In College univ. abbr. Mcmaster Adventure Gaming Interest Club univ. abbr. Media And Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre electron. abbr. Mondial Antenna Ground Isolation Circuit gen. comp. abbr. My Alternate Graphics And Image Code network. abbr. Media Accelerated Global Information Carrier educ. abbr. Meaningful Activities For Gifted In The Classroom educ. abbr. Motivating And Affirming The Genius In Children educ. abbr. Multi Age Groupings For Integrating Curriculum sport abbr. My Ass Got Infected Coach sport abbr. My Ass Got Infected, Coach gen. bus. abbr. Making A Greater Individual Commitment firm name abbr. MidAmerica GIS Consortium, Ltd. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1380, from O.Fr. magique, from L. magice "sorcery, magic," from Gk. magike, fem. of magikos "magical" (presumably with tekhne "art"), from magos "one of the members of the learned and priestly class," from O.Pers. magus. Displaced O.E. wiccecrжft (see witch); also drycrжft, from dry "magician," from Ir. drui "priest, magician" (see druid). Transfered sense of "legerdemain, optical illusion, etc." is from 1831. Magic lantern "optical instrument whereby a magnified image is thrown upon a wall or screen" is 1696, from Mod.L. laterna magica. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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