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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - lean


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Перевод с английского языка lean на русский

1. постное мясо, постная часть мясной туши 2. что-л. невыгодное; низкооплачиваемая работа 3. полигр. светлый шрифт 4. худой, тощий lean stock —- ненагульный скот lean as a rake —- худой как щепка 5. нежирный, постный (о мясе) 6. скудный, бедный lean harvest —- плохой урожай lean diet —- скудное питание lean years —- неурожайные годы 7. непромышленный; тощий, убогий (о руде) lean clay —- тощая (непластичная) глина lean mixture —- авт. бедная смесь 8. полигр. светлый (о шрифте) 9. скупой, сдержанный (о стиле, слоге); без излишеств 10. наклон a tower with a slight lean —- башня с незначительным наклоном lean back —- спорт. отклон 11. спорт. упор knee lean —- упор на колени 12. наклоняться, нагибаться; сгибаться to lean to the right —- наклоняться вправо to lean over a fence —- наклониться над изгородью to lean out of the window —- высунуться из окна to lean forward —- наклониться (податься) вперед the tower leans slightly —- башня слегка покосилась the Leaning Tower —- Падающая башня (в Пизе) the trees are leaning in the wind —- деревья клонятся от ветра 13. наклонять 14. опираться to lean on the stick —- опираться на палку to lean on smb.'s arm —- опираться на чью-л. руку to lean on elbow —- облокотиться lean off the table! —- не облокачивайтесь на стол 15. полагаться, опереться (на кого-л., что-л.) to lean on a friend's advice —- положиться на совет друга to lean on others for support —- надеятся на помощь со стороны 16. (against) прислоняться to lean against a wall —- прислониться к стене she leant against his shoulder —- она привалилась к его плечу 17. прислонять to lean a ladder against a wall —- прислонить (приставить) лестницу к стене to lean one's back against a tree —- прислониться спиной к дереву lean your arm against the railing —- положи руки на перила 18. склониться (к чему-л.) to lean towards staying here —- быть склонным оставаться на своем месте I rather lean to your view —- я, пожалуй, склоняюсь к вашей точке зрения (соглашусь с вашей точкой зрения) the judge leant towards clemency —- судья имел склонность к снисхождению (к вынесению мягких приговоров) some philosophies lean towards fatalism —- некоторые философские системы имеют фаталистический уклон 19. налегать, наваливаться to lean upon the oars —- налечь (навалиться) на весла 20. оказывать давление, нажим we had to lean on them to make them agree —- нам пришлось нажать на них, чтобы добиться их согласия I had to lean on him to get results —- мне пришлось выжимать у него результаты
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См. в других словарях

  I  1. adj.  1) тощий, худой  2) постный (о мясе)  3) скудный; lean years - неурожайные годы  4) бедный (о руднике); убогий (о руде) Syn: see thin  2. noun постная часть мясной туши, постное мясо II  1. v.; past and past part. leaned leant  1) наклонять(ся) (forward, over - вперед, над)  2) прислоняться, опираться (on, against); lean off the table! - не облокачивайтесь на стол!  3) полагаться (on, upon - на); основываться (on, upon - на); to lean on a friends advice - полагаться на совет друга  4) иметь склонность (to, towards); I rather lean to your opinion - я склоняюсь к вашему мнению - lean on to lean over backwards - ударяться в другую крайность  2. noun наклон LEAN on  а) зависеть; You have to make your own way in the world, and not lean on your father for the rest of your life.  б) припугнуть; We might have to lean on Jim a little to make him tell us where the jewels are hidden. LEAN purse бедность ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) тощий, худой 2) тощий, обеднённый (о почве) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) бедный 2) десорбированный 3) отработанный 4) слабый 5) сухой 6) тощий 7) худой lean molding sand — тощий формовочный песок - lean clay - lean coal - lean gas - lean lime - lean mortar - lean oil - lean on - lean space ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) наклон; уклон наклонять(ся) 2) отклонение (от вертикали) 3) бедный, тощий to lean out — обеднять (напр. состав топливной смеси) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. leaned or leant) 1 intr. & tr. (often foll. by across, back, over, etc.) be or place in a sloping position; incline from the perpendicular. 2 intr. & tr. (foll. by against, on, upon) rest or cause to rest for support against etc. 3 intr. (foll. by on, upon) rely on; derive support from. 4 intr. (foll. by to, towards) be inclined or partial to; have a tendency towards. --n. a deviation from the perpendicular; an inclination (has a decided lean to the right). Phrases and idioms lean on colloq. put pressure on (a person) to act in a certain way. lean over backwards see BACKWARDS. lean-to (pl. -tos) a building with its roof leaning against a larger building or a wall. Etymology: OE hleonian, hlinian f. Gmc 2. adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a person or animal) thin; having no superfluous fat. 2 (of meat) containing little fat. 3 a meagre; of poor quality (lean crop). b not nourishing (lean diet). 4 unremunerative. --n. the lean part of meat. Phrases and idioms lean years years of scarcity. Derivatives leanly adv. leanness n. Etymology: OE hl{aelig}ne f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   biographical name Sir David 1908-1991 British film director LEAN  I. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English lenen, from Old English hleonian; akin to Old High German hlinen to ~, Greek klinein, Latin clinare  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to incline, deviate, or bend from a vertical position  b. to cast one's weight to one side for support  2. to rely for support or inspiration  3. to incline in opinion, taste, or desire ~ing toward a career in chemistry  transitive verb to cause to ~ ; incline  II. noun  Date: 1776 the act or an instance of ~ing ; inclination  III. adjective  Etymology: Middle English lene, from Old English hl?ne  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. lacking or deficient in flesh  b. containing little or no fat ~ meat  2. lacking richness, sufficiency, or productiveness ~ profits the ~ years  3. deficient in an essential or important quality or ingredient: as  a. of ore containing little valuable mineral  b. low in combustible component — used especially of fuel mixtures  4. characterized by economy (as of style, expression, or operation)  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, spare, lank, lanky, gaunt, rawboned, scrawny, skinny mean thin because of an absence of excess flesh. ~ stresses lack of fat and of curving contours a ~ racehorse. spare suggests ~ness from abstemious living or constant exercise the gymnast's spare figure. lank implies tallness as well as ~ness the lank legs of the heron. lanky suggests awkwardness and loose-jointedness as well as thinness a lanky youth, all arms and legs. gaunt implies marked thinness or emaciation as from overwork or suffering a prisoner's gaunt face. rawboned suggests a large ungainly build without implying undernourishment a rawboned farmer. scrawny and skinny imply an extreme ~ness that suggests deficient strength and vitality a scrawny chicken skinny street urchins.  IV. transitive verb  Date: before 12th century to make ~  V. noun  Date: 15th century the part of meat that consists principally...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (leans, leaning, leaned, leant, leaner, leanest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: American English uses the form 'leaned' as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either 'leaned' or 'leant'. 1. When you lean in a particular direction, you bend your body in that direction. Eileen leaned across and opened the passenger door... They stopped to lean over a gate. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep 2. If you lean on or against someone or something, you rest against them so that they partly support your weight. If you lean an object on or against something, you place the object so that it is partly supported by that thing. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him... Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat... VERB: V adv, V n adv/prep 3. If you describe someone as lean, you mean that they are thin but look strong and healthy. Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular... She watched the tall, lean figure step into the car. ADJ c darkgreen]approval 4. If meat is lean, it does not have very much fat. It is a beautiful meat, very lean and tender. ? fatty ADJ 5. If you describe an organization as lean, you mean that it has become more efficient and less wasteful by getting rid of staff, or by dropping projects which were unprofitable. The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter. ADJ 6. If you describe periods of time as lean, you mean that people have less of something such as money or are less successful than they used to be. ...the lean years of the 1930s... With fewer tourists in town, the taxi trade is going through its leanest patch for 30 years. ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle leaned or leant, especially BrE 1 to move or bend your body in a particular direction + forward/back etc  (Robert was leaning forward, talking to the people in front. | They were leaning over her, trying to wake her up.) 2 to slope or bend from an upright position  (trees leaning in the wind) 3 to support yourself or be supported in a sloping position against a wall or other surface + on/agains  (He was leaning on the bar with a drink in his hand. | There was a ladder leaning against the wall.) 4 T always + adv/prep to put something in a sloping position where it is supported  (lean sth on/against sth)  (Gail leant her head on his shoulder.) lean on sb/sth phr v 1 to depend on someone or something for support and encouragement, especially at a difficult time  (It's good to know you've got friends to lean on.) 2 informal to try to influence someone, especially by threatening them  (lean on sb to do sth)  (Lean on them to pay up.) lean towards sth phr v to tend to support, or begin to support, a particular set of opinions, beliefs etc  (My wife is voting Democrat but I'm leaning towards the Republicans.) ~2 adj 1 thin in a healthy and attractive way  (lean and athletic looking)  (- see thin1) 2 lean meat does not have much fat on it 3 a lean organization, company etc uses only as much money and as many people as it needs, so that nothing is wasted 4 a lean period is a very difficult time because there is not enough money, business etc  (a lean year for business) - leanness n ~3 n the fleshy part of meat and not the bone or fat ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Leaders Encouraging Activity And Nutrition ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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