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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - lady


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Перевод с английского языка lady на русский

1. леди, дама; госпожа great lady —- знатная дама fine lady —- светская женщина, аристократка; ирон. женщина, корчащая из себя аристократку young lady —- молодая особа; барышня lady of quality —- аристократка Ladies and Gentlemen! —- дамы и господа! (обращение) my dear lady —- сударыня ladies first! —- дамы, пожалуйста, проходите!; сначала дамы to behave like a lady —- вести себя как подобает воспитанной женщине; соблюдать достоинство женщины show the lady to a seat —- проводите даму на ее место 2. ам. простореч. женщина (обращение) you've dropped your gloves, lady! —- женщина, вы обронили перчатки! 3. (L.) леди (как титулование жен пэров, баронов и рыцарей ставится перед фамилией; как титулование дочери пэров ставится перед именем) Lady Greystone —- леди Грейстоун Sir John and Lady Smith —- сэр Джон и леди Смит Lady Angela Silverbridge —- леди Анжела Силвербридж my lady —- миледи (обращение к женщинам, носящим титул леди; обыкн. употр. прислугой) 4. дама сердца; возлюбленная 5. жена, супруга your good lady —- ваша супруга First L. —- ам. супруга президента США 6. хозяйка the lady of the house —- хозяйка дома the lady of the manor —- владелица поместья 7. владычица our sovereign lady —- королева; государыня Our L. —- богоматерь, владычица, небесная 8. (-lady) как компонент сложных слов означает занятие, профессию и т. п. chairlady —- председатель (-женщина) saleslady —- продавщица landlady —- хозяйка Id: extra (walking) lady —- театр. кин. статистка Id: lady of easy virtue —- женщина легкого поведения Id: lady of pleasure —- куртизанка Id: lady of the frying-pan —- кухарка Id: L. of Babylon —- презр. "вавилонская блудница" (о римско-католической церкви) Id: L. of the Bedchamber —- камер-фрау (фрейлина королевы) 9. женского пола lady doctor —- женщина-врач lady secretary —- женщина-секретарь lady friend —- подруга, приятельница lady help —- прислуга, часто на положении члена семьи
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См. в других словарях

  of pleasure куртизанка LADY of quality знатная дама LADY noun  1) дама; госпожа a lady of easy virtue - женщина легкого поведения - great lady - young lady - lady of pleasure - fine lady  2) (Lady) леди (титул знатной дамы)  3) дама сердца, возлюбленная  4) coll. жена; невеста; мать your good lady - ваша супруга my (his) young lady coll. - моя (его) невеста the old lady -  а) мать, старушка;  б) жена  5) хозяйка дома  6) в сложных словах придает значение женского пола, напр., lady-doctor женщина-врач; lady-cat joc. кошка - Our Lady - Old Lady of Threadneedle Street - extra lady LADY Day eccl. благовещение (25 марта) LADY help экономка благородного происхождения (к которой относятся как к члену семьи) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  – Cape lady – old lady – painted lady – thistle lady ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a woman regarded as being of superior social status or as having the refined manners associated with this (cf. GENTLEMAN). b (Lady) a title used by peeresses, female relatives of peers, the wives and widows of knights, etc. 2 (often attrib.) a woman; a female person or animal (ask that lady over there; lady butcher; lady dog). 3 colloq. a a wife. b a man's girlfriend. 4 a ruling woman (lady of the house; lady of the manor). 5 (in pl. as a form of address) a female audience or the female part of an audience. 6 hist. a woman to whom a man, esp. a knight, is chivalrously devoted; a mistress. Phrases and idioms find the lady = three-card trick. the Ladies (or Ladies') Brit. a women's public lavatory. ladies' chain a figure in a quadrille etc. ladies' fingers = OKRA (cf. lady's finger). Ladies' Gallery a public gallery in the House of Commons, reserved for women. ladies' (or lady's) man a man fond of female company; a seducer. ladies' night a function at a men's club etc. to which women are invited. ladies' room a women's lavatory in a hotel, office, etc. Lady altar the altar in a Lady chapel. Lady Bountiful a patronizingly generous lady of the manor etc. (a character in Farquhar's The Beaux' Stratagem). Lady chapel a chapel in a large church or cathedral, usu. to the E. of the high altar, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Lady Day the Feast of the Annunciation, 25 Mar. lady-fern a slender fern, Athyrium filix-femina. lady-in-waiting a lady attending a queen or princess. lady-killer a practised and habitual seducer. lady-love a man's sweetheart. Lady Mayoress the wife of a Lord Mayor. Lady Muck sl. derog. a socially pretentious woman. lady of the bedchamber = lady-in-waiting. lady of easy virtue a sexually promiscuous woman; a prostitute. lady's bedstraw a yellow-flowered herbaceous plant, Galium verum. lady's companion a roll containing cottons etc. lady's finger 1 = kidney vetch. 2 = LADYFINGER (cf. ladies' fingers). lady's maid a lady's personal maidservant. lady's mantle any rosaceous plant of the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural ladies)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hl?fdige, from hlaf bread + -dige (akin to d?ge kneader of bread) — more at loaf, dairy  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a woman having proprietary rights or authority especially as a feudal superior  b. a woman receiving the homage or devotion of a knight or lover  2. capitalized Virgin Mary — usually used with Our  3.  a. a woman of superior social position  b. a woman of refinement and gentle manners  c. woman, female — often used in a courteous reference show the ~ to a seat or usually in the plural in address ladies and gentlemen  4.  a. wife  b. girlfriend, mistress  5.  a. any of various titled women in Great Britain — used as the customary title of (1) a marchioness, countess, viscountess, or baroness or (2) the wife of a knight, baronet, member of the peerage, or one having the courtesy title of lord and used as a courtesy title for the daughter of a duke, marquess, or earl  b. a woman who is a member of an order of knighthood — compare dame ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ladies) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You can use lady when you are referring to a woman, especially when you are showing politeness or respect. She’s a very sweet old lady... ...a lady doctor. ...a cream-coloured lady’s shoe. N-COUNT see also old lady 2. You can say ‘ladies’ when you are addressing a group of women in a formal and respectful way. Your table is ready, ladies, if you’d care to come through... Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. N-VOC c darkgreen]politeness 3. A lady is a woman from the upper classes, especially in former times. Our governess was told to make sure we knew how to talk like English ladies. N-COUNT 4. In Britain, Lady is a title used in front of the names of some female members of the nobility, or the wives of knights. My dear Lady Mary, how very good to see you. N-TITLE 5. If you say that a woman is a lady, you mean that she behaves in a polite, dignified, and graceful way. His wife was great as well, beautiful-looking and a real lady... N-COUNT 6. People sometimes refer to a public toilet for women as the ladies. (BRIT INFORMAL) At Temple station, Charlotte rushed into the Ladies. N-SING: usu the N 7. ‘Lady’ is sometimes used by men as a form of address when they are talking to a woman that they do not know, especially in shops and in the street. (AM INFORMAL) What seems to be the trouble, lady?... N-VOC c darkgreen]politeness 8. see also First Lady, Our Lady ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural ladies 1 »WOMAN« a) a word meaning woman, used because people think it is a more polite word  (Give your coat to the lady over there. | The young lady at reception sent me up here. | the ladies' darts team | tea lady/cleaning lady etc (=a woman who does a particular job) | lady doctor/councillor etc (=a polite word, which many women find offensive, for a woman doctor, councillor, etc))  (- see also dinner lady) b) approving especially AmE a woman, especially one with a strong character  (She's a real smart lady.) 2 »POLITE WOMAN« a woman who is always polite and behaves very well  (Sheila always tries to be a lady.) 3 »WOMAN OF HIGH CLASS« a woman born into a high social class in Britain  (a lady of noble birth) 4 »WIFE/GIRLFRIEND« old-fashioned or literary a man's wife or female friend  (the captain and his lady) 5 »WHEN SPEAKING TO A WOMAN« AmE a way of addressing a woman, which many women consider to be offensive  (Hey, lady, watch where you're going!) 6 the ladies BrE a women's toilet; ladies room AmE  (- compare the gents gent (2)) 7 Lady a) used as the title of the wife or daughter of a British nobleman or the wife of a knight1 (2)  (Lady Diana) b) BrE used in the title of women with a high official position  (Lady President) 8 the lady of the house old-fashioned the most important woman in a house, usually the mother of a family 9 lady of leisure often humorous a woman who does not work and has a lot of free time  (So you're a lady of leisure now that the kids are at school?) 10 lady friend often humorous a man's female friend; girlfriend  (I saw him with his new lady friend.)  (- see also bag lady, first lady, old lady, Our Lady) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  polit. abbr. Lady Accepted Dancing Yesterday ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. hlжfdige "mistress of a household, wife of a lord," lit. "one who kneads bread," from hlaf "bread" (see loaf) + -dige, related to dжge "maker of dough," from dag (see dough). Used as an address to any woman since 1890s. Applied in O.E. to the Holy Virgin, hence many extended usages in plant names, etc., from gen. sing. hlжfdigan, which in M.E. merged with the nom., so that lady- often represents (Our) Lady's; cf. ladybug, which is called ladybird beetle (1592) in Britain, through aversion to the word bug, which there has overtones of sodomy. Ladies' man first recorded 1842. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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