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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - join


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1. связь, соединение 2. точка, линия, плоскость соединения; паз; шов 3. соединять, связывать to join one length of rope to another —- связать один кусок веревки с другим he joined the two pieces (together) —- он связал (соединил) оба куска (вместе) to join wires —- (при)соединить провода to join forces —- объединять (соединять) усилия to join theory and practice —- соединять (сочетать) теорию с практикой to join two persons in marriage —- соединить узами брака 4. соединяться; объединяться they join in the struggle for peace —- они объединились (сплотились) в борьбе за мир to join in matrimony (in marriage) —- соединиться (сочетаться) узами брака 5. соединяться, сливаться the path joins the highway —- тропинка выходит на шоссе the Oka joins the Volga —- Ока впадает в Волгу where do the two streams join (together)? —- где сливаются эти ручьи? parallel lines never join —- параллельные линии никогда не пересекаются 6. граничить, соседствовать these two farms join —- эти две фермы граничат друг с другом his garden joins mine —- его сад примыкает к моему 7. (также in) присоединяться; входить в компанию to join (in) with smb. —- присоединиться к кому-л. to join smb. in a walk —- пойти вместе гулять I'll join you in your walk —- я пройдусь с вами I'll join you in a few minutes —- я буду с вами через несколько минут; я вас нагоню через несколько минут to join in a game —- принять участие в игре may I join in the game? —- можно мне поиграть с вами?; разрешите мне присоединиться (к игре)? will you join us for lunch? —- не хотите ли позавтракать с нами? to join (in) conversation —- вступать в беседу my wife joins in congratulating you —- моя жена присоединяется к поздравлениям we all join with Mr. and Mrs. Smith in their sorrow —- мы все разделяем горе г-на и г-жи Смит 8. вступить в члены (общества, партии и т. п.) to join a club —- стать членом клуба he joined a labour union —- он вступил в рабочий союз (в профсоюз) to join the army —- вступить (пойти) в армию to join a team —- спорт. войти в состав команды 9. возвратиться; снова занять свое место to join one's regiment —- вернуться в полк (после отпуска и т. п.) he must join his regiment when his leave is over —- он должен вернуться в полк по окончании отпуска 10. тех. наращивать; сплачивать to join flush —- соединять заподлицо 11. стр. перевязывать (кирпичную кладку) 12. разг. поступить на военную службу (также join up) Id: to join battle —- начать, завязать сражение; вступить в борьбу, соревнование Id: to join hands —- взяться за руки; объединиться, действовать сообща (рука об руку) Id: to join issue —- принять участие в прениях; вести дискуссию, спорить; юр. совместно передать дело на рассмотрение суда (о сторонах); юр. принять решение, предложенное другой стороной Id: to join issues with smb. on smth. —- начать спор (заспорить) с кем-л. о чем-л.; начать тяжбу с кем-л. Id: to join the banners —- встать под чьи-л. знамена, присоединиться к кому-л., стать на чью-л. сторону Id: to join the colours —- поступить на военную службу, вступить в армию, встать под знамена Id: to smb.'s standard —- стать чьим-л. приверженцем (последователем) Id: to join the angels —- отправиться в лучший мир (к праотцам), умереть
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См. в других словарях

  гл. 1) присоединять(ся) 2) соединять(ся) 3) вступать в члены ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) объединение 2) смыкать 3) совокуплять 4) соединение 5) соединять 6) сопрягать 7) сплачивать 8) сплотить 9) сращивать 10) стыковать 11) сшивать join of balls and spheres — топ. соединение шаров и сфер - join endomorphism - join homomorphism - join irreducible - join of complexes - join of maps - join of polyhedra - join of simplexes - join of solution - join operation - join pipes - join reducible - solutions join ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) соединение; сочленение; сросток; объединение соединять; сращивать; сплачивать 2) швейн. стачивание, соединение стачивать, соединять to join flush — соединять заподлицо ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by to, together) put together; fasten, unite (one thing or person to another or several together). 2 tr. connect (points) by a line etc. 3 tr. become a member of (an association, society, organization, etc.). 4 tr. take one's place with or in (a company, group, procession, etc.). 5 tr. a come into the company of (a person). b (foll. by in) take part with (others) in an activity etc. (joined me in condemnation of the outrage). c (foll. by for) share the company of for a specified occasion (may I join you for lunch?). 6 intr. (often foll. by with, to) come together; be united. 7 intr. (often foll. by in) take part with others in an activity etc. 8 tr. be or become connected or continuous with (the Inn joins the Danube at Passau). --n. a point, line, or surface at which two or more things are joined. Phrases and idioms join battle begin fighting. join forces combine efforts. join hands 1 a clasp each other's hands. b clasp one's hands together. 2 combine in an action or enterprise. join up 1 enlist for military service. 2 (often foll. by with) unite, connect. Derivatives joinable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF joindre (stem joign-) f. L jungere junct- join: cf. YOKE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~dre, from Latin jungere — more at yoke  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to put or bring together so as to form a unit ~ two blocks of wood with glue  b. to connect (as points) by a line  c. ad~  2. to put or bring into close association or relationship ~ed in marriage  3. to engage in (battle)  4.  a. to come into the company of ~ed us for lunch  b. to associate oneself with ~ed the church  intransitive verb  1.  a. to come together so as to be connected nouns ~ to form compounds  b. ad~ the two estates ~  2. to come into close association or relationship: as  a. to form an alliance  b. to become a member of a group  c. to take part in a collective activity ~ in singing  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, combine, unite, connect, link, associate, relate mean to bring or come together into some manner of union. ~ implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness ~ed forces in an effort to win. combine implies some merging or mingling with corresponding loss of identity of each unit combined jazz and rock to create a new music. unite implies somewhat greater loss of separate identity the colonies united to form a republic. connect suggests a loose or external attachment with little or no loss of identity a mutual defense treaty connected the two nations. link may imply strong connection or inseparability of elements still retaining identity a name forever linked with liberty. associate stresses the mere fact of frequent occurrence or existence together in space or in logical relation opera is popularly associated with high society. relate suggests the existence of a real or presumed logical connection related what he observed to what he already knew.  II. noun  Date: 1884  1. ~t  2. union 2d ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (joins, joining, joined) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If one person or vehicle joins another, they move or go to the same place, for example so that both of them can do something together. His wife and children moved to join him in their new home... VERB: V n 2. If you join an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it. He joined the Army five years ago... VERB: V n 3. If you join an activity that other people are doing, you take part in it or become involved with it. Telephone operators joined the strike and four million engineering workers are also planning action... The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer... Private contractors joined in condemning the Government’s stance. VERB: V n, V n in n/-ing, V in -ing 4. If you join a queue, you stand at the end of it so that you are part of it. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank. VERB: V n 5. To join two things means to fix or fasten them together. The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain. ...the conjunctiva, the skin which joins the eye to the lid. VERB: V pl-n, V n prep/adv 6. If something such as a line or path joins two things, it connects them. It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends... ...a global highway of cables joining all the continents together. VERB: V pl-n, V-ing 7. If two roads or rivers join, they meet or come together at a particular point. Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it. ...Allahabad, where the Ganges and the Yamuna rivers join. V-RECIP: V n, pl-n V 8. A join is a place where two things are fastened or fixed together. N-COUNT 9. join forces: see force to join the ranks: see rank ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »CONNECT« a) to connect or fasten things together  (Join the two pieces of wood with strong glue. | The hip bone is joined to the thigh bone.) b) to come together and become connected  (Where does the river join the sea?) 2 »GROUP/ORGANIZATION« to become a member of an organization, society, or group  (When did you join the Labour party? | Woods joined the Daily Dispatch as a reporter in 1960.) 3 »ACTIVITY« to begin to take part in an activity that other people are involved in  (join a course/class/scheme etc)  (I joined the class halfway through the second term. | Church leaders have joined the campaign to end fox-hunting.) 4 join a queue/line/row etc to go and stand at the end of a line of people  (Meanwhile, Carl joined the queue for tickets.) 5 join sb (for sth) to meet someone in order to do something together  (I'm going to the theatre tonight. Would you care to join me?) 6 join sb in doing sth to do or say something together with someone else  (I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking today's speaker.) 7 join hands if people join hands, they hold each other's hands 8 join the club! spoken used to say that you and a lot of other people are in the same situation  ("I can't find a job at all." "Yeah? Join the club!") 9 join battle formal to begin fighting 10 be joined in marriage/holy matrimony formal to be married  (- see also join/combine forces force1 (7), if you can't beat `em, join `em beat1 (20))  ( USAGE NOTE: JOIN WORD CHOICE join, enrol (l) in/at, enlist in, go to, come to, attend, join in, participate in If you go to be with someone, you join them He was looking forward to joining his wife/family in Detroit (NOT joining with them).). You may also join (=become a member of) many kinds of groups of people, such as a club, a team, a political party, a tour group, a company, a church, or a congregation (NOT join in). A country may join the EU the UN, or another international organization. You may join the army, navy etc or more formally enlist in it. You go to war (NOT join it). You may join a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Jones Intercable, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 13c., from O.Fr. joindre, from L. jungere "to join, yoke," from PIE *jug-. A joiner (M.E.) was a craftsman who did lighter and more ornamental work than a carpenter. JOINT - c.1300, O.Fr. joint, from L. junctus, pp. of jungere "join." Slang meaning of "place, building, establishment" first recorded 1877, from an earlier Anglo-Irish sense, probably on the notion of a side-room, one "joined" to a main room. Meaning "marijuana cigarette" (1950s) is probably from notion of something often smoked in common. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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