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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - hurry


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Перевод с английского языка hurry на русский

1. спешка; торопливость; поспешность undue hurry —- излишняя спешка in a hurry —- в спешке, второпях in one's hurry —- в спешке, спеша in my hurry I forgot the keys —- я в спешке забыл ключи what's your hurry? —- чего ты торопишься? why all this hurry?!, is there any hurry about it? —- куда торопиться? no hurry —- разг. не к спеху, ничего спешного 2. нетерпение, нетерпеливое желание; желание или необходимость сделать что-л поскорее he is in a hurry to leave —- ему не терпится уехать why are you in such a hurry? —- куда вы так торопитесь?, что вам не сидится? 3. муз. тремоло 4. мор. причал для загрузки корабля углем Id: in a hurry —- скоро; с легкостью, охотно Id: I shan't invite him again in a hurry —- теперь я не скоро приглашу его к себе Id: you won't find the book in a hurry —- вам нелегко будет найти эту книгу 5. спешить, торопиться to hurry home —- торопиться домой to hurry back —- торопиться назад I shall hurry back —- я скоро вернусь don't hurry —- не торопись, не спеши to hurry after smb. —- бежать за кем-л; догонять кого-л to hurry into one's clothes —- одеваться наспех to hurry out of the room —- поспешить из комнаты he hurried to get the doctor —- он поспешил за врачом many young people hurry into marriage —- многие молодые люди торопяться вступить в брак 6. подгонять, поторапливать, торопить; ускорять to the ending —- ускорять конец it would be a pity to hurry the work —- было бы очень жалко скомкать работу don't hurry me —- не подгоняй меня I have been hurried into (making an) error —- меня так торопили, что я сделал ошибку the salesman hurried the customer to make a choice —- продавец торопил покупателя с выбором 7. спешить, торопиться; стараться (закончить что-л) 8. делать что-л поспешно; отправлять, посылать и т. п. в спешке to hurry in —- поспешно входить (куда-л) to hurry out —- поспешно выходить (откуда-л); поспешно уводить или увозить to hurry smth. into the car —- поспешно втащить что-л в машину to hurry over smth. —- поспешить с чем-л troops were hurried into the town —- в город были поспешно введены войска 9. уст. диал. будоражить, возбуждать Id: hurry no man's cattle —- имей терпение
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  through сделать кое-как, второпях the business was hurried through дело было сделано второпях, наспех HURRY over сделать кое-как HURRY  1. noun  1) торопливость, поспешность; he wont do that again in a hurry - ему теперь не скоро захочется повторить это - in a hurry - be in a hurry - be in no hurry - no hurry  2) нетерпение, нетерпеливое желание (сделать что-л.) Syn: see speed  2. v.  1) торопить, торопиться (обыкн. hurry along, hurry up) hurry up! - скорее!, живее!, пошевеливайся!  2) быстро вести или тащить  3) делать в спешке (into) Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.  4) поспешно посылать, отправлять и т.п. - hurry away - hurry off - hurry over - hurry through Syn: see quicken HURRY away  а) поспешно уехать, уйти The white rabbit hurried away, looking at his watch.  б) поспешно увезти, унести HURRY off  а) поспешно уехать  б) поспешно увезти, унести ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a great haste. b (with neg. or interrog.) a need for haste (there is no hurry; what's the hurry?). 2 (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) eagerness to get a thing done quickly. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 move or act with great or undue haste. 2 tr. (often foll. by away, along) cause to move or proceed in this way. 3 tr. (as hurried adj.) hasty; done rapidly owing to lack of time. Phrases and idioms hurry along (or up) make or cause to make haste. in a hurry 1 hurrying, rushed; in a rushed manner. 2 colloq. easily or readily (you will not beat that in a hurry; shall not ask again in a hurry). Derivatives hurriedly adv. hurriedness n. Etymology: 16th c.: imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (hurried; ~ing)  Etymology: perhaps from Middle English horyen  Date: 1592  transitive verb  1.  a. to carry or cause to go with haste ~ them to the hospital  b. to impel to rash or precipitate action  2.  a. to impel to greater speed ; prod used spurs to ~ the horse  b. expedite  c. to perform with undue haste ~ a minuet  intransitive verb to move or act with haste please ~ up  • hurrier noun  II. noun  Date: 1600  1. disturbed or disorderly activity ; commotion  2.  a. agitated and often bustling or disorderly haste  b. a state of eagerness or urgency ; rush  Synonyms: see haste ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hurries, hurrying, hurried) 1. If you hurry somewhere, you go there as quickly as you can. Claire hurried along the road... Bob hurried to join him, and they rode home together. VERB: V prep/adv, V 2. If you hurry to do something, you start doing it as soon as you can, or try to do it quickly. Mrs Hardie hurried to make up for her tactlessness by asking her guest about his holiday... There was no longer any reason to hurry. VERB: V to-inf, V 3. If you are in a hurry to do something, you need or want to do something quickly. If you do something in a hurry, you do it quickly or suddenly. Kate was in a hurry to grow up, eager for knowledge and experience... N-SING: usu in a N, oft N to-inf 4. To hurry something means the same as to hurry up something. ...The President’s attempt to hurry the process of independence. VERB: V n 5. If you hurry someone to a place or into a situation, you try to make them go to that place or get into that situation quickly. They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision... I don’t want to hurry you. = rush VERB: V n prep/adv, V n 6. If you say to someone ‘There’s no hurry’ or ‘I’m in no hurry’ you are telling them that there is no need for them to do something immediately. I’ll need to talk with you, but there’s no hurry... PHRASE 7. If you are in no hurry to do something, you are very unwilling to do it. I love it at St Mirren so I’m in no hurry to go anywhere... PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR to-inf, PHR for n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to do something or go somewhere more quickly than usual, especially because there is not much time  (The movie begins as six - we'll have to hurry. | hurry through/along/down etc)  (She hurried down the corridor as fast as she could. | hurry after sb)  (John went hurrying off after his girlfriend. | hurry to do sth)  (They were hurrying to catch their train. | hurry sth)  (I don't want to have to hurry my meal.) 2 to make someone do something more quickly  (Don't hurry me; I'm working as fast as I can.) 3 hurry up! spoken used to tell someone to do something more quickly  (Hurry up, we're late! | hurry up with)  (Hurry up with the accounts - the boss is waiting for them.) 4 T always + adv/prep to take someone or something quickly to a place  (hurry sth to/through/across etc)  (Emergency supplies have been hurried to the areas worst hit by the famine.) hurry sb/sth up phr v to make someone do something more quickly or to make something happen more quickly ~2 n 1 be in a hurry to do something, go somewhere, need something etc more quickly than usual, often too quickly  (Sorry, I can't stop, I'm in a hurry. | You'll make mistakes if you do things in too much of a hurry. | be in a hurry to do sth)  (Why are you in such a hurry to leave?) 2 will not be doing sth (again) in a hurry spoken used to say that you do not want to do something again  (We won't be going back there again in a hurry, I can tell you.) 3 in your hurry to do sth while you are trying to do something too quickly  (In his hurry to leave the room he tripped over a chair.) 4 be in no hurry/not be in any hurry to be able to wait because you have plenty of time in which to do something  (I'll wait till you've closed up - I'm not in any hurry.) 5 be in no hurry to do sth/not be in any hurry to do sth to be unwilling to do something or not want to do it soon  (I'm in no particular hurry to leave) 6 (there's) no hurry spoken used to tell someone that they do not have to do something soon  (You can give me the money back next month. There's no great hurry.)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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