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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - health


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Перевод с английского языка health на русский

1. здоровье Ministry of H. —- министерство здравоохранения public health —- здравоохранение bill of health, health bill —- санитарный патент, карантинное свидетельство broken in health —- с подорванным здоровьем to have (to enjoy) good health —- быть здоровым, иметь крепкое здоровье to be in good health —- быть здоровым, быть в добром здравии to be in bad (poor, ill) health, to be out of health —- иметь слабое здоровье to recover (to regain, to restore) one's health —- поправиться, восстановить свое здоровье to look after one's health —- следить за своим здоровьем to preserve one's health —- сохранить свое здоровье to risk (to endanger, to expose to danger) one's health —- рисковать своим здоровьем to ruin one's health —- погубить (подорвать) свое здоровье to inquire after smb.'s health —- справляться о чьем-л. здоровье to drink smb.'s health, to drink a health to smb. —- пить за чье-л. здоровье to propose smb.'s health —- провозгласить тост за кого-л. (to) your (good) health! —- (за) ваше здоровье! he looks the picture of health —- он пышет здоровьем 2. целебная сила there's health in the sea-breezes and sunshine —- морской ветер и солнце обладают целебными свойствами 3. благосостояние, процветание; жизнеспособность a menace to the economic health of the country —- угроза экономическому процветанию страны Id: for one's health, for the good of one's health —- ради собственного удовольствия; бесплатно; за здорово живешь Id: businessmen don't work for the good of their health —- деловые люди просто так ничего не делают Id: good health is above wealth, health before wealth, wealth is nothing without health —- посл. здоровье дороже денег
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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) здоровье to be in good health - быть здоровым to be in bad/poor/ill health - иметь слабое здоровье - public health - Ministry of Health - health authorities - drink smb. s health  2) целебная сила there is health in sunshine - солнце обладает целебными свойствами  3) благосостояние; жизнеспособность to restore the health of the economy - оздоровить экономику  4) attr. гигиенический, санитарный - health education - health bill - infant health centre - health centre HEALTH authorities органы здравоохранения HEALTH bill карантинное свидетельство HEALTH centre amer. диспансер HEALTH education санитарное просвещение HEALTH farm noun санаторий HEALTH service noun здравоохранение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  здоровье ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. здоровье damage to health — ущерб здоровью dental health risk — опасность для здоровья зубов mental health — психическое душевное, умственное здоровье promotion of health — укрепление здоровья, оздоровление See: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Department of Health and Human Services, Confederation of Health Service Employees, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Health and Safety Commission, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, employee-health maintenance program specialist, field health officer, health and safety officer, occupational-safety-and-health inspector, Health and Safety at Work Act, Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, Occupational Safety and Health Act, occupational health 2) а) общ. благосостояние, процветание, благополучие (страны и т. п.) to raise the level of health of the country — повысить благосостояние страны б) общ. общее состояние (какого-л. феномена, процесса, явления) environmental health — состояние окружающей среды economic health — экономическое благосостояние здоровье HEALTH сущ. 1) здоровье 2) благосостояние 3) процветание (страны и т.п.) • - bill of health - health and accident insurance - health bill - health inspection - health insurance - health services - mental health - public health ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  санитарно-гигиенический, здоровье care of public health — здравоохранение - health sensor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  здоровье здравоохранение; санитария и гигиена construction health occupational health occupational health and safety ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) здоровье 2) здравоохранение; санитария и гигиена - environmental health - labor health - public health ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the state of being well in body or mind. 2 a person's mental or physical condition (has poor health). 3 soundness, esp. financial or moral (the health of the nation). 4 a toast drunk in someone's honour. Phrases and idioms health centre the headquarters of a group of local medical services. health certificate a certificate stating a person's fitness for work etc. health farm a residential establishment where people seek improved health by a regime of dieting, exercise, etc. health food natural food thought to have health-giving qualities. health service a public service providing medical care. health visitor Brit. a trained nurse who visits those in need of medical attention in their homes. Etymology: OE h{aelig}lth f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English helthe, from Old English h?lth, from hal  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially freedom from physical disease or pain  b. the general condition of the body in poor ~ enjoys good ~  2.  a. flourishing condition ; well-being defending the ~ of the beloved oceans — Peter Wilkinson  b. general condition or state poor economic ~  3. a toast to someone's ~ or prosperity HEALTHFUL  adjective  Date: 14th century  1. beneficial to health of body or mind  2. healthy he felt incapable of looking into the girl's pretty, ~ face — Saul Bellow  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, wholesome, salubrious, salutary mean favorable to the health of mind or body. ~ implies a positive contribution to a healthy condition a ~ diet. wholesome applies to what benefits, builds up, or sustains physically, mentally, or spiritually wholesome foods the movie is wholesome family entertainment. salubrious applies chiefly to the helpful effects of climate or air cool and salubrious weather. salutary describes something corrective or beneficially effective, even though it may in itself be unpleasant a salutary warning that resulted in increased production. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A person’s health is the condition of their body and the extent to which it is free from illness or is able to resist illness. Caffeine is bad for your health. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss 2. Health is a state in which a person is not suffering from any illness and is feeling well. In hospital they nursed me back to health. N-UNCOUNT 3. The health of something such as an organization or a system is its success and the fact that it is working well. There’s no way to predict the future health of the banking industry. = prosperity N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 your physical condition and how healthy you are  (Betty's anxious about her husband's health. | Smoking can seriously damage your health. | be in good/excellent/poor health (=be generally healthy or unhealthy) | be good/bad for your health)  (A low-fat diet is better for your health.) 2 the state of being healthy  (Even if you haven't got much money, at least you've got your health. | sb is a picture of health (=used to say that someone looks very healthy)) 3 the work of providing medical services to keep people healthy  (The government has promised to spend more on health and education.) 4 how successful an economy or organization is  (The monthly trade figures are seen as an indicator of the health of the economy.) 5 drink (to) sb's health to say that you wish someone will be healthy and happy, and then have a drink of alcohol ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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