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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - green


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Перевод с английского языка green на русский

1. зеленый цвет a girl in green —- девушка в зеленом 2. оттенки зеленого цвета a picture in greens and blues —- картина в зеленых и синих тонах 3. зеленый цвет как национальная эмблема Ирландии 4. зеленая краска, зелень 5. растительность; листва 6. зеленые ветви деревьев (для украшения) Christmas greens —- ветки ели и падуба 7. зеленые овощи для варки (капуста, шпинат) 8. молодость, сила in the green —- в расцвете сил they are still in the green —- они еще молоды 9. зеленая лужайка, луг; зеленая лужайка, площадка (для игр) to dance on the green —- танцевать на лужайке 10. площадка для игры в гольф green —- зеленая площадка вокруг лунки (гольф) Id: do you see any green in my eye? —- неужели я кажусь вам таким легковерным? 11. зеленый, зеленого цвета green dress —- зеленое платье, платье зеленого цвета green fire —- зеленый огонь (фейерверка) green light —- зеленый свет (светофора); разг. "зеленая улица" to give the green light —- дать "зеленую улицу", "дать добро" 12. зеленый, бледный, болезненный (о цвете лица) to grow green —- позеленеть, побледнеть green with envy —- позеленевший от зависти 13. покрытый зеленью, зеленый green fields —- зеленые луга green tree —- дерево, покрытое листвой; зеленое дерево 14. мягкий, теплый, бесснежный green winter —- мягкая зима we shall have a green Christmas —- рождество будет бесснежным, на рождество снега не будет 15. незрелый, неспелый, зеленый green apple —- неспелое яблоко the grapes are too green —- зелен виноград 16. свежий, не подвергшийся обработке green vegetables —- свежие овощи (не сушеные) green sugar —- неочищенный сахар green meat —- сырое мясо green bacon —- шпик, свиное сало (соленое, но не копченое) 17. зеленый, сочный (о кормах) 18. сырой, невыдеражнный green wood —- свежесрубленное дерево; невыдержанная древесина green timber —- свежераспиленный лесоматериал green film —- влажная пленка green brick —- сырец, необожженный кирпич green cigar —- сырая сигара 19. свежий, незаживший green wound —- свежая рана 20. свежий; цветущий, полный сил green old age —- цветущая старость enjoying a green old age —- все еще бодрый, несмотря на годы to keep a memory green —- навсегда сохранить в памяти recollections of his youth were still green in his mind —- воспоминания молодости были все еще свежи в его памяти 21. молодой, нежный the green years —- юные годы he is green in years —- он молод (годами) 22. неопытный, новый, молодой; зеленый a green hand —- новичок, неопытный человек, молодой работник green workman —- начинающий рабочий green to one's job —- новичок в своей работе, неопытный в своем деле green in judgement —- неопытный в суждениях he is still very green —- он еще очень молод; у него еще молоко на губах не обсохло she is green from her village —- она только-только из деревни, ей еще привыкать и привыкать к городской жизни 23. воен. необученный, необстрелянный 24. доверчивый, простодушный; простоватый he looks very green —- он выглядит очень простодушным he is not so green as he looks —- он не так прост, как кажется; не смотрите, что он выглядит простачком to be as green as to imagine that... —- быть настолько наивным, чтобы думать, что... 25. редк. ревнивый green eye —- ревнивый взгляд Id: green finger —- садоводческое искусство Id: he has green fingers —- что он ни посадит, у него все растет Id: in the green tree —- библ. в дни процветания Id: G. Mountain State —- ам. "Штат Зеленой горы" (Вермонт) 26. становиться зеленым, зеленеть 27. красить в зеленый цвет 28. одевать в зеленый цвет 29. разг. обманывать, мистифицировать
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См. в других словарях

  algae bot. зелёные водоросли (Chlorophyceae) GREEN belt noun зеленая зона (вокруг города) GREEN card noun документ, разрешающий человеку, не являющемуся гражданином США, жить и работать в этой стране GREEN cheese молодой сыр GREEN cloth noun  1) зеленое сукно (на столе, бильярде)  2) игорный стол (Board of) Green Cloth - гофмаршальская контора (при английском дворе) GREEN crop noun agric. кормовая культура GREEN fence живая изгородь GREEN fodder noun трава; зеленый корм, фураж GREEN food = green fodder GREEN  1. adj.  1) зеленый - turn green  2) покрытый зеленью  3) растительный (о пище)  4) незрелый, сырой - green wound  5) молодой; неопытный, доверчивый - green hand  6) необъезженный (о лошади)  7) полный сил, цветущий, свежий  8) бледный, болезненный - green winter  2. noun  1) зеленый цвет; зеленая краска  2) зеленая лужайка, луг (для игр и т.п.)  3) растительность  4) pl. зелень, овощи  5) молодость, сила - in the green do you see any green in my eye? - разве я кажусь таким легковерным, неопытным?  3. v.  1) делать(ся) зеленым, зеленеть  2) красить в зеленый цвет  3) coll. обманывать, мистифицировать - green out GREEN goods noun; pl.  1) свежие овощи  2) amer. фальшивые бумажные деньги GREEN hand новичок; неопытный человек GREEN light noun  1) зеленый свет (светофора)  2) coll. разрешение на...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) растительность; листва 2) зелёный (краситель) 3) зелёный, покрытый зеленью 4) сочный (о корме) 5) незрелый, неспелый – basic green – brilliant green – bromocresol green – diamond green – fast green – Janus green – leaf green – lissamine green – malachite green – methyl green – methylene green – Sudan green – union green B ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) зеленый 2) несхватывающийся 3) свежепрессованный 4) свежеприготовленный 5) свежераспиленный 6) свежесрубленный 7) сидеральный 8) сырой green sand molding — формовка по сырому - green bond - green brick - green flash - green focus - green fodder - green manure - green matte - green oil - green soap - green wood ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  тлв. зеленый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  зелёный цвет зелёная краска, зелень зелёный несхватившийся; невыдержанный bottle green bowling green chrome green chromium oxide green town green ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) зелень, зелёная краска; зелёный (краситель) 2) сил. сырец 3) сырой, незрелый; неспелый 4) невулканизированный - Bremen green - brilliant green - Brunswick green - chrome green - emerald green - jungle green - lead chrome green - naphthol green - Schweinfurth green - zink chrome green ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of the colour between blue and yellow in the spectrum; coloured like grass, emeralds, etc. 2 a covered with leaves or grass. b mild and without snow (a green Christmas). 3 (of fruit etc. or wood) unripe or unseasoned. 4 not dried, smoked, or tanned. 5 inexperienced, na{iuml}ve, gullible. 6 a (of the complexion) pale, sickly-hued. b jealous, envious. 7 young, flourishing. 8 not withered or worn out (a green old age). 9 vegetable (green food; green salad). 10 (also Green) concerned with or supporting protection of the environment as a political principle. 11 archaic fresh; not healed (a green wound). --n. 1 a green colour or pigment. 2 green clothes or material (dressed in green). 3 a a piece of public or common grassy land (village green). b a grassy area used for a special purpose (putting-green; bowling-green). c Golf a putting-green. d Golf a fairway. 4 (in pl.) green vegetables. 5 vigour, youth, virility (in the green). 6 a green light. 7 a green ball, piece, etc., in a game or sport. 8 (also Green) a member or supporter of an environmentalist group or party. 9 (in pl.) sl. sexual intercourse. 10 sl. low-grade marijuana. 11 sl. money. 12 green foliage or growing plants. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become green. 2 tr. sl. hoax; take in. Phrases and idioms green belt an area of open land round a city, designated for preservation. Green Beret colloq. a British or American commando. green card an international insurance document for motorists. green cheese 1 cheese coloured green with sage. 2 whey cheese. 3 unripened cheese. Green Cloth (in full Board of Green Cloth) (in the UK) the Lord Steward's department of the Royal Household. green crop a crop used as fodder in a green state rather than as hay etc. green drake the common mayfly. green earth a hydrous silicate of potassium, iron, and other metals. green-eyed jealous. the green-eyed monster jealousy. green fat part of a turtle, highly regarded by gourmets. green-fee Golf a charge for playing one round on a course. green fingers skill in growing...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. biographical name John Richard 1837-1883 English historian  II. biographical name Julien or Julian 1900-1998 French novelist  III. biographical name William 1873-1952 American labor leader  IV. geographical name  1. river 730 miles (1175 kilometers) W United States flowing from Wind River Range in W Wyoming S into Colorado River in SE Utah  2. city NE Ohio S of Akron population 22,817 GREEN  I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English grene, from Old English grene; akin to Old English growan to grow  Date: before 12th century  1. of the color ~  2.  a. covered by ~ growth or foliage ~ fields  b. of winter mild, clement  c. consisting of ~ plants and usually edible herbage a ~ salad  3. pleasantly alluring  4. youthful, vigorous  5. not ripened or matured ; immature ~ apples tender ~ grasses  6. fresh, new  7.  a. marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance  b. envious 1 — used especially in the phrase ~ with envy  8.  a. not fully processed or treated: as  (1) not aged ~ liquor  (2) not dressed or tanned ~ hides  (3) freshly sawed ; unseasoned  b. not in condition for a particular use  9.  a. deficient in training, knowledge, or experience ~ recruits  b. deficient in sophistication and savoir faire ; naive  c. not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function a ~ horse  10.  a. often capitalized relating to or being an environmentalist political movement  b. concerned with or supporting environmentalism  c. tending to preserve environmental quality (as by being recyclable, biodegradable, or nonpolluting)  • ~ish adjective  • ~ishness noun  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb to become ~  transitive verb  1. to make ~  2. rejuvenate, revitalize  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1. a color whose hue is somewhat less yellow than that of growing fresh grass or of the emerald or is that of the part of the spectrum lying between blue and yellow  2. something of a ~ color  3. ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (greens, greener, greenest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Green is the colour of grass or leaves. ...shiny red and green apples... Yellow and green together make a pale green. COLOUR 2. A place that is green is covered with grass, plants, and trees and not with houses or factories. Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant. ADJ • greenness ...the lush greenness of the river valleys. N-UNCOUNT 3. Green issues and political movements relate to or are concerned with the protection of the environment. The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you say that someone or something is green, you mean they harm the environment as little as possible. ...trying to persuade governments to adopt greener policies... ADJ • greenness A Swiss company offers to help environmental investors by sending teams round factories to ascertain their greenness. N-UNCOUNT 5. Greens are members of green political movements. The Greens see themselves as a radical alternative to the two major British political parties. N-COUNT: usu pl 6. A green is a smooth, flat area of grass around a hole on a golf course. ...the 18th green. N-COUNT 7. A green is an area of land covered with grass, especially in a town or in the middle of a village. ...the village green. N-COUNT 8. Green is used in the names of places that contain or used to contain an area of grass. ...Bethnal Green. N-IN-NAMES: n N 9. You can refer to the cooked leaves of vegetables such as spinach or cabbage as greens. N-PLURAL 10. If you say that someone is green, you mean that they have had very little experience of life or a particular job. He was a young lad, very green, very immature. ADJ 11. If you say that someone is green with envy, you mean that they are very envious indeed. PHRASE: v-link PHR 12. If someone has green fingers, they are...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »COLOUR« having the colour of grass or leaves  (Go on - the traffic lights have turned green! | green eyes) 2 »GRASSY« covered with green grass  (green fields) 3 »FRUIT/PLANT« very young, or not yet ready to be eaten  (The bananas are still green. | new green shoots on the roses) 4 »WITHOUT EXPERIENCE« informal young and lacking experience  (a new batch of very green recruits) 5 »ILL« informal looking pale and unhealthy because you are ill  (George looked a bit green the next morning. | green around/about the gills (=looking ill or frightened)) 6 »ENVIRONMENT« connected with the environment  (green issues) 7 »POLITICS« belonging to the Green political party 8 green with envy wishing very much that you had something that someone else has 9 the green-eyed monster humorous or literary jealousy 10 have green fingers BrE have a green thumb AmE to be good at making plants grow 11 the green stuff AmE informal money ~2 n 1 the colour of grass and leaves  (a room decorated in pale blues and greens) 2 greens plural a) informal vegetables with large green leaves  (Eat your greens.) b) AmE leaves and branches used for decoration, especially at Christmas  (- compare greenery) 3 a level area of grass, especially in the middle of a village  (playing cricket on the green)  (- see also bowling green, village green) 4 a smooth flat area of grass around each hole on a golf course 5 Green someone who supports the Green political party ~3 v 1 to fill an area with growing plants in order to make it more attractive  (the challenge of greening the city) 2 to make a person or organization realize the importance of environmental problems  (the greening of public opinion) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  polit. abbr. Getting Republicans Elected Every November environ. abbr. Global Rivers Environment Education Network educ. abbr. Global Rivers Environmental Education Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. grene, earlier groeni, related to O.E. growan "to grow," from W.Gmc. *gronja-, from P.Gmc. base *gro- "grow," through sense of "color of living plants." Meaning of "a field, grassy place" was in O.E. The meaning "environmental" is attested from 1972; Greens "ecology political party," first recorded 1978, from Ger. die Grьnen (West Germany). Greenhorn was first "young horned animal" (1455), then "recently enlisted soldier" (1650), then "any inexperienced person" (1682). It contains the sense of green as "new, fresh, recent." Dollar bills have been greenbacks since 1870; but earlier bank paper money was called this since 1778. Greenland is O.N. Groenland, so named to induce settlers to go there. Green light in figurative sense of "permission" is from 1937. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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