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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - gold


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Перевод с английского языка gold на русский

1. золото pure gold —- чистое золото native (virgin) gold —- самородное золото wrought gold —- чеканное золото coined gold —- золото в монетах gold point —- фин. валютный курс в золотом выражении gold standard —- золотой стандарт gold reserve —- золотой запас gold in bars or ingots —- золото в брусках или слитках gold in nuggets —- золото в самородках; золотые самородки gold content —- содержание золота (в золотоносной руде и т. п.) made of gold —- из золота, золотой a vein of gold —- золотоносная жила to dig for gold —- искать золото to wash gold —- мыть золото; быть золотоискателем 2. золотые монеты, деньги to pay in gold —- платить золотом 3. богатства, сокровища greed of gold —- жажда обогащения to promise smb. whole mountains of gold —- обещать кому-л. золотые горы I would not do it for all the gold of the world —- я не сделал бы этого за все сокровища мира 4. высокие (моральные или физические) качества to have a heart of gold —- иметь золотое сердце he is pure gold —- он золотой человек he is as good as gold —- он золото, а не человек; он золотой ребенок a voice of gold —- голос редкой красоты 5. цвет золота; золотистый цвет of old gold —- цвета старого золота hair of gold —- золотистые волосы the red and gold of autumn —- багрянец и золото осени brown sprinkled with gold —- коричневый (цвет) с золотыми искорками fool's gold —- ам. руда, напоминающая по цвету золото (железный колчедан и т. п.) 6. центр мишени (при стрельбе из лука) to make a gold —- попасть в яблочко 7. уст. золотая нить, мишура и т. п. 8. уст. ткань с золотой нитью, парча Id: to be worth its weight in gold —- высоко цениться, быть очень ценным Id: to gild refined gold —- покрывать позолотой чистое золото, заниматься бессмысленным делом Id: all is not gold that glitters —- посл. не все то золото, что блестит 9. золотой gold watch —- золотые часы gold coin —- золотая монета gold filling —- золотая пломба 10. золотого цвета gold ripeness —- желтая спелость; восковая спелость (зерна) Id: gold brick —- ам. обман, надувательство; симулянт, лодырь, нерадивый солдат Id: to sell a gold brick —- надувать, обманывать
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См. в других словарях

  bridge fig. путь к почетному отступлению GOLD dust золотой песок GOLD plate золотая сервировка GOLD mining noun золотопромышленность, добыча золота GOLD  1. noun  1) золото  2) цвет золота, золотистый цвет  3) богатство, сокровища; ценность  4) центр мишени (при стрельбе из лука)  2. adj.  1) золотой - gold plate  2) золотистого цвета to sell a gold brick coll. - надуть, обмануть ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) золото 2) золотые монеты 3) деньги • - coined gold - gold certificate account - monetary gold - sterling gold 2. прил. 1) золотой 2) золотого цвета - gold reserve - gold standard GOLD сущ. 1) эк. золото (драгоценный металл, который в настоящее время по традиции является важным резервным средством и объектом тезаврации) See: gold reserve, hoarding 2) эк. золотые монеты; деньги See: gold standard 3) бирж., мн. золото* (акции и облигации золотопромышленных предприятий, золотодобывающих компаний) See: gold shares ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) золото 2) золотой 3) золотоносный - gold bronze - gold dust - gold field - gold flashing - gold nugget - gold pan - gold point - gold washer ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  золото ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  золото, Au - Abyssinian gold - cement gold - colored gold - copper-hardened gold - French red gold - high-karat gold - iridic gold - jewellery gold - palladium gold - placer gold - soluble gold ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a yellow malleable ductile high density metallic element resistant to chemical reaction, occurring naturally in quartz veins and gravel, and precious as a monetary medium, in jewellery, etc. Usage Symb.: Au. 2 the colour of gold. 3 a coins or articles made of gold. b money in large sums, wealth. 4 something precious, beautiful, or brilliant (all that glitters is not gold). 5 = gold medal. 6 gold used for coating a surface or as a pigment, gilding. 7 the bull's-eye of an archery target (usu. gilt). --adj. 1 made wholly or chiefly of gold. 2 coloured like gold. Phrases and idioms age of gold = golden age. gold amalgam an easily-moulded combination of gold with mercury. gold-beater a person who beats gold out into gold leaf. gold-beater's skin a membrane used to separate leaves of gold during beating, or as a covering for slight wounds. gold bloc a bloc of countries having a gold standard. gold brick sl. 1 a thing with only a surface appearance of value, a sham or fraud. 2 US a lazy person. gold-digger 1 sl. a woman who wheedles money out of men. 2 a person who digs for gold. gold-dust 1 gold in fine particles as often found naturally. 2 a plant, Alyssum saxatile, with many small yellow flowers. gold-field a district in which gold is found as a mineral. gold foil gold beaten into a thin sheet. gold leaf gold beaten into a very thin sheet. gold medal a medal of gold, usu. awarded as first prize. gold-mine 1 a place where gold is mined. 2 colloq. a source of wealth. gold of pleasure an annual yellow-flowered plant, Camelina sativa. gold plate 1 vessels made of gold. 2 material plated with gold. gold-plate v.tr. plate with gold. gold reserve a reserve of gold coins or bullion held by a central bank etc. gold-rush a rush to a newly-discovered gold-field. gold standard a system by which the value of a currency is defined in terms of gold, for which the currency may be exchanged. Gold Stick 1 (in the UK) a gilt rod carried on State occasions by the colonel of the Life Guards or the captain of the gentlemen-at-arms....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German ~ ~, Old English geolu yellow — more at yellow  Date: before 12th century  1. a yellow malleable ductile metallic element that occurs chiefly free or in a few minerals and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures — see element table  2.  a.  (1) ~ coins  (2) a ~ piece  b. money  c. ~ standard 1  3. a variable color averaging deep yellow  4. something resembling ~; especially something valued as the finest of its kind a heart of ~  5. a medal awarded as the first prize in a competition ; a ~ medal  II. adjective  Date: 1969 qualifying for a ~ record five…recordings are certified ~ — Henry Edwards ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (golds) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Gold is a valuable, yellow-coloured metal that is used for making jewellery and ornaments, and as an international currency. ...a sapphire set in gold... The price of gold was going up. ...gold coins. N-UNCOUNT 2. Gold is jewellery and other things that are made of gold. We handed over all our gold and money. N-UNCOUNT 3. Something that is gold is a bright yellow colour, and is often shiny. I’d been wearing Michel’s black and gold shirt. COLOUR 4. A gold is the same as a gold medal. (INFORMAL) His ambition was to win gold at the Atlanta Games in 1996... This Saturday the British star is going for gold in the Winter Olympics. N-VAR 5. If you say that a child is being as good as gold, you are emphasizing that they are behaving very well and are not causing you any problems. The boys were as good as gold on our walk. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you say that someone has a heart of gold, you are emphasizing that they are very good and kind to other people. They are all good boys with hearts of gold. They would never steal. PHRASE: heart inflects, v PHR, with PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 7. to strike gold: see strike worth one’s weight in gold: see weight see also fool’s gold ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a valuable soft yellow metal that is an element (=simple substance) and is used for making coins, jewellery etc  (strike gold (=find it in the ground)) 2 coins, jewellery etc made of this metal  (Vanessa wore so much gold it's no wonder she was mugged.) 3 the colour of this metal  (The room was decorated in golds and blues.) 4 informal a gold medal 5 gold digger old-fashioned slang a woman who tries to attract rich men  (- see also have a heart of gold heart (13)) ~2 adj 1 made of gold  (a gold chain) 2 having the colour of gold  (gold buttons | gold velvet curtains)  (- compare golden) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Generic Obstacle And Lane Detection educ. abbr. Georgia Online Database law abbr. Global Order Of Law And Defense NASDAQ abbr. Gold Fields, LTD. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: HEART OF GOLD. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. gold, from P.Gmc. *gulth-, from PIE *ghel-. Golden replaced M.E. gilden, from O.E. gyldan. Goldenrod is 1568; goldfinch is from O.E. goldfinc; goldfish is from 1698; goldilocks is first recorded 1550. Gold-digger "woman who pursues men for their money," first recorded 1915. Goldbrick (n.) "shirker" is World War I armed forces slang, from earlier verb meaning "to swindle, cheat" (1902) from the old con game of selling spurious gold bricks. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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