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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - fuel


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Перевод с английского языка fuel на русский

1. топливо, горючее liquid fuel —- жидкое топливо fuel consumption —- расход топлива fuel filling —- заправка топливом fuel endurance —- запас хода (по топливу) fuel ratio —- состав смеси (двигателя внутреннего сгорания) fuel gauge —- топливный расходомер; бензиномер nuclear fuel —- ядерное топливо fuel pump —- авт. топливный насос, бензопомпа fuel tube —- топливопровод; бензопомпа fuel tank —- топливный бак, бак для горючего 2. разжигание страстей to add fresh fuel to a quarrel —- разжигать ссору, подстрекать ссорящихся Id: to add fuel to the flame —- подливать масла в огонь 3. заправлять горючим или топливом 4. запасаться топливом; заправляться горючим 5. питать, поддерживать this organization is fuelled by massive grants —- эта организация держится на огромных субсидиях 6. заливать топливо; питать топливом 7. мор. принимать топливо, грузить топливо to fuel a ship —- принимать топливо на корабль 8. грузиться топливом 9. ж-д. экипировать
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См. в других словарях

  pump noun насос для подачи горючего, бензопомпа FUEL  1. noun топливо, горючее  2. v.  1) снабжать топливом  2) запасаться топливом  3) заправлять(ся) горючим (тж. Fuel up) The long-distance plane has to stop at London Airport to fuel up.  4) railways экипировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. горючее, топливо 2. гл. 1) заправлять горючим топливом 2) запасаться топливом ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) горючее 2) загрузочный 3) запасаться топливом 4) заправлять горючим 5) мазутный 6) тепловыделяющий 7) топливный 8) топливо 9) топливодобывающий automatic fuel distributor — машиностр. распределитель топлива автоматический auxiliary fuel tank — подвесной топливный бак breed nuclear fuel — воспроизводить ядерное топливо burn fuel oil — работать на мазуте burn gaseous fuel — работать на газообразном топливе burn solid fuel — работать на твердом топливе coated fuel particle — машиностр. микротвел commencement of fuel delivery — начало подачи топлива cut off fuel supply — прекращать подачу горючего defuel fuel tank — опорожнять топливный бак depletion of nuclear fuel — выгорание ядерного топлива diaphragm fuel pump — диафрагменный бензонасос duplex fuel nozzle — машиностр. форсунка двухступенчатая duplex fuel pump — сдвоенный бензонасос flexible fuel tank — мягкий топливный бак fuel assembly casing — машиностр. чехол тепловыделяющей сборки fuel blows by — топливо провывается fuel booster pump — аэро насос топливный подкачивающий fuel conveying system — тракт топливоподачи fuel distance endurance — запас хода по топливу fuel dump valve — клапан слива топлива fuel flow meter — измеритель расхода топлива fuel handling equipment — топливное хозяйство fuel injection pump — насос для впрыска топлива fuel lights up — горючее...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  топливо briquette fuel gas fuel liquid fuel pulverized fuel refuse derived fuel solid fuel ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) топливо, горючее заправлять(ся) топливом, заправлять(ся) горючим 2) ядерное топливо - acid sludge fuel - additional fuel - aircraft engine fuel grade 100 - aircraft fuel grade 100 - alcohol fuel - alternate fuel - annihilation fuel - antiknock fuel - aromatic fuel - ash-bearing fuel - ash-free fuel - ash-rich fuel - atomic fuel - atomized fuel - automotive fuel - aviation fuel - aviation blending fuel - aviation mixed fuel - backup fuel - binary fuel - biomass-based fuel - black oil fuel - blended fuel - blending fuel - borderline fuels - bunker fuel - by-product fuel - ceramic nuclear fuel - clean-burning fuel - climb fuel - coal-derived liquid fuel - coal-in-oil fuel - coal-water fuel - cold-starting fuel - colloidal fuel - commercial grade fuel - composite fuel - concentrated nuclear fuel - cupola fuel - degraded fuel - denatured fuel - diesel fuel - dispersion fuel - domestic fuel - doped fuel - dribbling diesel fuel - dusty fuel - emulsified fuel - engine fuel - enriched fuel - ethanol fuel - ethylized fuel - finished fuel - fissionable fuel - fission fuel - fossil fuel - fresh fuel - fusionable fuel - fusion fuel - gas fuel - generative fuel - heavy oil fuel - high-antiknock fuel - high-flash fuel - high-grade fuel - high-moisture fuel - high-speed diesel fuel - high-sulfur fuel - high-volatile fuel - household fuel - hydrocarbon fuel - hydrogen fuel - hydrogen-based gaseous fuel - intentionally dumped fuel - irradiated fuel - jet aircraft fuel - jet fuel - knock-free fuel - lead-free fuel - light diesel fuel - light-volatile fuel - liquid fuel - liquid gas fuel - liquid hydrocarbon fuel - liquid transportation fuel - lower enrichment nuclear fuel - low-grade fuel - low-sulfur fuel - low-volatile fuel - mixed oxide fuel - motor fuel - motor volatile fuel - nitrogen-containing fuel - nonfroth fuel - nonhydrocarbon motor fuel - nonleaded fuel - nuclear fuel - oil fuel - oxygen-oil rocket fuel - patch fuel - petroleum fuel - pollution-free fuel - poor diesel fuel -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 material, esp. coal, wood, oil, etc., burnt or used as a source of heat or power. 2 food as a source of energy. 3 material used as a source of nuclear energy. 4 anything that sustains or inflames emotion or passion. --v. (fuelled, fuelling; US fueled, fueling) 1 tr. supply with fuel. 2 tr. sustain or inflame (an argument, feeling, etc.) (drink fuelled his anger). 3 intr. take in or get fuel. Phrases and idioms fuel cell a cell producing an electric current direct from a chemical reaction. fuel element an element of nuclear fuel etc. for use in a reactor. fuel injection the direct introduction of fuel under pressure into the combustion units of an internal-combustion engine. fuel oil oil used as fuel in an engine or furnace. Etymology: ME f. AF fuaille, fewaile, OF fouaille, ult. f. L focus hearth ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English fewel, from Anglo-French fuail, feuaile, from Vulgar Latin *focalia, from Latin focus hearth  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a material used to produce heat or power by burning  b. nutritive material  c. a material from which atomic energy can be liberated especially in a reactor  2. a source of sustenance or incentive ; reinforcement  II. verb  (-eled or -elled; -eling or -elling)  Date: 1592  transitive verb  1. to provide with ~  2. support, stimulate movement is ~ed by massive grants-in-aid — Allen Schick  intransitive verb to take in ~ — often used with up ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fuels, fuelling, fuelled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: in AM, use 'fueling', 'fueled' 1. Fuel is a substance such as coal, oil, or petrol that is burned to provide heat or power. They ran out of fuel. ...industrial research into cleaner fuels. N-MASS 2. To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense. The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the Prime Minister’s future... The economic boom was fueled by easy credit. = feed VERB: V n, be V-ed 3. If something adds fuel to a conflict or debate, or adds fuel to the fire, it makes the conflict or debate more intense. His comments are bound to add fuel to the debate... The decision to raise tariffs on imports will only add fuel to the fire. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy  (Don't leave the engine switched on. It wastes fuel. | Coal is one of the cheapest fuels.) 2 something that makes someone's anger, hatred etc worse  (fuel to sth)  (His behaviour was only fuel to her jealousy.) 3 add fuel to the fire/flames to make a situation a lot worse than it was already ~2 v past tense fuelled BrE, fueled AmE 1 to make a situation worse or make someone's feelings stronger  (The attempts to stop the strike only fuelled the workers' resentment.) 2 to put oil, petrol etc in a vehicle 3 also fuel up if a vehicle fuels up, fuel is put into it  (It's amazing that some planes can fuel up in mid air.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  electron. abbr. For Unlimited Electronic Loudness educ. abbr. Fueling, Uplifting, And Educating Leaders NASDAQ abbr. Streicher Mobile Fueling ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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