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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - footing


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Перевод с английского языка footing на русский

1. точка опоры, опора; устойчивое положение ног mind your footing! —- не оступитесь!, смотрите, куда идете! the icy hill provided no footing —- на скользкой горке невозможно было удержаться на ногах to keep one's footing —- прочно держаться на ногах, устоять to lose one's footing —- поскользнуться, оступиться, потерять точку опоры he lost his footing and fell —- он оступился и упал to gain a footing —- обрести точку опоры, закрепиться на небольшом пространстве 2. (тк. в ед. ч.) положение to obtain a footing in society —- завоевать прочное положение в обществе to effect a footing —- приобрести положение в обществе to keep one's footing —- сохранить свое положение to lose one's footing —- потерять свое положение 3. взаимоотношения to be on a friendly footing with smb. —- находиться в дружеских отношениях с кем-л. to be on a (one, an equal) footing —- быть на равной ноге; находиться в равных условиях 4. материал для вязки носка и пятки чулка 5. итог (столбца цифр) 6. фундамент, основание, опора 7. площадь соприкосновения Id: to put on a war footing —- привести в состояние боевой готовности; поставить на военные рельсы Id: to pay (for) one's footing —- внести свою долю (свой пай); поставить угощение (в связи с приходом на новую работу и т. п.)
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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) опора для ноги to lose ones footing - поскользнуться, оступиться  2) основание, фундамент, опора  3) прочное положение (в обществе, учреждении и т.п.) to get/gain a footing in society - приобрести положение в обществе  4) итог, сумма столбца цифр to pay (for) ones footing coll. -  а) сделать вступительный взнос (в виде дара, для организации вечеринки и т.п.);  б) поставить магарыч to be on a friendly footing with smb. - быть на дружеской ноге с кем-л. on an equal footing - на равных основаниях to put on a war footing - приводить в боевую готовность; переводить на военное положение ...
Англо-русский словарь
  "Итого" (строка в таблице) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  основание; фундамент; опорное уширение (стопы, колонны, сваи); фундаментный блок (башмак) cantilever footing circular footing column footing combined footing continuous footing dimension stone footing eccentric loaded footing enlarged footing independent footing interior footing isolated footing notched footing octagonal footing one-way spread footing pedestal footing pier and beam footings piled footing plain spread footing post footing pretest footing pumphandle footing rectangular footing rigid footing rubble stone footing shallow footing single footing sloped footing socket-type footing spread footing spread footing with pedestal stepped footing stone footing strap footing strip footing T beam footing trapezoidal footing two-way reinforced footing two-way spread footing unsymmetrical footing wall footing ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) основание, опора 2) фундамент; подошва (фундамента) 3) оргтех. внесение дополнительной информации в виде вертикальных полей (в системе обработки текста) 4) затравка (в производстве сахара) - blade footing - bridge footing - cantilever footing - circular footing - column footing - continuous footing - flexible footing - hot footing - independent footing - mat footing - offshore drilling platform footing - oil footings - pad and pedestal type footing - penstock footing - pile footing - rigid footing - shallow footing - single footing - sloped footing - spread footing - stepped footing - strap footing - strip footing - wall footing ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a foothold; a secure position (lost his footing). 2 the basis on which an enterprise is established or operates; the position or status of a person in relation to others (on an equal footing). 3 the foundations of a wall, usu. with a course of brickwork wider than the base of the wall. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1. a stable position or placing of the feet  2. a surface or its condition with respect to one walking or running on it; especially the condition of a racetrack  3. the act of moving on foot ; step, tread  4.  a. a place or position providing a base of operations ; foothold  b. established position ; status; especially position or rank in relation to others they all started off on an equal ~  5. basis  6. terms of social intercourse  7. an enlargement at the lower end of a foundation wall, pier, or column to distribute the load  8. the sum of a column of figures ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If something is put on a particular footing, it is defined, established, or changed in a particular way, often so that it is able to develop or exist successfully. The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason. = basis N-UNCOUNT: with supp, usu on N 2. If you are on a particular kind of footing with someone, you have that kind of relationship with them. They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing... They are now trying to compete on an equal footing. = basis N-UNCOUNT: with supp, usu on N 3. If a country or armed force is on a war footing, it is ready to fight a war. The president placed the republic on a war footing. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 4. You refer to your footing when you are referring to your position and how securely your feet are placed on the ground. For example, if you lose your footing, your feet slip and you fall. He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge... He lost his footing and slid into the water. N-UNCOUNT: poss N FOOTLIGHTS In a theatre, the footlights are the row of lights along the front of the stage. N-PLURAL ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the conditions or arrangements under which something exists or operates  (on a legal/scientific/official etc footing)  (The article attempts to put their work on a more scientific footing. | on a sound/firm/solid footing)  (new reforms that will put the country back on a firm financial footing | on an equal footing/on the same footing (=in the same situation or state as someone else))  (The new law puts women on an equal footing with men. | on a war footing (=ready to go to war at any time)) 2 the position of your feet when you are standing firmly on a slippery or dangerous surface  (struggling to keep her footing on the slippery path | lose/miss your footing (=fall because you are no longer balanced)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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