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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - flourish


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Перевод с английского языка flourish на русский

1. размахивание, помахивание the flourish of a sword —- взмах меча 2. росчерк (пера), завитушка 3. напыщенный, претенциозный жест to take off one's hat with a flourish —- снять шляпу широким жестом he went away with a flourish of his hat —- он ушел, отсалютовав шляпой 4. эффектная демонстрация (чего-л.); пышность, шумиха he introduced his guest with a flourish —- он торжественно представил своего гостя if I've got to give her a debut, I'll do it with a flourish —- если она будет дебютировать у меня, я сделаю это так, что о ней все заговорят 5. цветистое, напыщенное выражение a flourish of rhetoric —- риторическая пышность 6. муз. туш, фанфары a triumphant flourish —- торжественный туш a flourish og trumpets —- туш; пышное представление (чего-л.); шумная реклама 7. редк. цветение, процветание in full flourish —- в полном расцвете 8. пышно расти all plants flourish on this soil —- на этой почве все растения буйно разрастаются 9. процветать, преуспевать his business is flourishing —- его фирма процветает I hope you are all flourishing —- надеюсь, что вы все в добром здравии 10. быть в периоде расцвета; жить и работать (об исторических лицах) when the Romanticism flourished —- когда процветал романтизм this system has flourished for over three centuries —- эта система процветала больше трехсот лет 11. размахивать, помахивать to flourish a whip —- размахивать кнутом to flourish a telegram with good news —- размахивать телеграммой с радостным известием to flourish one's arms (about) —- махать руками, жестикулировать 12. выставлять напоказ, хвастать to flourish one's wealth —- выставлять напоказ свое богатство 13. делать завитушки, росчерки (пером) 14. украшать (цветами, фигурами и т. п.) to flourish with silver —- отделать серебром Id: it's one thing to flourish and another to fight —- одно дело - храбрость на словах, другое - на деле
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) размахивание  2) росчерк, завитушка  3) цветистое выражение  4) фанфары - flourish of trumpets  2. v.  1) пышно расти; разрастаться  2) процветать, преуспевать; быть в расцвете  3) жить, действовать (в определенную эпоху) Socrates flourished about 400 B. C. - Сократ жил приблизительно в IV в. до нашей эры  4) размахивать чем-л.  5) fig. выставлять напоказ  6) делать росчерк пером  7) цветисто выражаться Syn: flower, luxuriate, prosper, thrive see brandish Ant: decline, die, wane FLOURISH of trumpets туш; fig. пышное представление кого-л.; шумная реклама; торжественная церемония (при открытии чего-л. и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) цветение плодового дерева 2) дерево в цвету 3) "росчерк" (в конце песни зяблика) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. процветать, преуспевать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a grow vigorously; thrive. b prosper; be successful. c be in one's prime. d be in good health. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by in, at, about) spend one's life; be active (at a specified time) (flourished in the Middle Ages) (cf. FLORUIT). 3 tr. show ostentatiously (flourished his cheque-book). 4 tr. wave (a weapon, one's limbs, etc.) vigorously. --n. 1 an ostentatious gesture with a weapon, a hand, etc. (removed his hat with a flourish). 2 an ornamental curving decoration of handwriting. 3 a florid verbal expression; a rhetorical embellishment. 4 Mus. a a fanfare played by brass instruments. b an ornate musical passage. c an extemporized addition played esp. at the beginning or end of a composition. 5 archaic an instance of prosperity; a flourishing. Derivatives flourisher n. flourishy adj. Etymology: ME f. OF florir ult. f. L florere f. flos floris flower ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English florisshen, from Anglo-French fluriss-, stem of flurir, florir, from Vulgar Latin *florire, alteration of Latin florere, from flor-, flos flower  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to grow luxuriantly ; thrive  2.  a. to achieve success ; prosper a ~ing business  b. to be in a state of activity or production ~ed around 1850  c. to reach a height of development or influence  3. to make bold and sweeping gestures  transitive verb to wield with dramatic gestures ; brandish  Synonyms: see swing  • ~er noun  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: circa 1552  1. an act or instance of brandishing or waving  2.  a. a florid bit of speech or writing rhetorical ~es  b. an ornamental stroke in writing or printing  c. a decorative or finishing detail a house with clever little ~es  3. fanfare  4.  a. a period of thriving  b. a luxuriant growth or profusion a ~ of white hair a springtime ~ of color  5. showiness in the doing of something opened the door with a ~  6. a sudden burst a ~ of activity ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flourishes, flourishing, flourished) 1. If something flourishes, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly. Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day... = thrive ? flounder VERB: V • flourishing London quickly became a flourishing port. ADJ 2. If a plant or animal flourishes, it grows well or is healthy because the conditions are right for it. The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes. = thrive VERB: V • flourishing Britain has the largest and most flourishing fox population in Europe. ADJ 3. If you flourish an object, you wave it about in a way that makes people notice it. He flourished the glass to emphasize the point. VERB: V n • Flourish is also a noun. He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes. N-COUNT 4. If you do something with a flourish, you do in a showy way so that people notice it. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to grow well and be very healthy; thrive  (The plants flourished in the warm sun.) 2 to develop well and be successful  (Russia's flourishing black market economy) 3 to wave something in your hand in order to make people notice it  (Ellie ran in, flourishing her acceptance letter.) ~2 n 1 with a flourish with a large confident movement that makes people notice you  (Mr Darcy swept back his hat with a flourish.) 2 something such as a decoration or detail that is not necessary  (His speech was full of rhetorical flourishes.) 3 a curved line when writing, which is done for decoration 4 a loud part of a piece of music, played especially when an important person enters  (a flourish of trumpets) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. floriss-, stem of florir, from L. florere "to bloom, blossom, flower," from flos (gen. floris) "a flower." Metaphoric sense of "thrive" is 14c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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