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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - flick


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Перевод с английского языка flick на русский

1. легкий, отрывистый удар (пальцем, хлыстом); щелчок 2. звук удара 3. резкое движение, рывок, толчок 4. pl. разг. кино, фильм took his girl to the flicks —- пригласил свою девушку в кино 5. воен. кратковременное освещение цели прожектором 6. слегка ударить; щелкнуть; хлестнуть; стегнуть; замахнуться (кнутом и т. п.) to flick a horse —- стегнуть лошадь to flick a switch —- щелкнуть выключателем 7. смахнуть, стряхнуть to flick ashes from a cigar —- стряхнуть пепел с сигары to flick away crumbs —- смахнуть крошки the horse flicked the flies away with its tail —- лошадь отмахивалась от мух хвостом 8. порхать, носиться a sparrow flicked across the road —- воробей (пере)порхнул через дорогу to flick out of sight —- исчезнуть с глаз (из виду) 9. воен. "захватывать" лучом прожектора 10. жарг. резать
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) легкий удар (хлыстом, ногтем и т.п.)  2) резкое движение  3) pl.; coll. киносеанс  2. v.  1) слегка ударить, стегнуть  2) смахнуть или сбросить что-л. легким ударом или щелчком (пепел с сигареты, крошки и т.п.; обыкн. flick off, flick away) Flick the dust off and we will use this table. The horse flicked the flies away with its tail. - flick out - flick through FLICK out быстро вытащить, выхватить FLICK through быстро прочитывать, пролистывать Ive just flicked through your article; Ill read it again properly when Ive got more time. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) лёгкий отрывистый удар; щелчок 2) резкое движение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) резкое движение; рывок 2) быстрый манёвр (воздушного судна) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a light, sharp, quickly retracted blow with a whip etc. b the sudden release of a bent finger or thumb, esp. to propel a small object. 2 a sudden movement or jerk. 3 a quick turn of the wrist in playing games, esp. in throwing or striking a ball. 4 a slight, sharp sound. 5 Brit. colloq. a a cinema film. b (in pl.; prec. by the) the cinema. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by away, off) strike or move with a flick (flicked the ash off his cigar; flicked away the dust). 2 tr. give a flick with (a whip, towel, etc.). 3 intr. make a flicking movement or sound. Phrases and idioms flick-knife a weapon with a blade that springs out from the handle when a button is pressed. flick through 1 turn over (cards, pages, etc.). 2 a turn over the pages etc. of, by a rapid movement of the fingers. b look cursorily through (a book etc.). Etymology: ME, imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: imitative  Date: 15th century  1. a light sharp jerky stroke or movement a ~ of the wrist  2. a sound produced by a ~  3. ~er II,1  II. verb  Date: 1629  transitive verb  1.  a. to move or propel with or as if with a ~ ~ed her hair back over her shoulder ~ a switch  b. to activate, deactivate, or change by or as if by ~ing a switch ~ on a cigarette lighter ~ off the radio  2.  a. to strike lightly with a quick sharp motion ~ed the horse with a whip  b. to remove with light blows ~ed an ash off her sleeve  intransitive verb  1. to go or pass quickly or abruptly ~ing through some papers  2. to direct ~s at something  III. noun  Etymology: short for 2~er  Date: 1926 movie ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flicks, flicking, flicked) 1. If something flicks in a particular direction, or if someone flicks it, it moves with a short, sudden movement. His tongue flicked across his lips... He flicked his cigarette out of the window. VERB: V prep/adv, V n prep/adv, also V, V n • Flick is also a noun. ...a flick of a paintbrush. N-COUNT: oft a N of n 2. If you flick something away, or off something else, you remove it with a quick movement of your hand or finger. Shirley flicked a speck of fluff from the sleeve of her black suit... Alan stretched out his hand and flicked the letter away. VERB: V n from/off n, V n away 3. If you flick something such as a whip or a towel, or flick something with it, you hold one end of it and move your hand quickly up and then forward, so that the other end moves. He helped her up before flicking the reins... She sighed and flicked a dishcloth at the counter... VERB: V n, V n prep • Flick is also a noun. ...a flick of the whip. N-COUNT 4. If you flick a switch, or flick an electrical appliance on or off, you press the switch sharply so that it moves into a different position and works the equipment. He flicked a light-switch on the wall beside the door... Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off... VERB: V n, V n with on/off 5. If you flick through a book or magazine, you turn its pages quickly, for example to get a general idea of its contents or to look for a particular item. If you flick through television channels, you continually change channels very quickly, for example using a remote control. She was flicking through some magazines on a table... VERB: V through n • Flick is also a noun. I thought I’d have a quick flick through some recent issues. N-SING: a N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to make something move away by hitting or pushing it suddenly or quickly, especially with your thumb and finger  (flick sth from/off etc)  (Papa flicked the ash from his cigar. | flick sth away/off etc)  (I flicked away the dandruff from his shoulders.) 2 I always + adv/prep, to move with a sudden, quick movement or to make something move in this way + from/up/down  (The cow's tail flicked from side to side.) 3 to make a light, machine etc stop or start working by pressing or moving a button  (flick sth on/off)  (Sandra flicked the TV on.) 4 if you flick something such as a whip or rope, you move it so that the end moves quickly away from you  (Ricky flicked a towel at his sister's bare legs.) flick through sth phr v to look at a book, magazine, set of photographs etc quickly ~2 n 1 a short, light, sudden movement or hit with a part of your body, whip etc  (With a flick of the wrist, Frye sent the ball into the opposite court.) 2 a flick of a switch used to emphasize how easy it is to start a machine and use it  (All it takes is a flick of a switch.) 3 C usually singular old-fashioned especially AmE a film 4 the flicks BrE old-fashioned the cinema 5 have a flick through to look at a book, magazine, set of pictures etc very quickly  (I had a quick flick through your report.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1445, probably imitative of a light blow with a whip. Earliest recorded use is in phrase not worth a flykke "useless." As slang for "film," it is first attested 1926, a back-formation from flicker, from their flickering appearance. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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