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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - empty


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Перевод с английского языка empty на русский

1. порожняя тара returned empties —- возвращенные пустые бутылки, банки и т. п. empties returned —- ком. обратная тара empties to be returned —- ком. тара, подлежащая возврату 2. порожний вагон, грузовик 3. pl. ж-д. порожняк 4. пустой, незаполненный, порожний empty box —- пустой ящик empty combs —- сушь (пустые пчелиные соты) empty goal —- гол, забитый в пустые ворота the room was nearly empty of furniture —- в комнате не было почти никакой мебели a bottle empty of wine —- пустая винная бутылка 5. необитаемый, нежилой (о доме, и т. п.) 6. без груза, порожний (о транспорте) 7. тех. без нагрузки, холостой empty weight —- собственный вес (автомобиля и т. п.) 8. физ. вакантный, незанятый, незаполненный 9. пустопорожний, бессодержательный empty talk —- пустые разговоры, переливание из пустого в порожнее empty promises —- пустые обещания words empty of meaning —- слова, не имеющие никакого смысла 10. легковесный, несерьезный (о замысле и т. п.) 11. легкомысленный, пустой (о человеке) 12. разг. голодный, с пустым желудком to feel empty —- проголодаться on an empty stomach —- натощак, на голодный желудок empty stomachs —- голодный люд, голодающие empty cupboards —- голод, недоедание, недостаток продовольствия 13. опорожнять, осушать (стакан) he emptied his pockets of their contents —- он вынул все из карманов 14. выливать; высыпать to empty water out of a glass —- вылить воду из стакана to empty dust out the dust-pan —- высыпать пыль (сор) из совка the bag had broken and emptied its contens along the road —- мешок лопнул и содержимое высыпалось на дорогу 15. переливать, пересыпать (во что-л) 16. выгружать; сливать (топливо из баков) 17. впадать (о реке; также to empty oneself) the St. Lawrence empties (itself) into the Atlantic —- река Святого Лаврентия впадает в Атлантический океан 18. пустеть the streets soon emptied when the rain began —- улицы сразу опустели, когда пошел дождь
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См. в других словарях

   1. adj.  1) пустой; порожний empty sheet of paper - чистый лист бумаги tank empty of petrol - пустой бензобак - empty crate  2) необитаемый  3) пустой, бессодержательный empty words, words empty of meaning - слова, лишенные смысла; пустые слова - empty rhetoric  4) coll. голодный - feel empty - empty stomachs  5) tech. без нагрузки, холостой the empty vessel makes the greatest sound prov. - пустая бочка пуще гремит Syn: see vacant  2. noun; usu. pl.  1) порожняя тара (бутылки, ящики и т.п.) returned empties - возвращенные пустые бутылки, банки и т.п.  2) railways порожняк  3. v.  1) опорожнять; осушать (стакан); выливать, высыпать; выкачивать, выпускать (into) Empty your bag into your hand to see if you can find the key. Empty the dirty water into the bowl.  2) опорожняться; пустеть  3) впадать (о реке) (into) All the rivers on the east side of England empty into the North Sea. This river empties itself into the ocean many miles away. EMPTY crate пустая тара EMPTY pockets безденежье EMPTY rhetoric пустословие EMPTY stomachs голодающие ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вещественно-неопределённый; неясный 2) необитаемый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) порожняя (пустая) тара опорожнять порожний, пустой, незаполненный; незанятый 2) сработка, опорожнение (водохранилища) срабатывать, опорожнять (водохранилище) 3) выливать; сливать 4) связь освобождать (канал) 5) очищать (напр. память) 6) опустошать (энергетический уровень) 7) ж.-д. порожняк ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., v., & n. --adj. (emptier, emptiest) 1 containing nothing. 2 (of a house etc.) unoccupied or unfurnished. 3 (of a transport vehicle etc.) without a load, passengers, etc. 4 a meaningless, hollow, insincere (empty threats; an empty gesture). b without substance or purpose (an empty existence). 5 colloq. hungry. 6 (foll. by of) devoid, lacking. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a make empty; remove the contents of. b (foll. by of) deprive of certain contents (emptied the room of its chairs). 2 tr. (often foll. by into) transfer (the contents of a container). 3 intr. become empty. 4 intr. (usu. foll. by into) (of a river) discharge itself (into the sea etc.). --n. (pl. -ies) colloq. a container (esp. a bottle) left empty of its contents. Phrases and idioms empty-handed 1 bringing or taking nothing. 2 having achieved or obtained nothing. empty-headed foolish; lacking common sense. empty-nester US either of a couple whose children have grown up and left home. on an empty stomach see STOMACH. Derivatives emptily adv. emptiness n. Etymology: OE {aelig}mtig, {aelig}metig f. {aelig}metta leisure ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (emptier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ?mettig unoccupied, from ?metta leisure, perhaps from ?- without + -metta (probably akin to motan to have to) — more at must  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. containing nothing ~ shelves  b. not occupied or inhabited an ~ building  c. unfrequented  d. not pregnant ~ heifer  e. null 4a the ~ set  2.  a. lacking reality, substance, meaning, or value ; hollow an ~ pleasure  b. destitute of effect or force an ~ threat  c. devoid of sense ; foolish  3. hungry  4.  a. idle ~ hours  b. having no purpose or result ; useless  5. marked by the absence of human life, activity, or comfort an ~ silence  • emptily adverb  • emptiness noun Synonyms:  ~, vacant, blank, void, vacuous mean lacking contents which could or should be present. ~ suggests a complete absence of contents an ~ bucket. vacant suggests an absence of appropriate contents or occupants a vacant apartment. blank stresses the absence of any significant, relieving, or intelligible features on a surface a blank wall. void suggests absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine a statement void of meaning. vacuous suggests the emptiness of a vacuum and especially the lack of intelligence or significance a vacuous facial expression.  Synonym: see in addition vain.  II. verb  (emptied; ~ing)  Date: 1548  transitive verb  1.  a. to make ~ ; remove the contents of ~ a purse  b. deprive, divest a phrase emptied of all meaning  c. to discharge (itself) of contents  d. to fire (a repeating firearm) until ~  2. to remove from what holds or encloses ~ the grain from sacks  intransitive verb  1. to become ~ the theater emptied quickly  2. to discharge contents the river empties into the ocean  III. noun  (plural empties)  Date: 1865 something (as a bottle or can) that is ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (emptier, emptiest, empties, emptying, emptied) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An empty place, vehicle, or container is one that has no people or things in it. The room was bare and empty. ...empty cans of lager... The roads were nearly empty of traffic. ADJ: oft ADJ of n 2. An empty gesture, threat, or relationship has no real value or meaning. His father threatened to throw him out, but he knew it was an empty threat. ...to ensure the event is not perceived as an empty gesture. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. If you describe a person’s life or a period of time as empty, you mean that nothing interesting or valuable happens in it. My life was very hectic but empty before I met him. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 4. If you feel empty, you feel unhappy and have no energy, usually because you are very tired or have just experienced something upsetting. I feel so empty, my life just doesn’t seem worth living any more. ADJ: usu feel ADJ, also ADJ n 5. If you empty a container, or empty something out of it, you remove its contents, especially by tipping it up. I emptied the ashtray... Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl... He emptied the contents out into the palm of his hand. VERB: V n, V n prep, V n with out 6. If someone empties a room or place, or if it empties, everyone that is in it goes away. The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics. ...a woman who could empty a pub full of drunks just by lifting one fist. VERB: V, V n 7. A river or canal that empties into a lake, river, or sea flows into it. The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland. VERB: V into n 8. Empties are bottles or containers which no longer have anything in them. N-COUNT: usu pl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »CONTAINER« having nothing inside  (an empty box | Your glass is empty - can I fill it up?) 2 »ROOM/BUILDING« an empty room, building etc does not have any people in it  (The house had been empty for six months before we moved in. | The hall was half-empty.) 3 »NOT USED« not being used by anyone  (I spotted an empty table in the corner. | be empty of)  (The roads were almost empty of traffic.) 4 »PERSON/LIFE« unhappy because nothing interesting or important happens or because you feel your life has no purpose  (His early death left her empty and despairing. | Her days were empty.) 5 empty words/gestures/promises etc empty words etc are not sincere or have no effect  (She knew her protest would be nothing more than an empty gesture.) 6 do sth on an empty stomach to do something without having eaten any food first  (Children shouldn't go to school on an empty stomach.) 7 empty nest AmE the situation that parents are in when all their children have left home - emptily adv ~2 v 1 also empty out if you empty a container, you remove everything that is in it  (I had to completely empty out my bag to find my keys.) 2 if you empty the things that are in a container, you take or pour them out of it  (It's your turn to empty the garbage. | empty sth onto/into etc)  (Kim emptied the candies into a glass jar.) 3 if a place empties, everyone leaves it  (The stores were closing, and the streets began to empty.) 4 I + (out) into if a river empties into a larger area of water, it flows into it  (The Elbe empties out into the North Sea.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. жmettig "at leisure, not occupied, unmarried," from жmetta "leisure," from ж "not" + -metta, from motan "to have" (see might). The -p- is a euphonic insertion. The adj. also became the v. in 16c., replacing M.E. empten, from O.E. geжmtigian. Figurative sense of empty-nester first attested 1987. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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