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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - decline


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Перевод с английского языка decline на русский

1. падение, упадок, спад the decline of art —- упадок искусства decline of business —- спад деловой активности on the decline, in decline —- в состоянии упадка culture in decline —- культура в состоянии упадка the family was definitely in a decline —- не было сомнений, что счастье изменило этой семье to suffer moral and spiritual decline —- переживать нравственный и духовный упадок 2. убыль; истощение, падение decline of a well —- горн. истощение скважины 3. понижение decline in prices —- понижение цен these shares have experienced a decline —- курс этих акций понизился 4. ухудшение (здоровья) decline of (in) strength —- упадок сил gradual decline —- постепенное одряхление 5. период затихания (болезни) the decline of a fever —- понижение температуры (жара) 6. склон, конец, закат the decline of the moon —- ущерб луны the decline of the day —- закат on the decline —- на ущербе the decline of life —- закат жизни, старость 7. изнурительная болезнь, особ. чахотка to die of a decline —- умереть от чахотки to be in a decline —- чахнуть; болеть чахоткой to go (to fall) into a decline —- зачахнуть; подхватить чахотку 8. хандра, депрессия he was going into one of his declines —- им снова овладевала депрессия, он снова погружался в хандру 9. бот. увядание, вилт 10. редк. уклон, понижение, скат 11. опускаться; идти вниз, под уклон the road declines —- дорога идет под уклон 12. наклоняться; клониться 13. заходить (о солнце) the sun is declining —- солнце заходит the day begins to decline (to its close) —- день склоняется к вечеру 14. уменьшаться, убывать, идти на убыль to decline considerably —- значительно сокращаться the prices began to decline —- цены стали падать his fortune declined —- его состояние уменьшилось his years are beginning to decline —- (его) годы идут на убыль, старость не за горами 15. угасать the earlier fervour is declining —- пыл прежних лет постепенно угасает 16. спадать (о температуре) the fever has declined —- жар спал (у больного) 17. приходить в упадок the arts declined —- ремесла пришли в упадок business declined —- в делах наступил застой; дела шли все хуже 18. приходить в расстройство; ухудшаться; ослабевать; чахнуть his health declined considerably —- его здоровье сильно расстроилось (расшаталось); он очень сдал his courage began to decline —- мужество стало изменять ему their strength has declined —- их силы шли на убыль 19. отклонять, отводить, отвергать to decline an offer —- отклонить предложение to decline a discussion —- уклониться от участия в дискуссии to decline battle —- уклониться от боя, не принять бой to decline to answer questions —- отказаться отвечать на вопросы to decline satisfying smb.'s curiosity —- отказаться удовлетворить чье-л. любопытство his novel was declined —- его роман отклонили (не приняли) I decline to be intimidated —- я не позволю запугать себя; вам меня не запугать 20. отказываться to decline with thanks —- отказаться с благодарностью 21. шахм. отклонять (жертву), не принимать (гамбит) 22. наклонять, склонять to decline one's head on one's breast —- склонить (уронить) голову на грудь 23. грам. склонять 24. уст. отклоняться, отходить, отступать (от принятого образца) to decline from virtue —- сойти со стези добродетели
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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) склон, уклон  2) падение, упадок, спад the decline of the moon - луна на ущербе - business decline - on the decline  3) снижение (цены)  4) ухудшение (здоровья, жизненного уровня и т.п.)  5) конец, закат (жизни, дня)  6) изнурительная болезнь, особ. туберкулез  2. v.  1) клониться, наклоняться; заходить (о солнце)  2) идти к концу  3) приходить в упадок; ухудшаться (о здоровье, жизненном уровне и т.п.)  4) уменьшаться, идти на убыль; спадать (о температуре)  5) отклонять (предложение и т.п.); отказывать(ся)  6) наклонять, склонять to decline ones head on ones breast - склонить/уронить голову на грудь  7) gram. склонять Syn: see decrease ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. падение, спад, упадок, снижение, понижение (цен), конец, сокращение - decline an invitation - decline in jobs - decline in prices - decline in sales - decline in the rate of population growth - decline in value - decline of export markets - engender a decline - population decline 2. гл. 1) приходить в упадок, ухудшаться, уменьшаться, снижаться 2) отклонять, отказывать • - decline an offer - decline responsibility DECLINE отклонять; отказывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  падение; снижение; уменьшение stress decline ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. deteriorate; lose strength or vigour; decrease. 2 a tr. reply with formal courtesy that one will not accept (an invitation, honour, etc.). b tr. refuse, esp. formally and courteously (declined to be made use of; declined doing anything). c tr. turn away from (a challenge, battle, discussion, etc.). d intr. give or send a refusal. 3 intr. slope downwards. 4 intr. bend down, droop. 5 tr. Gram. state the forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective) corresponding to cases, number, and gender. 6 intr. (of a day, life, etc.) draw to a close. 7 intr. decrease in price etc. 8 tr. bend down. --n. 1 gradual loss of vigour or excellence (on the decline). 2 decay, deterioration. 3 setting; the last part of the course (of the sun, of life, etc.). 4 a fall in price. 5 archaic tuberculosis or a similar wasting disease. Phrases and idioms declining years old age. Derivatives declinable adj. decliner n. Etymology: ME f. OF decliner f. L declinare (as DE-, clinare bend) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; declining)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from Latin declinare to turn aside, inflect, from de- + clinare to incline — more at lean  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. archaic to turn from a straight course ; stray  2.  a. to slope downward ; descend  b. to bend down ; droop  c. to stoop to what is unworthy  3.  a. of a celestial body to sink toward setting  b. to draw toward a close ; wane the day ~d  4. to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition his health ~d morale ~d  5. to withhold consent  6. to become less in amount prices ~d  transitive verb  1. to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective)  2. obsolete  a. avert  b. avoid  3. to cause to bend or bow downward  4.  a. to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with ~ battle  b. to refuse especially courteously ~ an invitation  • declinable adjective  • ~r noun Synonyms:  ~, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering. ~ often implies courteous refusal especially of offers or invitations ~d his party's nomination. refuse suggests more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of something asked for refused to lend them the money. reject implies a peremptory refusal by sending away or discarding rejected the manuscript as unpublishable. repudiate implies a casting off or disowning as untrue, unauthorized, or unworthy of acceptance teenagers who repudiate the values of their parents. spurn stresses contempt or disdain in rejection or repudiation spurned his overtures of friendship.  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the process of declining:  a. a gradual physical or mental sinking and wasting away  b. a change to a lower state or level the ~ of the aristocracy  2. the period during which something is deteriorating or approaching its end an empire in ~  3. a downward slope  4. a wasting disease; especially pulmonary tuberculosis  Synonyms: see...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (declines, declining, declined) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength. The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000... Hourly output by workers declined 1.3% in the first quarter... Union membership and union power are declining fast. ...a declining birth rate. VERB: V from/to/by amount, V amount, V, V-ing 2. If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it. (FORMAL) He declined their invitation... The band declined to comment on the story... He offered the boys some coffee. They declined politely. VERB: V n, V to-inf, V 3. If there is a decline in something, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or quality. There wasn’t such a big decline in enrollments after all... The first signs of economic decline became visible. N-VAR: oft N with poss, N in n 4. If something is in decline or on the decline, it is gradually decreasing in importance, quality, or power. Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline... PHRASE: v-link PHR 5. If something goes or falls into decline, it begins to gradually decrease in importance, quality, or power. Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n a gradual decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of something + in  (a sharp decline in profits) economic/moral etc decline  (Economic decline is often tangled up with political turmoil. | fall/go into decline (=start to decrease))  (The activities of Welsh mines went into decline after about 1880.) ~2 v 1 »BECOME LESS« to decrease in quantity or importance  (In regions such as New England textile industries had declined and unemployment was high. | declining prices) 2 »BECOME WORSE« to become gradually worse in quality  (Do you think standards of education have declined in recent years? | declining health) 3 »SAY NO« to say no when someone invites you somewhere or offers you something  (Talbot had been invited but declined on the grounds that he was too busy. | decline an offer/proposal etc)  (We declined their offer of financial help.) 4 »REFUSE« to refuse to do something  (decline to do sth)  (Allen angrily declined to discuss the matter.)  (- see refuse1) 5 sb's declining years formal the last years of someone's life 6 »GRAMMAR« technical a) if a noun, pronoun, or adj declines, its form changes according to whether it is the subject1 (5), object1 (6) etc of a sentence b) if you decline a noun etc, you show these various forms that it can take ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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