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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - contract


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Перевод с английского языка contract на русский

1. договор, соглашение, контракт contract of purchase (of sale) —- договор купли-продажи contract of insurance —- договор страхования contract period —- долгосрочный договор contract under seal —- договор за печатью to make (to enter into) a contract with —- заключить договор с to accept (to approve) a contract —- принять соглашение to award a contract —- ам. заключить подряд to be engaged on a contract to supply smth., to be under contract for smth. —- подписать договор на поставку чего-л 2. брачный контракт 3. помолвка, обручение 4. разг. предприятие (особ. строительное) 5. ам. жарг. договоренность (о совершении преступления, особ. убийства); плата наемному убийце 6. карт. объявление масти и количества взяток 7. карт. разг. бридж-контракт 8. договорный; обусловленный договором, соглашением, контрактом contract price —- договорная цена contract value —- стоимость товаров, купленных или проданных по договору contract law —- договорное право contract surgeon —- воен. вольнонаемный врач 9. заключать договор, соглашение, сделку, контракт; принимать на себя обязательства to contract to build a house —- заключить договор на постройку дома to contract a marriage with smb. —- заключать брачный контракт с кем-л. 10. заключать (союз и т. п.) to contract an alliance with a foreign country —- заключить союз с иностранным государством 11. приобретать, получать to contract good habits —- приобретать хорошие привычки to contract debts —- делать долги 12. подхватывать (болезнь) to contract a disease —- заболеть 13. сокращенная форма слова, сокращенное слово 14. сжимать, сокращать; суживать; стягивать to contract muscles —- сокращать мускулы to contract a word —- сократить слово 15. сжиматься, сокращаться; суживаться the heart contracts by the action of the muscles —- сердце сокращается благодаря работе мышц the valley contracts as one goes up it —- по мере подъема долина сужается 16. хмурить; морщить to contract one's forehead —- морщить лоб to contract one's eyebrows —- нахмурить брови 17. тех. давать усадку wool fibers contract in hot water —- шерстяное волокно в горячей воде садится
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См. в других словарях

  in официально принимать участие в чем-л. How many of the companies have contracted in so far? CONTRACT a disease заболеть CONTRACT  1. noun  1) контракт, договор; соглашение  2) брачный договор; помолвка, обручение  3) coll. предприятие (особ. строительное)  4) attr. договорный contract price - договорная цена contract law leg. - договорное право Syn: see covenant  2. v.  1) сжимать(ся); сокращать(ся) - contract expenses - contract efforts - contract muscles  2) хмурить; морщить to contract the brow/forehead - морщить лоб  3) заключать договор, соглашение; принимать на себя обязательство (for - по поводу чего-л.; with - с кем-л.) The builders have contracted for three new bridges this year. The city council has contracted with White and Company for the new road.  4) вступать (в брак, в союз с кем-л.) (with) The woman claims that she contracted a form of marriage with the prisoner, who already has a wife.  5) заводить (дружбу); завязать (знакомство)  6) приобретать (привычку); получать, подхватывать - contract a disease  7) делать (долги)  8) tech. давать усадку; спекаться  9) ling. стягивать [см. contracted  2.  5) ] - contract in - contract out CONTRACT debts наделать долгов CONTRACT efforts уменьшать усилия CONTRACT expenses сокращать расходы CONTRACT out  а) давать работу по контракту The city council has already contracted out the work on the new road.  б) отказываться присоединиться (к соглашению) Workers are permitted to contract out of the latest old-age insurance plan. CONTRACT...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) сокращаться, сжиматься 2) заразиться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  See: сущ. 1) эк., юр. договор, соглашение, контракт а)(устное или письменное соглашение между двумя и более сторонами, направленное на установление, изменение или прекращение гражданских прав или обязанностей) to be in breach of contract - быть не в состоянии выполнить условия контракта, to avoid (void, rescind, cancel) contract - аннулировать (расторгнуть) контракт, to repudiate contract - отказаться от контракта, расторгнуть контракт, to break (infringe) contract - нарушать контракт, to complete contract - исполнить контракт, to conclude (make, effect, celebrate enter into) contract - заключить контракт, to consider contract - рассматривать контракт, to draw up contract (to contract) - составлять контракт, to draft (draw up) contract - составлять проект контракта, to perform contract - выполнить (исполнить) контракт, to enter into contract - заключить договор, вступить в договор, according to contract, in accordance with contract - в соответствии с договором, согласно условиям договора, contrary to contract, in violation of contract - в нарушение контракта, default on contract - неисполнение контракта, delivery under contract - поставка по контракту, under the terms of the contract - согласно условиям контракта, should the contract be terminated (cancelled) - в случае расторжения контракта, within limits of contract - в рамках контрактных обязательств, terms and conditions of contract - условия...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) договор, контракт, соглашение заключать договор или контракт 2) подряд брать подряд, подряжаться 3) сжимать(ся), сокращать(ся) 4) лингв. стягиваться 5) метал. давать усадку terms of contract — условия контракта to draw up a contract — составлять контракт to sign a contract — подписывать контракт - turnkey contract ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  договор, соглашение, контракт; торг, купчая; подряд, поставка заключать договор (соглашение) сжиматься, сокращаться, снижаться as per contract by contract contract for construction civil engineering contract construction contract cost contract cost-plus-fixed-fee contract cost-plus-incentive-fee contract cost-plus-percentage-fee contract cost-reimbursement contract design contract erection contract firm-fixed price contract general contract incentive contract labor contract refurbishment contract rental contract steelwork contract supply contract turnkey contract ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) контракт; договор; подряд заключать контракт или договор; подряжать 2) сжимать(ся); стягивать(ся) 3) давать усадку 4) швейн. фиксировать посадку детали ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~us, from contrahere to draw together, make a ~, reduce in size, from com- + trahere to draw  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties; especially one legally enforceable  b. a business arrangement for the supply of goods or services at a fixed price make parts on ~  c. the act of marriage or an agreement to marry  2. a document describing the terms of a ~  3. the final bid to win a specified number of tricks in bridge  4. an order or arrangement for a hired assassin to kill someone his enemies put out a ~ on him  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French ~er to agree upon, from Latin ~us  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to bring on oneself especially inadvertently ; incur ~ing debts  b. to become affected with ~ pneumonia  2.  a. to establish or undertake by ~ ~ a job  b. betroth; also to establish (a marriage) formally  c.  (1) to hire by ~ ~ a lawyer  (2) to purchase (as goods or services) on a ~ basis — often used with out  3.  a. limit, restrict ~ the scope of their activities  b. knit, wrinkle frown ~ed his brow  c. to draw together ; concentrate  4. to reduce to smaller size by or as if by squeezing or forcing together ~ a muscle  5. to shorten (as a word) by omitting one or more sounds or letters  intransitive verb  1. to make a ~  2. to draw together so as to become diminished in size metal ~s on cooling; also to become less in compass, duration, or length muscle ~s in tetanus  • ~ibility noun  • ~ible adjective Synonyms:  ~, shrink, condense, compress, constrict, deflate mean to decrease in bulk or volume. ~ applies to a drawing together of surfaces or particles or a reduction of area or length caused her muscles to ~. shrink implies a ~ing or a loss of material and stresses a falling short of original dimensions the sweater will shrink when washed. condense implies a reducing of something...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (contracted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A contract is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money. The company won a prestigious contract for work on Europe’s tallest building... He was given a seven-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000. N-COUNT 2. If you contract with someone to do something, you legally agree to do it for them or for them to do it for you. (FORMAL) You can contract with us to deliver your cargo... The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan. VERB: V with n to-inf, V to-inf 3. When something contracts or when something contracts it, it becomes smaller or shorter. Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts... New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles. VERB: V, V n • contraction (contractions) ...the contraction and expansion of blood vessels... Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions. N-VAR 4. When something such as an economy or market contracts, it becomes smaller. The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month. VERB: V 5. If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it. (FORMAL) He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion... Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women. VERB: no cont, V n, V-ed 6. If you contract a marriage, alliance, or other relationship with someone, you arrange to have that relationship with them. (FORMAL) She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman. = enter into VERB: V n 7. If there is a contract on a person or on their life, someone has made an arrangement to have them killed. (INFORMAL) The convictions resulted in the local crime bosses putting a contract on him... N-COUNT: usu N on n 8. If you are under contract to someone, you have signed a contract...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a formal written agreement between two or more people, which says what each person must do for the other  (His contract of employment specifies that he must get at least one month's training.)  (Tyler has just agreed a seven year contract with a Hollywood studio.) sign a contract  (Read the contract carefully before you sign it. | enter into a contract)  (They have just entered into a lucrative contract with a clothing store. | be on a contract/be under contract (=be working for someone with whom you have a contract) | be in breach of contract (=have done something that is not allowed by the contract))  (If they don't get the test version of the software to us by tomorrow they'll be in breach of contract.) 2 subject to contract if an agreement is subject to contract, it has not yet been agreed formally by a contract  (We've agreed to their offer on our house, subject to contract.) 3 informal an agreement to kill a person for money  (There is a contract out on him and he's in hiding.) ~2 v 1 to become smaller or narrower  (Metal contracts as it becomes cool. | The economy continues to contract, raising fears of further political problems.)  (- opposite expand (1)) 2 formal to begin to have an illness  (He contracted pneumonia.) 3 contract to do sth to sign a contract in which you agree formally that you will do something  (They contracted to work fixed hours each week.) 4 contract a marriage/alliance etc to agree formally that you will marry someone or have a particular kind of relationship with them  (Most of the marriages were contracted when the brides were very young.) contract in phr v formal especially BrE to agree or promise, especially officially, to take part in something  (They contracted in to the share deal.) contract out phr v 1 T contract something out) to arrange to have a job done by a person or company outside your own organization  (The company has contracted the catering out to an outside firm.) 2 I + of formal especially BrE to agree or promise, especially officially, not to take part in...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., from L. contractus, pp. of contrahere "to draw together," metaphorically, "to make a bargain," from com- "together" + trahere "to draw." Noun came first, then verb and variant meaning "become narrowed, get smaller," especially of a withered limb. Contractor in the modern sense is from 1724. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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