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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - connection


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Перевод с английского языка connection на русский

1. соединение connection between two ideas —- связь между двумя идеями in this connection —- в этой связи in connection with —- в связи с I have no connection with this hoax —- я не имею никакого отношения к этому розыгрышу 2. присоединение; подключение the connection of a new telephone —- подключение (к сети) нового телефона 3. средство связи или сообщения the steamer is the only connection between the island and the mainland —- пароход - единственное средство связи между островом и материком 4. согласованность расписания (поездов, пароходов) the trains run in connection with the steamers —- расписание поездов и пароходов согласовано 5. пересадка to miss one's connection —- не успеть сделать пересадку, не успеть пересесть на другой поезд 6. обыкн. pl. связи, знакомства to form useful connections —- завязать полезные знакомства he's a man with good connections —- он человек с большими связями 7. родственник, свойственник 8. родство; свойство 9. клиентура, покупатели to establish a connection —- создать клиентуру 10. половая связь to form a connection —- вступить в связь criminal connection —- юр. преступная связь, адюльтер 11. объединение (политическое, коммерческое или религиозное) the Methodist connection —- методистская церковь 12. тех. ниппель 13. ам. разг. посредник при продаже наркотиков, продавец наркотиков 14. ам. разг. связной (шпион)
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  = connexion ...
Англо-русский словарь
  связь, соединение, сцепление – biocoenotic connection – central connections – conditioned connection – functional connection – intercontinental connections – linear connection – temporary connection ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  (connection connexion) 1) связь, соединение 2) средство связи 3) деловые связи, клиентура – connection between two ideas – in this connection – in connection with CONNECTION сущ. соединение, связь - business connections - causal connection - connection charge - connection fee - in this connection - in connection with Syn: combination ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вывод; присоединение 2) (логическое) соединение; сопряжение 3) включение; подключение 4) увязка; привязка 5) связность 6) таблица подключений; таблица связи 7) соединитель(ная деталь) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) включение, подключение; соединение 2) присоединение; сочленение 3) связь; сопряжение 4) матем. связность 5) соединительный патрубок; штуцер algebra with connection — алгебра со связью in this connection — в этой связи to establish a connection — устанавливать соединение to hold the connection — занимать телефонную линию to establish a connection — устанавливать соединение to set up a connection — осуществлять соединение - affine connection - aiding connection - analytic connection - binary connection - canonical connection - cascade connection - causal connection - circuit-closing connection - circuit-opening connection - compatible connection - complete connection - complex analytic connection - cross connection - delta connection - differential connection - direct connection - excentral connection - flat connection - force-fit connection - frame connection - functional connection - fundamental connection - global connection - ground connection - grounding connection - hinged connection - induced connection - invariant connection - involutive connection - left connection - left invariant connection - linear connection - locally flat connection - logical connection - metric preserving connection - metrical connection - multiple connection - necessary connection - non-linear connection - nonlinear connection - nonsymmetric connection - normal connection - opposite connection - order of connection - perfect connection - plug-in connection - point of connection - product connection - projective connection - punctual connection - right connection - semimetric connection - semipunctual connection - semisymmetric connection - series connection - simple connection - smooth connection - star connection - static connection - steering connection - tapped-down connection - tensor connection - tractive connection -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) связь 2) соединение; подключение – address-multiplex connection – asymmetrical microphone connection – audiovisual connection – automatic connection – automatic-sequential connection – autotransformer connection – auxiliary strands connection – AV-connection – base connection – breakless connection – built-up connection – bypass connection – cable line connection – cascade connection – cascode connection – circuit-switched connection – combined connection – communication connection – conducting strands connection – conference connection – confidential connection – data connection – datagram connection – data transfer connection – dedicated channel connection – delta connection – dial-up connection – digital connection – direct connection – direct Internet connection – earth connection – external connection – fast connection – fixed connection – four-wire separate connection – group connection – high-order path connection – hybrid connection – interchannel connection – interface connection – internal connection – link connection – local side connection – loose connection – microphone connection – multiparty connection – multipoint connection – off-network connection – opposite connection – opposite-parallel connection – paired connection – parallel connection – parallel sensors connection – parallel speakers connection – parallel telephones connection – plug-type connection – private circuit connection – radial telephones connection – RF-connection – series connection – series sensors connection – series speakers connection – single-phase connection – snake-like connection – star connection – star-zigzag connection – switched-channel connection – tandem connection – telecommunication connection – telephone connection – terminal connection – through connection – time connection – time-on-demand connection – toll connection – transformer connection – transposed...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  соединение, сопряжение; связь патрубок, штуцер; соединительная деталь connections of structural steel articulated connection bar connection beam connection beam-to-beam connection beam-to-beam moment connection beam-to-column connection beam-to-girder connection bolted connection cantilever girder hanger connection canvas connection consumer connection crimp connection cross connection direct connection dismountable connection drain connection ductile connection fit-on connection flange connection flangeless connection flexible connection flexible duct connection flexible pipe connection glued connection grid connection ground connection hinged connection hose connection house connection house sewer connection indirect connection insertion connection key connection moment connection nailed connection on-site connection outer connection overlap connection parallel connection permanent connection pin connection pivot connection plug-in connection precast slab connection push-fit socket connection push-on connection rigid connection riveted connection rod connection screwed connection semirigid connection series connection service connection sewer connection shear connection shunt connection slab-to-stringer connection slip connection snap connection spigot and socket connection structural connections suction connection welded connection welded rebar connection ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) соединение; сочленение; присоединение; связь 2) соединение; соединительная деталь 3) включение; подключение 4) схема 5) горн. сбойка 6) (при)соединительный патрубок; штуцер 7) геод. привязка; увязка 8) матем. связность to make a connection — наращивать бурительную колонну; to make connection up — докреплять (резьбовое) соединение; to retighten threaded connections — подтягивать резьбовые соединения - accordant connection - anode connection - armature end connections - back-to-back connection - ball connection - banjo connection - basing connection - bastard connection - bayonet connection - bolted connection - bottom connection - bridge connection - built-up connection - bullet connection - cable box connection - cascade connection - casing connection - chain connection - charging connection - clip connection - cold solder connection - color code connection - compression connection - conference connection - cooling system connections - crimp connection - cross connection - crowbar connection - delta connection - delta-delta connection - delta-star connection - dial-up connection - direct connection - discharge connection - drain connection - earth connection - end connections - equalizing connections - equipotential connections - feed forked connection - flanged connection - flange connection - flexible connection - fuel connection - glued connection - ground connection - hardwired connection - high-voltage connection - hinged connection - hose connection - house connection - hydraulical connection - inlet connection - in-line connection - intercircuit connection - interconnected-star connection - interface connection - interstar connection - inverse-parallel connection - key connection - kinematical connection - link connection - logical connection - logic connection - longitudinal...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (also Brit. connexion) 1 a the act of connecting; the state of being connected. b an instance of this. 2 the point at which two things are connected (broke at the connection). 3 a a thing or person that connects; a link (a radio formed the only connection with the outside world; cannot see the connection between the two ideas). b a telephone link (got a bad connection). 4 arrangement or opportunity for catching a connecting train etc.; the train etc. itself (missed the connection). 5 Electr. a the linking up of an electric current by contact. b a device for effecting this. 6 (often in pl.) a relative or associate, esp. one with influence (has connections in the Home Office; heard it through a business connection). 7 a relation of ideas; a context (in this connection I have to disagree). 8 sl. a supplier of narcotics. 9 a religious body, esp. Methodist. Phrases and idioms in connection with with reference to. in this (or that) connection with reference to this (or that). Derivatives connectional adj. Etymology: L connexio (as connect): spelling -ct- after connect ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Latin connexion-, connexio, from conectere  Date: 14th century  1. the act of connecting ; the state of being connected: as  a. causal or logical relation or sequence the ~ between two ideas  b.  (1) contextual relation or association in this ~ the word has a different meaning  (2) relationship in fact wanted in ~ with a robbery  c. a relation of personal intimacy (as of family ties)  d. coherence, continuity  2.  a. something that connects ; link a loose ~ in the wiring  b. a means of communication or transport a telephone ~  3. a person connected with another especially by marriage, kinship, or common interest has powerful ~s  4. a political, social, professional, or commercial relationship: as  a. position, job  b. an arrangement to execute orders or advance interests of another a firm's foreign ~s  c. a source of contraband (as illegal drugs)  5. a set of persons associated together: as  a. denomination  b. clan  • ~al adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (connections) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: in BRIT, also use 'connexion' 1. A connection is a relationship between two things, people, or groups. There was no evidence of a connection between BSE and the brain diseases recently confirmed in cats... The police say he had no connection with the security forces... = association, link N-VAR: usu N prep 2. A connection is a joint where two wires or pipes are joined together. Check all radiators for small leaks, especially round pipework connections. N-COUNT 3. If a place has good road, rail, or air connections, many places can be directly reached from there by car, train, or plane. Fukuoka has excellent air and rail connections to the rest of the country. N-COUNT: usu n N 4. If you get a connection at a station or airport, you catch a train, bus, or plane, after getting off another train, bus, or plane, in order to continue your journey. My flight was late and I missed the connection. N-COUNT: usu sing 5. Your connections are the people who you know or are related to, especially when they are in a position to help you. She used her connections to full advantage. N-PLURAL 6. If you write or talk to someone in connection with something, you write or talk to them about that thing. (FORMAL) 13 men have been questioned in connection with the murder. PREP-PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  connexion BrE n 1 »STH THAT CONNECTS THINGS« the way in which two facts, ideas, events etc are related to each other, and one is affected or caused by the other + between  (the connection between smoking and cancer)  (His statement had no connection with anything that had gone before.) find/establish a connection (=prove or discover that something is connected with something else)  (Police have so far failed to establish a connection between the two murders. | make a connection (=realize that there is a connection))  (The evidence was there in the file but no one made the connection.)  (- see relationship) 2 »JOINING THINGS TOGETHER« the joining together of two or more things  (Connection to the water mains takes only a few minutes.) 3 in connection with concerning something  (The police are interviewing two men in connection with the robbery.) 4 »ELECTRICAL WIRE« a wire or piece of metal joining two parts of a machine or electrical system  (loose connection (=one that is not joined properly))  (My radio isn't working properly - I think it's got a loose connection.) 5 »TRAIN/BUS ETC« a train, bus, or plane which is arranged to leave at a time which allows passengers from an earlier train, bus, or plane to use it to continue their journey  (If this train gets delayed we'll miss our connection to Paris.) 6 »ROAD/RAILWAY ETC« a road, railway etc that joins two places and allows people to travel between them  (Cheshunt has good rail connections to London, with trains every half hour.) 7 »PEOPLE« connections plural a) people who you know who can help you by giving you money, finding you a job etc  (He used his Mafia connections to find Pablo another job.) b) people who are related to you, but not very closely  (He is English, but has Irish connections.)  (- see relationship) 8 »TELEPHONE« if you have a bad connection on the telephone, you are unable to hear properly because there is a lot of noise in the telephone  (We had such a bad connection we gave up.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1385, from O.Fr. connexion, from L. connexionem, from connectere "to fasten together," from com- "together" + nectere "to bind, tie." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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