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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - center


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Перевод с английского языка center на русский

1. ам. центр; середина; центральная точка; средоточие dead center —- мертвая точка atomic center —- физ. центральная часть атома, ядро center distance —- расстояние между центрами center of the table —- середина стола center of atraction —- физ. центр притяжения; центр внимния center of gravity —- физ. центр тяжести center line —- геометрическая ось; средняя разделительная линия center of impact —- воен. средняя точка попадания 2. ам. центр, очаг; узел center of resistance —- узел сопротивления center of infection —- очаг инфекции the center of every hope —- средоточие всех надежд 3. ам. часть, район (города) business center —- деловая часть города amusement center —- район города, где сосредоточены театры, кино, рестораны 4. ам. центр, бюро; пункт (выдачи) center of learning —- научный центр control center —- спец. пункт управления Atomic C. —- центр атомных исследований 5. ам. комплекс торговых или культурно-просветительных учреждений shopping center —- торговый центр, комплекс предприятий торговли center of excelence —- центр повышения спортивного мастерства 6. ам. Дом (в наименованиях) Music C. —- Дом музыки Book C. —- Дом книги 7. ам. ось, стержень center to center —- от оси до оси; между центрами center boss —- ступица колеса (катка) center pin —- тех. шкворень; цапфа; ось 8. ам. (преим. C.) полит. центр parties of the C. —- партии центра 9. ам. анат. средняя точка тела, центр 10. ам. центр (участок коры головного мозга) respiration center —- дыхательный центр center of inhibition —- задерживающий центр 11. ам. ист. вождь, лидер, руководитель 12. ам. центр Земли I will find ... truth ... with the center —- я под землей до правды доберусь 13. ам. земля; центр мироздания 14. ам. внутреннее кольцо мишени 15. ам. спорт. игрок центра center back —- центральный защитник center forward —- центральный нападающий center half —- центральный полузащитник 16. ам. тех. центр; короткий валик 17. ам. pl. тех. центры (станка) 18. ам. тех. шаблон, угольник Id: to be off one's center —- быть не в себе, "тронуться" 19. ам. концентрировать; сосредоточивать to center one's hopes on smb. —- возлагать надежды на кого-л all her attention was centerd on her famaly —- все внимание она уделяла семье 20. ам. концентрироваться, сосредоточиваться the interest centers on this —- интерес сосредоточен на этом the discussion centerd round one point —- в центре обсуждения находился один вопрос 21. ам. помещать, располагать в центре to center one leg of the compasses —- установить в центре ножку циркуля 22. ам. тех. центрировать; отмечать кернером 23. "встать" во вращение, правильно начать вращение (фигурное катание) 24. ам. уст. (upon) опираться, покоиться
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См. в других словарях

  amer. = centre ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) центр; центральная точка 2) точка окостенения (тела позвонка) – center of dispersal – center of inhibition – center of origin – activation center – active center – apneustic center – associative centers – Broca's center – cell center – conservation center – deglutition center – erection center – facial center – gustatory center – heat-regulating center – inspiratory center – medullary vasomotor center – mitotic center – nerve center – organization center – ossification center – phage infective center – pleasure centers – pneumotaxic center – punishment centers – reactive center – reflex center – respiratory center – speech center – spinal vasomotor center – swallowing center – vasomotor center ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  общ., амер. = centre CENTER США см. centre ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) центр 2) пункт; узел 3) пост – acoustic center – alarm center – amplitude center – annex feeding center – area communication center – areal control center – areal message switching center – areal telegraph center – authentication center – automatic message switching center – automatic switching center – band center – batch switching center – broadcasting center – channel switching center – coastal communication center – color center – communication center – computerized feed center – connecting center – control center – data collection center – data-computing center – data transmission center – deflection center – digital communication center – distribution center – district-to-district communication center – district message switching center – district videotex center – electrical center – electronic data-processing center – execution center – feeder-distribution center – group-switching center – industrial-communication center – industrial-engineering communication center – information center – intermediate center – international sound program center – international switching center – international television center – international videotex center – junction center – key distribution center – local videotex center – long-distance switching center – main communication center – mine radio center – managing center center – message center – main feed center – mobile communication center – national videotex center – net monitoring center – network communication center – n-grade communication center – personal message center – primary center – provincial telegraph center – receiving center – regional center – relay center – remote center – road control center – satellite communication center – scattering center – secondary center – sectional center – serviced amplificating center – signal center – spacecraft startup center – space group monitoring center – station-by-station...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  центр (города, круга и т. п.); пункт; здание, дом кружало центрировать center of coordinates center of curvature center of force center of gravity center of gravity of a section center of gyration center of inertia center of mass center of moments center of percussion center of pressure center of projection center of rotation center of symmetry center of track center of twist center of vision agro-industrial center arch center art center city leisure center civic center closed mall center commercial center community center composite mall center crane centers distribution center elastic center first-aid center flexural center health center industrial center instantaneous center of rotation learning resources center mercantile center moment center multiuse center neighborhood center one-stop out-of-town center open mall center perspective center rail centers reception center recreational center repair center sash center shear center shopping center slewing center social center sports center sports and leisure center study center test center town center track centers welfare center ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) центр, середина помещать(ся) в центре 2) машиностр. центровое отверстие 3) центрировать 4) многоцелевой станок 5) мн. ч. строит. кружала 6) сердцевина 7) ядро 8) мн. ч. межцентровое расстояние 9) центр(альное учреждение); узел 10) корпус (конфеты) on center(s) — межцентровое расстояние; out of center — вне центра; to mount off center — устанавливать со смещением от центра или с эксцентриситетом; to mount on center — устанавливать по центру; to prick off center — накалывать центр (для проведения окружности), to strike centers — раскружаливать - center of action - center of area - center of attack - center of beacon - center of buoyancy - center of curvature - center of displacement - center of equilibrium - center of figure - center of flotation - center of force - center of gravity - center of gyration - center of inertia center - center of oscillation - center of percussion - center of pressure - center of projection - center of rotation - center of similitude - center of symmetry - center of twist - center of vibration - center of vision - center of volume - acceptor center - administrative support center - aerodynamic center - air communication center - aircrew training center - air traffic control center - all-digital center - arch centers - area communication center - area control center - array phase center - ATC machining center - auxiliary signal center - back center - band center - broadcast center - cage window center - card center - catalytic center - central tracking center - channel switching center - charge center - civic center - collecting center - color center - color-triad center - communications center - communication center - computation center - computer center - computing...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  US var. of CENTRE. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English centre, from Middle French, from Latin centrum, from Greek kentron sharp point, ~ of a circle, from kentein to prick; probably akin to Old High German hantag pointed  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the point around which a circle or sphere is described; broadly a point that is related to a geometrical figure in such a way that for any point on the figure there is another point on the figure such that a straight line joining the two points is bisected by the original point — called also ~ of symmetry  b. the ~ of the circle inscribed in a regular polygon  2.  a. a point, area, person, or thing that is most important or pivotal in relation to an indicated activity, interest, or condition a railroad ~ the ~ of the controversy  b. a source from which something originates a propaganda ~  c. a group of nerve cells having a common function respiratory ~  d. a region of concentrated population an urban ~  e. a facility providing a place for a particular activity or service a day-care ~  3.  a. the middle part (as of the forehead or a stage)  b. often capitalized  (1) a grouping of political figures holding moderate views especially between those of conservatives and liberals  (2) the views of such politicians  (3) the adherents of such views  4.  a. a player occupying a middle position on a team: as  (1) the football player in the middle of a line who passes the ball between his legs to a back to start a down  (2) the usually tallest player on a basketball team who usually plays near the basket  b. ~ field  5.  a. either of two tapered rods which support work in a lathe or grinding machine and about or with which the work revolves  b. a conical recess in the end of work (as a shaft) for receiving such a ~  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1590  transitive verb  1. to place or fix at or around a ~ or central area or position ~ the picture on the wall  2. to give a central focus or basis ~s her hopes on her son the plot was ~ed on...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  see centre ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n, ~ v the American spelling of centre ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  u.m. abbr. Continuing Education Network For Training Enrichment And Renewal ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1380, from O.Fr. centre, from L. centrum "center," orig. fixed point of the two points of a compass, from Gk. kentron "sharp point, goad," from kentein "stitch," from PIE base *kent- "to prick." Centrist is 1872, from Fr. politics. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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