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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - cat


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Перевод с английского языка cat на русский

1. кот; кошка 2. зоол. кошка домашняя (Felus domesticus) 3. зоол. животное семейства кошачьих wild cat —- дикая кошка (Felus silvestris) 4. разг. сварливая или недоброжелательная женщина; сплетница, язва old cat —- старая ведьма don't be a cat! —- не злословь! 5. кошка-девятихвостка (плеть из девяти хвостов) 6. двойной треножник 7. ам. сл. парень 8. сл. проститутка 9. сл. джасист; "лабух" 10. поклонник джаза 11. ам. сл. странствующий рабочий 12. сл. франт, стиляга 13. сл. продавец наркотиков 14. спорт. чижик (заостренная палочка) 15. спорт. игра в чижики 16. ам. воен. разг. гусеничная машина; гусеничный трактор 17. мор. кат 18. мор. кат-балка 19. мор. ист. крамбол, кран-балка Id: fat cat —- ам. толстосум, капиталист, отказывающий финансовую поддержку какой-л партии Id: cat in the pan —- изменник; ренегат Id: the cat's pajamas —- ам. сл. что надо, первый сорт; пальчики оближешь Id: to put the cat among the pigeons —- сталкивать противников; натравливать друг на друга Id: like a cat round hot milk —- вокруг да около Id: like smth. the cat brought in —- запачканный, неопрятный Id: like a cat on hot bricks —- не по себе; как на угольях; как на иголках Id: as a cat lovws mustard —- любит как собака палку Id: to bell the cat —- отважиться; взять на себя инициативу в опасном деле; поставить себя под удар Id: to let the cat out of the bag —- проговориться Id: the cat is out of the bag —- это уже не секрет; тайное стало явным Id: to see how the cat jumps —- выжидать, как развернуться события; ждать, откуда ветер подует; занимать выжидательную позицию Id: that cat won't jump —- этот номер не пройдет Id: the cat did it —- белый медведь это сделал (не я) Id: a cat has nine lives —- кошки живучи Id: a cat with nine lives —- живучий человек; живуч, как кошка Id: has the cat got your tongue? —- вы что, язык проглотили? Id: enough to make a cat laugh —- и мертвого может рассмешить, очень смешно Id: no room to swing a cat —- очень тесно, повернуться негде Id: to jerk the cat —- сл. рвать, блевать Id: to fight like Kilkenny cats —- отчаянно драться, драться так, что только пух и перья летят Id: a cat may look at a king —- даже кошке не возбраняется смотреть на короля; не заносись, я не хуже тебя Id: sent not a cat for lard —- пустить козла в огород Id: all cats are grey in the dark —- посл. ночью все кошки серы 20. бить кошкой, плетью-девятихвосткой 21. мор. брать якорь на кат 22. сл. блевать
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См. в других словарях

  1) кот; кошка 2) домашняя кошка (Felis domesticus) 3) pl см. catfish c gray2) – African golden cat (тж. African tiger cat) – African wild cat – Andean cat – Asiatic golden cat – bay cat – black cat – black-footed cat – blue cat – bob cat – Bornean red cat – cacomistle cat – Caffre cat – channel cats – Chinese desert cat – civet cat – dune cat – Eastern native cat – European wild cat – fishing cat – flat-headed cat – fossa cat – Geoffroy's cat – golden cat (тж. Himalayan golden cat) – hydrophobic cat – Iriomote cat – jungle cat – leopard cat – little spotted cat – Madagascar cat – manul cat – marbled cat – marsupial cat – miner's cat – mountain cat – mud cat – native cat – Pallas' cat – pampas cat – ring-tailed cat – rusty-spotted cat – sand cat – sea cat – serval cat – spoon-billed cat – steppe cat – stone cat – tadpole cat – Temminck's golden cat – tiger cat – toddy cat – white cat – wild cat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сокр. от catalyst катализатор II сокр. от catalytic каталитический III сокр. от caterpillar гусеница; гусеничный ход CAT I сокр. от catamaran катамаран II сокр. от CATERPILLAR американская компания "Катерпиллар" (выпускающая дорожно-строительные машины и дизельные двигатели) III сокр. от computer-aided testing автоматизированные испытания IV сокр. от computer-aided typesetter наборная машина, управляемая ЭВМ, наборный автомат V сокр. от computer-aided typesetting автоматизированный набор VI сокр. от cooled-anode tube лампа с охлаждаемым анодом VII сокр. от crack arrest temperature температура остановки трещины ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  abbr. 1 computer-assisted (or -aided) testing. 2 Med. computerized axial tomography. CAT n. & v. --n. 1 a small soft-furred four-legged domesticated animal, Felis catus. 2 a any wild animal of the genus Felis, e.g. a lion, tiger, or leopard. b = wild cat. 3 a catlike animal of any other species (civet cat). 4 colloq. a malicious or spiteful woman. 5 sl. a jazz enthusiast. 6 Naut. = CATHEAD. 7 = cat-o'-nine-tails. 8 a short tapered stick in the game of tipcat. --v.tr. (also absol.) (catted, catting) Naut. raise (an anchor) from the surface of the water to the cathead. Phrases and idioms cat-and-dog (of a relationship etc.) full of quarrels. cat burglar a burglar who enters by climbing to an upper storey. cat flap (or door) a small swinging flap in an outer door, for a cat to pass in and out. cat-ice thin ice unsupported by water. cat-o'-nine-tails hist. a rope whip with nine knotted lashes for flogging sailors, soldiers, or criminals. cat's cradle a child's game in which a loop of string is held between the fingers and patterns are formed. Cat's-eye Brit. propr. one of a series of reflector studs set into a road. cat's-eye a precious stone of Sri Lanka and Malabar. cat's-foot any small plant of the genus Antennaria, having soft woolly leaves and growing on the surface of the ground. cat's-paw 1 a person used as a tool by another. 2 a slight breeze rippling the surface of the water. cat's-tail = reed-mace (see REED(1)). cat's whiskers (or pyjamas) sl. an excellent person or thing. let the cat out of the bag reveal a secret, esp. involuntarily. like a cat on hot bricks (or on a hot tin roof) very agitated or agitatedly. put (or set) the cat among the pigeons cause trouble. rain cats and dogs rain very hard. Etymology: OE catt(e) f. LL cattus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   trademark — used for a ~erpillar tractor CAT  abbreviation  1. clean-air turbulence  2. computerized axial tomography CAT  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~t, probably from Late Latin ~tus, ~ta ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a carnivorous mammal (Felis ~us) long domesti~ed as a pet and for ~ching rats and mice  b. any of a family (Felidae) of carnivorous usually solitary and nocturnal mammals (as the domestic ~, lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, cougar, wild~, lynx, and cheetah)  2. a malicious woman  3. a strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the ~head of a ship  4.  a. ~boat  b. ~amaran  5. ~-o'-nine-tails  6. ~fish  7.  a. a player or devotee of jazz  b. guy  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1681  intransitive verb to search for a sexual mate — often used with around  transitive verb to bring (an anchor) up to the ~head  III. abbreviation  1. ~alog  2. ~alyst ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cats) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A cat is a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws. Cats are often kept as pets. N-COUNT 2. Cats are lions, tigers, and other wild animals in the same family. N-COUNT 3. see also Cheshire cat, fat cat, wildcat 4. If you let the cat out of the bag, you tell people about something that was being kept secret. You often do this by mistake. PHRASE: V inflects 5. In a fight or contest, if one person plays cat and mouse, or a game of cat and mouse, with the other, the first person tries to confuse or deceive the second in order to defeat them. After three hours of playing cat and mouse, they threatened to open fire on our vessel, so we stopped... PHRASE: usu v PHR, PHR n 6. If you put the cat among the pigeons or set the cat among the pigeons, you cause fierce argument or discussion by doing or saying something. (BRIT) The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you say ‘There’s no room to swing a cat’ or ‘You can’t swing a cat’, you mean that the place you are talking about is very small or crowded. It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat. PHRASE: with brd-neg, usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ANIMAL« a) a small animal with four legs that is often kept as a pet or used for catching mice (mouse (1)) b) a large animal that is related to this, such as a lion or tiger 2 let the cat out of the bag to tell a secret, especially without intending to 3 put/set the cat among the pigeons to cause trouble by doing or saying something that upsets people, causes arguments etc 4 play cat and mouse with to let someone think they are getting or doing what they want, then prevent them from getting or doing it 5 like a cat on hot bricks BrE, like a cat on a hot tin roof AmE so nervous or anxious that you cannot keep still or keep your attention on one thing 6 »WOMAN« old-fashioned an insulting word for a woman who you think is unkind or unpleasant  (- see also catty, raining cats and dogs rain2 (4), no room to swing a cat room1 (2)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Computerized Axial Tomography hum. gen. abbr. Concentration Activated Transformation hum. gen. abbr. Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase physiol. abbr. Computerized Axial Tomography physiol. abbr. Cataract physiol. abbr. Catheter physiol. abbr. Coital Alignment Technique transport. abbr. Clear - Air Turbulence transport. abbr. Civil Air Transport mil. abbr. Crisis Action Team mil. abbr. Center for Army Tactics mil. abbr. Continuous Adaptive Terrain mil. abbr. Computer- Assisted Training time zone abbr. Central Alaska Time [ GMT - 1000] time zone abbr. Central African Time 3-let. lang. abbr. Catalan ocean sc. abbr. Cherokees Against Twinkies univ. abbr. Common Admission Test univ. abbr. Collaborative Active Textbooks electron. abbr. Computer Aided Testing funny abbr. Clever Anatomical Tricks gen. comp. abbr. Computer Aided Testing gen. comp. abbr. Computer Assisted Translation comp. assem. abbr. Concatenate And Type telec. abbr. Charges Access And Terms telec. abbr. Cost Access Terms telec. abbr. Charges Access Terms file ext. abbr. IntelliCharge categorization file (Quicken) file ext. abbr. Logical package (Rational Rose) file ext. abbr. Catalog ( CP Backup - dBASE IV) media abbr. Creative Art Techniques educ. abbr. Classroom Assessment Technique educ. abbr. Caterpillar educ. abbr. Computer Assisted Teaching educ. abbr. Computer Adaptive Test law abbr. Combat Auto Theft gen. bus. abbr. Consultancy And Appropriate Technology NYSE symbols Caterpillar, Inc. int. bus. abbr. Computer Aided Translation account. abbr. Constant Amortized Time ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E., from P.Gmc. *kattuz; the word appeared in Europe as L.L. cattus (4c. C.E.), Gk. katta (6c. C.E.) and was in general use on the continent by c. 700, replacing L. feles. Probably ult. Afro-Asiatic (cf. Nubian kadis, Berber kadiska, both meaning "cat"). Domestic in Egypt from c.2000 B.C.E., but not a familiar household animal to classical Greeks and Romans. Extended to lions, tigers, etc. 1607. Slang sense of "prostitute" is from at least 1401. Slang sense of "fellow, guy," is from 1920, originally in U.S. Black Eng.; narrower sense of "jazz enthusiast" is recorded from 1931. Catcall first recorded 1659; Cat's-cradle is from 1768. Cat's paw (1769, but cat's foot in the same sense, 1597) refers to old folk tale in which the monkey tricks the cat into pawing chestnuts from a fire; the monkey gets the nuts, the cat gets a burnt paw. Cat-witted "small-minded, obstinate, and spiteful" (1673) deserted to survive. For Cat's meow, cat's pajamas, see bee's knees. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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