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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - bundle


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Перевод с английского языка bundle на русский

1. узел, узелок; котомка a bundle of rags —- узел старого тряпья 2. связка; пачка; вязанка a bundle of banknotes —- пачка банкнот 3. пучок a bundle of tubes —- тех. пучок труб 4. пакет, сверток 5. пренебр. собрание, коллекция a bundle of calumnies —- чистая клевета 6. группа звезд сигнальной ракеты 7. определенное количество товара (2 пачки бумаги, 20 мотков хлопчатобумажной пряжи и т. п.) 8. пучок (релевантных фонологических признаков, образующих фонему) 9. ам. сл. большая сумма денег 10. сл. массовая драка, свалка (особ. между несовершеннолетними) Id: a bundle of nerves —- комок нервов Id: to go a bundle on —- сл. влюбиться, втюриться 11. связывать в узел (также bundle up) 12. увязывать, укладывать вещи перед отъездом 13. группировать 14. отсылать, спроваживать (обыкн. bundle away, bundle in, bundle off, bundle out) I bundled him off —- я отделался от него, я его выпроводил 15. уезжать в спешке to bundle out —- скрыться; убежать в замешательстве, "смотаться" they bundled down to town —- они поспешно уехали в город
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См. в других словарях

  off  а) спешно уходить, выгонять кого-л. I bundled him off я спровадил его, отделался от него  б) спровадить кого-л. после неприятности The family were so ashamed of the youngest son that they bundled him off to Canada. BUNDLE of nerves комок нервов BUNDLE up тепло одевать(ся), укутывать(ся) The mother bundled the children up against the cold wind. In this cold wind youd be wise to bundle up well. BUNDLE  1. noun  1) узел, связка; вязанка  2) пучок  3) пакет; сверток  4) amer. две стопы бумаги  5) двадцать мотков льняной пряжи - bundle of nerves  2. v.  1) связывать в узел (часто bundle up); собирать вещи (перед отъездом) Could you bundle up these clothes and Ill take them to the post?  2) отсылать, спроваживать (обыкн. bundle away, bundle off, bundle out)  3) быстро уйти, выкатиться (обыкн. bundle out, bundle off) - bundle away - bundle into - bundle off - bundle out - bundle up BUNDLE away быстро уйти The children were bundled away when the guests arrived. The women bundled away when their husbands returned. BUNDLE into  а) в спешке засунуть кого-л. куда-л. The guest got very drunk so they bundled him into a taxi and sent him home.  б) неаккуратно засунуть что-л. куда-л. Dont bundle all the clothes into that bag so carelessly. BUNDLE out спешно уходить, выгонять кого-л. The taxi door burst open and all the children bundled out. I shall bundle you out of here very fast if you dont leave by yourself. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  пучок; тяж – bundle of His – bundle of Vicq d'Azyr – atrioventricular bundle – auriculoventricular bundle – circular bundles – collateral bundle – conducting bundle – fibrous bundle – fibrovascular bundle – meridional bundles – Monakow's bundle – muscle bundle – open bundle – radial bundles – vascular bundle – woody bundle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  I сущ. 1) общ. пакет, сверток, узел, пачка; связка; бухта, пучок a bundle of bank-notes - пачка банкнот, a bundle of letters - пакет писем 2) сленг "пучок (денег)"* (крупная денежная сумма) 3) эк. набор, комплект (товаров или услуг, предоставляемых организацией) a bundle of products and services -набор товаров и услуг 4) марк. (товарный) набор, комплект (из нескольких товаров по единой цене) Syn: banded pack See: product-bundle pricing 5) общ. масса, множество (большое количество чего-либо) a bundle of benefits - множество достоинств See: bundling II гл. 1) общ. связывать (в узел), обвязывать (пакет), пакетировать; сматывать (собирать вещи (товары, грузы) в связки, узлы или пакеты, или же сматывать веревки в канаты или бухты) 2) эк. предоставлять в комплекте, пакетировать (услуги: предоставлять несколько услуг клиенту за одну плату) 3) марк. комплектовать, пакетировать, объединять в набор (комплект, пакет) (объединять товары в единый набор и продавть их вместе по цене комплекта) See: bundling BUNDLE сущ. пакет, сверток; набор - bundle of work - input-output bundle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) связка; пучок; пачка связывать; вязать пучки; собирать в пачки 2) бунт; бухта; моток 3) связка; жгут; пучок объединять в жгут; образовывать связку или пучок 4) моток проволоки 5) тюк тюковать 6) с.-х. сноп 7) большое количество 8) матем. расслоение 9) комплект, партия 10) стопа 11) полигр. тесьма для вязки пачек связывать в пачки, обандероливать 12) собирать, упаковывать base of fiber bundle — матем. база расслоения bundle with fiber — матем. расслоенное пространство to band a bundle — обвязывать бунт лентой - affine bundle - algebraic bundle - almost bundle - ample bundle - analytic bundle - analytically equivalent bundles - associated bundle - bundle of axioms - bundle of coefficients - bundle of coframes - bundle of curves - bundle of frames - bundle of geometric objects - bundle of groups - bundle of linear spaces - bundle of lines of force - bundle of lines - bundle of paper - bundle of planes - bundle of wires - canonical bundle - classifying bundle - coefficient bundle - complex bundle - complex conjugate bundle - complex conjugate bundle - complexified bundle - conjugate bundle - contravariant bundle - convergent bundle - coordinate bundle - coorientable bundle - cotangent bundle - covariant bundle - decomposable bundle - diagonal bundle - difference bundle - differentiable bundle - divisor bundle - dual bundle - fiber bundle - fiber homotopy equivalent bundles - flag bundle - flat bundle - generalized bundle - genus of bundle - holomorphic bundle - indecomposable bundle - induced bundle - integrable bundle - involutive bundle - irreducible bundle - jet bundle - line bundle - locally trivial bundle - metalinear bundle - n-dimensional bundle - n-plane bundle - n-sphere bundle - natural...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) моток 2) пучок, жгут – aligned bundle – cable bundle – coherent bundle – conductor bundle – regular fiber bundle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  связка, пучок стопа (напр. фанеры) комплект, партия (арматуры) bundle of lath bundle of tubes pipe bundle sanitary pipe bundle tube bundle ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) связка; пучок; пачка связывать; вязать пучки; собирать в пачки 2) обвязывать, увязывать (при упаковке) 3) эл. жгут; моток; бухта; бунт объединять в жгут; образовывать связку или пучок 4) эл. расщепленная фаза (линии) 5) электрон. группа; сгусток группировать(ся); образовывать сгустки 6) пачка деревьев; пакет хлыстов 7) лесн. пучок (сплоточная единица) 8) полигр. стопа; связанная пачка (тетрадей) связывать в пачки 9) тюк; папуша (табачных листьев) тюковать - bundle of electrons - bundle of lath - bundle of wood - black bundles - compacted bundle - conductor bundle - electric-furnace bundles - fascine bundle - fiber bundle - fuel bundle - incenerator bundles - mandrel-wound bundle - pipe bundle - ray bundle - rod bundle - roundwood bundle - shell-and-tube bundle - stacking fault bundle - three-conductor bundle - tube bundle - twin bundle - unit-load bundle - wire-wrapped rod bundle ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a collection of things tied or fastened together. 2 a set of nerve fibres etc. banded together. 3 sl. a large amount of money. --v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by up) tie in or make into a bundle (bundled up my squash kit). 2 tr. (usu. foll. by into) throw or push, esp. quickly or confusedly (bundled the papers into the drawer). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by out, off, away, etc.) send (esp. a person) away hurriedly or unceremoniously (bundled them off the premises). 4 intr. sleep clothed with another person, esp. a fianc{eacute}(e), as a local custom. Phrases and idioms be a bundle of nerves (or prejudices etc) be extremely nervous (or prejudiced etc.). bundle up dress warmly or cumbersomely. go a bundle on sl. be very fond of. Derivatives bundler n. Etymology: ME, perh. f. OE byndelle a binding, but also f. LG, Du bundel ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English bundel, from Middle Dutch; akin to Old English byndel ~, bindan to bind  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a group of things fastened together for convenient handling  b. package, parcel  c. a considerable number ; lot  d. a sizable sum of money  e. a person embodying a specified quality or characteristic a ~ of energy  f. bunch 1  2.  a. a small band of mostly parallel fibers (as of nerve or muscle)  b. vascular ~  3. a package offering related products or services at a single price software ~s  II. verb  (~d; bundling)  Date: 1611  transitive verb  1. to make into a ~ or package ; wrap  2. to hustle or hurry unceremoniously ~d the children off to school  3. to include (a product or service) with a related product for sale at a single price software is ~d with computer hardware  intransitive verb  1. hurry, hustle  2. to practice bundling  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bundles, bundling, bundled) 1. A bundle of things is a number of them that are tied together or wrapped in a cloth or bag so that they can be carried or stored. He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms... I have about 20 year’s magazines tied up in bundles. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. If you describe someone as, for example, a bundle of fun, you are emphasizing that they are full of fun. If you describe someone as a bundle of nerves, you are emphasizing that they are very nervous. I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around... Life at high school wasn’t a bundle of laughs, either... N-SING: a N of n c darkgreen]emphasis 3. If you refer to a bundle of things, you are emphasizing that there is a wide range of them. The profession offers a bundle of benefits, not least of which is extensive training. = package N-COUNT: N of n c darkgreen]emphasis 4. If someone is bundled somewhere, someone pushes them there in a rough and hurried way. He was bundled into a car and driven 50 miles to a police station... VERB: be V-ed prep/adv, also V n prep/adv 5. To bundle software means to sell it together with a computer, or with other hardware or software, as part of a set. (COMPUTING) It’s cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately. VERB: V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a group of things such as papers, clothes, or sticks that are fastened or tied together 2 informal a lot of money  (cost a bundle)  (The trip will cost a bundle and we can't pay for it ourselves. | make a bundle (=earn or win a lot of money)) 3 be a bundle of nerves informal to be very nervous 4 be a bundle of fun/laughs informal an expression meaning a person or situation that is fun or makes you laugh, often used jokingly when they are not fun at all  (You were a bundle of fun last night. What's wrong?) 5 not go a bundle on sth BrE informal to not like something very much  (Jim never drank, and certainly didn't go a bundle on gambling.) ~2 v 1 T always + adv/prep to quickly push someone or something somewhere because you are in a hurry or you want to hide them  (bundle sb into/through etc)  (They bundled Perez into the car, and drove off.) 2 to move somewhere quickly in a group + into/through etc  (Six of us bundled into a taxi.) bundle sb off phr v to send someone somewhere in a hurry bundle up phr v 1 T bundle something up) to make a bundle by tying things together  (Bundle up the newspapers and take them to the skip.) 2 T bundle someone up) to dress warmly because it is cold ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1331, from M.Du. bondel dim. of bond, from binden "bind," or perhaps a merger of this word and O.E. byndelle "binding," from P.Gmc. base *bundilin, from PIE base *bhendh- "tie." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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