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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - axis


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Перевод с английского языка axis на русский

1. ось axis of advance —- воен. ось наступления axis of pitch —- ав. ось продольной устойчивости axis of signal communication —- воен. ось связи 2. центральный вопрос, стержень (чего-л.) 3. геометрическая ось the visual axis —- оптическая ось (прибора) body axis —- ось тела (гимнаста) axis of abscissas —- мат. ось абсцисс axis of the equator, terrestrial axis —- земная ось apparatus axis —- спорт. ось снаряда 4. редк. вал axis of rotation —- ось вращения 5. бот. главная или центральная ось растения, главный стебель 6. анат. второй шейный позвонок 7. зоол. пятнистый олень (Cervus axis) Axis 1. ист. ось Берлин - Рим; гитлеровская Германия и ее союзники Axis powers —- державы оси 2. неодобр. ось, блок; политическая коалиция the Washington - Bonn axis —- ось Вашингтон - Бонн
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См. в других словарях

  of ordinates math. ось ординат AXIS of abscissas math. ось абсцисс AXIS noun pl. axes ось ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) ось 2) эпистрофей, осевой второй шейный позвонок 3) бот. ось, осевой орган – apical axis – brain axis – cerebral axis – ear axis – electric axis – floral axis – hypothalamic-hypophysial-ovarian axis – hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis – neural axis – pervalvar axis – pituitary-adrenal axis – pole axis – transapical axis ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  (pl axes) ось; вал ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ось, вал, шпиндель 2) ось, осевая линия 3) ось координат, координатная ось 4) рбт степень подвижности direction of the axis — направление оси координат major axis of an ellipse — большая ось эллипса parallel axis theorem — теорема об изменении момента инерции при переносе оси (теорема Штейнера) rotation about axis — вращение вокруг оси spherical coordinate axis — ось сферической системы координат - abscissa axis - applicate axis - axis of affinity - axis of buoyancy - axis of convergence - axis of coordinates - axis of curve - axis of elongation - axis of holomorphy - axis of homology - axis of imaginaries - axis of projectivity - axis of reference - axis of revolution - axis of rotation - axis of surface - axis of symmetry - binary axis - body axis - circular axis - compact axis - conjugate axis - datum axis - electric axis - figure axis - fixed axis - geometrical axis - grid axis - hexad axis - hexagonal axis - horizontal axis - instantaneous axis - isometric axis - lateral axis - lattice axis - longer axis - longitudinal axis - moving axis - n-fold axis - normal axis - number axis - polar axis - positive axis - primary axis - principal axis - radical axis - scalar axis - secondary axis - sector-scan axis - semi-major axis - semi-minor axis - semi-transverse axis - semiconjugate axis - semimajor axis - semimean axis - semiminor axis - semitransverse axis - shorter axis - single axis - slope of axis - space axis - spherical coordinate axis - spin axis - tetrad axis - tetragonal axis - timing axis - translation of axis - triad axis - two axis accelerometer - two-sided axis - twofold axis - vertical axis ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ось, вал – antenna axis – antenna drive axis – beam axis – cavity axis – chrominance axis – communication axis – fiber axis – magnetic axis – time axis ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ось axis lying in the plane of bending axis of affinity axis of channel axis of diagram axis of gravity axis of inertia axis of rotation axis of symmetry axis of revolution arch axis bending axis central axis centroidal axis coordinate axis instrument axis of rotation major axis neutral axis principal axis principal axis of inertia principal strain axis principal stress axis reference axis shell axis zero axis ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  мн. ч. - axes 1) ось; осевая линия 2) машиностр. (управляемая) координата; координатная ось 3) вал 4) степень подвижности (манипулятора) with the same coordinate axes — в одной и той же системе координат axis of abscissa — ось абсцисс axis of commutation — ось коммутации; нейтральная линия (коллектора) axis of couple — ось пары сил axis of fishbolt holes — ось болтовых отверстий axis of infinite order of symmetry — ось симметрии бесконечного порядка axis of motion — координата перемещения axis of ordinates — ось ординат axis of projection — (оптическая) ось проекции axis of revolution (of rotation) — ось вращения axis of sight — визирная ось; линия визирования axis of symmetry — ось симметрии axis of translation — степень подвижности по поступательному движению actuator axis — вал привода - antenna axis - beam axis - binary axis - bubble axis - cage rotational axis - centroidal axis - chrominance axis - CNC axis - color axis - cross-sectional axis - cross-section axis - crystallographic axis - cube axis - cutting axis - dc controlled axis - defected axis - deflection axis - diagonal axis - direct axis - docking axis - drive axis - elbow axis - electrical axis - ferroelectric axis - fiber axis - fiducial axis - fixed movement axis - flip axis - guide axis - hinge axis - horizontal deflection axis - imaginary axis - inner race rotational axis - level tube axis - long axis - magnetic axis - major axis - manually set axis - mechanical axis - minor axis - motor axis - neutral axis - non-CNC axis - numerical axis - numeric axis - optical axis - orthogonal controlled axis - outer race rotational axis - pitch axis - pitch-roll axis -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. (pl. axes) 1 a an imaginary line about which a body rotates or about which a plane figure is conceived as generating a solid. b a line which divides a regular figure symmetrically. 2 Math. a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates etc. 3 Bot. the central column of an inflorescence or other growth. 4 Anat. the second cervical vertebra. 5 Physiol. the central part of an organ or organism. 6 a an agreement or alliance between two or more countries forming a centre for an eventual larger grouping of nations sharing an ideal or objective. b (the Axis) the alliance of Germany and Italy formed before and during the war of 1939-45, later extended to include Japan and other countries; these countries as a group. Etymology: L, = axle, pivot 2. n. a white spotted deer, Cervus axis, of S. Asia. Also called CHITAL. Etymology: L ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Date: 1938 of or relating to the three powers Germany, Italy, and Japan engaged against the Allied nations in World War II AXIS  noun  (plural axes)  Etymology: Latin, ~, axle; akin to Old English eax ~, axle, Greek axon, Lithuanian asis, Sanskrit ak?a?  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate  b. a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical — called also ~ of symmetry  c. a straight line that bisects at right angles a system of parallel chords of a curve and divides the curve into two symmetrical parts  d. one of the reference lines of a coordinate system  2.  a. the second vertebra of the neck on which the head and first vertebra turn as on a pivot  b. any of various central, fundamental, or axial parts  3. a plant stem  4. one of several imaginary lines assumed in describing the positions of the planes by which a crystal is bounded and the positions of atoms in the structure of the crystal  5. a main line of direction, motion, growth, or extension  6.  a. an implied line in painting or sculpture through a composition to which elements in the composition are referred  b. a line actually drawn and used as the basis of measurements in an architectural or other working drawing  7. any of three fixed lines of reference in an aircraft that run in the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical directions, are mutually perpendicular, and usually pass through the aircraft's center of gravity  8. partnership, alliance  9. a point or continuum on which something centers an ~ of social power ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (axes) 1. An axis is an imaginary line through the middle of something. N-COUNT 2. An axis of a graph is one of the two lines on which the scales of measurement are marked. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural axes, technical 1 the imaginary line around which a large round object, such as the Earth, turns  (The Earth rotates on an axis between the North and South Poles.) 2 a line drawn across the middle of a regular shape that divides it into two equal parts 3 either of the two lines of a graph, by which the positions of points are measured ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Z Axis Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 14c., from L. axis "axle, pivot" (cognate with O.E. eax "axle"), from agere "to move." Meaning "imaginary straight line around which a body (such as the Earth) rotates" is first recorded 1549. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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