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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - art


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Перевод с английского языка art на русский

1. искусство antique art —- античное искусство popular art —- народное искусство work of art —- произведение искусства 2. изобразительное искусство decorative art —- декоративное искусство to be talented for an art —- иметь призвание к какому-либо виду искусства she is studying art and music —- она изучает изобразительное искусство и музыку 3. гуманитарные науки faculty of arts —- отделение гуманитарных наук arts student —- студент отделения гуманитарных наук arts college —- гуманитарный колледж history, literature and philosophy are arts —- история, литература и философия - это гуманитарные науки to graduate in arts —- окончить отделение гуманитарных наук 4. искусства (в названиях ученых степеней и факультетов) Bachelor of Arts —- бакалавр искусств 5. обыкн pl. ремесла useful arts —- ремесла 6. умение, искусство, мастерство military art —- военное искусство art of healing —- искусство врачевания art of execution —- мастерство исполнения there is an art to making bread —- выпечка хлеба - особое искусство the art of making friends —- умение заводить друзей 7. обыкн pl. хитрость, коварство arts and wiles of politicians —- хитрости и уловки политиканов he gained his ends by art —- он хитростью достиг своей цели 8. колдовство, магия the witch deceived the girl by her arts —- ведьма околдовала девушку 9. спец. дизайн 10. полигр. собир. иллюстративный материал (в книге, журнале) is there any art with this story? —- к этому рассказу будут иллюстрации? 11. сл. фотографии разыскиваемых преступников 12. фотографии красоток, обыкн обнаженных, или знаменитостей Id: manly art —- бокс Id: art for art's sake —- искусство для искусства Id: to be art and part in smth. —- быть причастным к чему-либо Id: art is long, life is short —- посл. жизнь коротка, искусство вечно 13. художественный art pottery —- художественная керамика art edition —- художественное издание art editor —- см art director 14. относящийся к искусству, особенно изобразительному art critic —- искусствовед art criticism —- искусствоведение art book —- книга по искусству art gallery —- картинная галерея art exhibition —- выставка картин art student —- молодой художник, учащийся художественной школы art dealer —- торговец произведениями искусства 15. театр. кин. некоммерческий; экспериментальный art film —- экспериментальный фильм (также art movie); фильм, рассчитанный на подготовленных зрителей; некассовый фильм art theater —- ам. кинотеатр, демонстрирующий экспериментальные или иностранные фильмы; экспериментальный театр; театр, 16. ставящий пьесы, не рассчитанные на кассовый успех; театр для серьезного зрителя 17. профессиональный (противоп народному); классический art music —- классическая музыка art song —- песня для концертного исполнения; романс 18. уст. 2-е л ед ч настоящего времени глагола be
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См. в других словарях

  Nouveau fr. стиль модерн (художественный и архитектурный стиль конца XIX - начала XX вв.) ART I noun  1) искусство - Faculty of Arts - Art Nouveau - antique art - folk art - decorative art - applied art - martial art  2) мастерство; usu. pl. ремёсла - mechanical arts  3) умение, мастерство, искусство - military art  4) usu. pl. хитрость he gained his ends by arts - он хитростью достиг своей цели  5) attr. художественный art school - художественное училище manly art - бокс to have/be art and part in - быть причастным к чему-л., быть соучастником чего-л. art is long, life is short prov. - жизнь коротка, искусство вечно ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) область техники (к которой относится данное изобретение) 2) отрасль знаний; дисциплина 3) уровень техники 4) способ, метод, процесс 5) искусство; ремесло – art of manufacture – art of process – art of record – analogous art – anticipatory art – applied graphic art – available prior art – commercial art – crowded art – functional art – graphic arts – line art – nonanalogous art – old art – pertinent art – prior art – reconstruction prior art – typographic art – visual arts – useful arts ART сущ. искусство - art collection - art dealer - art director - art of healing - art student - military art - prior art ART. (article) статья ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  художественный - art castings - mining art - typographic art ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  mechanical and industrial arts ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  I сокр. от automatic range tracking автоматическое сопровождение по дальности II сокр. от automatic remote testing автоматические дистанционные испытания ART 1) искусство; мастерство 2) технология 3) (изобразительный) оригинал; иллюстрация - black art - communication art - continuous-tone art - graphic art - knitting art - line art - photographic art - printing art ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a human creative skill or its application. b work exhibiting this. 2 a (in pl.; prec. by the) the various branches of creative activity concerned with the production of imaginative designs, sounds, or ideas, e.g. painting, music, writing, considered collectively. b any one of these branches. 3 creative activity, esp. painting and drawing, resulting in visual representation (interested in music but not art). 4 human skill or workmanship as opposed to the work of nature (art and nature had combined to make her a great beauty). 5 (often foll. by of) a skill, aptitude, or knack (the art of writing clearly; keeping people happy is quite an art). 6 (in pl.; usu. prec. by the) those branches of learning (esp. languages, literature, and history) associated with creative skill as opposed to scientific, technical, or vocational skills. Phrases and idioms art and mystery any of the special skills or techniques in a specified area. art deco the predominant decorative art style of the period 1910-30, characterized by precise and boldly delineated geometric motifs, shapes, and strong colours. art form 1 any medium of artistic expression. 2 an established form of composition (e.g. the novel, sonata, sonnet, etc.). art nouveau a European art style of the late 19th century characterized by flowing lines and natural organic forms. art paper smooth-coated high quality paper. arts and crafts decorative design and handicraft. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L ars artis 2. archaic or dial. 2nd sing. present of BE. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  — see -ard ART  I. Etymology: Middle English, from Old English e~; akin to Old Norse est, ert (thou) ~, Old English is is  archaic present second singular of be  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~-, ars — more at arm  Date: 13th century  1. skill acquired by experience, study, or observation the ~ of making friends  2.  a. a branch of learning:  (1) one of the humanities  (2) plural liberal ~s  b. archaic learning, scholarship  3. an occupation requiring knowledge or skill the ~ of organ building  4.  a. the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also works so produced  b.  (1) fine ~s  (2) one of the fine ~s  (3) a graphic ~  5.  a. archaic a skillful plan  b. the quality or state of being ~ful  6. decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter Synonyms:  ~, skill, cunning, ~ifice, craft mean the faculty of executing well what one has devised. ~ implies a personal, unanalyzable creative power the ~ of choosing the right word. skill stresses technical knowledge and proficiency the skill of a glassblower. cunning suggests ingenuity and subtlety in devising, inventing, or executing a mystery plotted with great cunning. ~ifice suggests technical skill especially in imitating things in nature believed realism in film could be achieved only by ~ifice. craft may imply expertness in workmanship the craft of a master goldsmith.  III. adjective  Date: 1868 produced as an ~istic effort or for decorative purposes an ~ film ~ dolls ~ music  IV. abbreviation  1. ~icle  2. ~ificial  3. ~illery ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent things or express ideas  (an example of Indian art | modern art)  (the Museum of Modern Art) 2 objects that are produced by art, such as paintings, drawings etc  (an art exhibition) 3 the skill of drawing or painting  (He excelled at art at school.) 4 the arts art, music, theatre, film, literature etc all considered together  (more government funding for the arts) 5 arts also the arts subjects of study that are not scientific, such as history, languages etc  (- see also humanities) 6 the ability or skill involved in doing or making something  (the art of doing something)  (Television is ruining the art of conversation. | be quite an art (=be quite difficult))  (Driving a car through central London is quite an art. | have/get sth down to a fine art (=do something very well))  (I've got the early morning routine down to a fine art.) ~2 v thou art old use used to mean `you are' when talking to one person ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Advanced Reproductive Technologies hum. gen. abbr. Assisted Reproductive Technology hum. gen. abbr. Assisted Reproductive Technologies hum. gen. abbr. Advanced Reproductive Technology physiol. abbr. ARTificial physiol. abbr. Articulation physiol. abbr. Artery physiol. abbr. Achilles tendon Reflex Test UN abbr. Africa Resources Trust NASA abbr. Adjustable Ranging Telescope transport. abbr. Air Reserve Technician mil. abbr. Assessment Recovery Team mil. abbr. Advanced Rotorcraft Technology mil. abbr. Army Regional Threats mil. abbr. Army Reserve Technicians mil. abbr. Annual Refresher Training 3-let. lang. abbr. Artificial (Other) airport code Watertown, New York USA railroad abbr. American Refrigerator Transit Company ocean sc. abbr. Airborne Radiation Thermometer sc. fict. abbr. Alien Rejection Therapy softw. abbr. Advanced Rendering Technology softw. abbr. Advanced Reporting Toolkit file ext. abbr. Bitmap graphics (B&W) (many - First Publisher - Xara Studio) file ext. abbr. Graphics (Another Ray Tracer - Vort) media abbr. Arab Radio And Television educ. abbr. Advocacy Research And Training law abbr. Aggression Replacement Training gen. bus. abbr. Alternative Risk Transfer gen. bus. abbr. Advertising Research Tools NYSE symbols A C Nielsen Corporation firm name abbr. Advanced Recognition Technologies firm name abbr. Authentic Replacement Technologies firm name abbr. Advanced Reproductive Technologies ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. art, from L. artem, acc. of ars "art, skill, craft," from PIE *ar-ti-, from base *ar- "to fit together." Earliest meaning in Eng. was "skill in scholarship and learning," as still in Bachelor of Arts, but sense of "cunning and trickery" (cf. artful) is also very early. Extended to "skill in creative arts" after 1600. The most usual modern meaning, "painting, sculpture, etc.," is first recorded 1688. Broader sense still in artless (1589). Art nouveau first recorded 1901. Art deco "decorative and architectural style of the period 1925–1940" is first attested 1966, from Fr. art dйcoratif, lit. "decorative art," from L'Exposition Internationale des Arts Dйcoratifs et Industriels Modernes, held in Paris 1925. The liberal arts in the Middle Ages were divided into the trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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