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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - alone


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Перевод с английского языка alone на русский

1. один, одинокий; в одиночестве all alone —- совсем один I want to be alone —- я хочу побыть один, мне нужно побыть одному 2. один, единственный, отличный от других he is not alone in his interests —- он не одинок в своих интересах we are not alone in thinking that... —- не только мы думаем, что... is mankind alone in the Universe? —- есть ли еще разумные существа во Вселенной? 3. уникальный, несравнимый (ни с кем, ни с чем) he is alone among them in devotion to duty —- по преданности долгу его нельзя сравнить ни с кем из них he is alone in his ability to solve financial problems —- он обладает уникальной способностью разрешать финансовые трудности 4. в одиночестве, наедине, одиноко to live alone —- жить в одиночестве does she live alone? —- она что, одна живет? alone with smb —- наедине с кем-л. alone with his thoughts —- наедине со своими мыслями 5. усил. только, исключительно, единственно he alone is to blame —- он единственный виновник science alone can do it —- только наука может это сделать he alone could achieve this —- никто кроме него не мог бы добиться этого man shall not live by bread alone —- библ. не хлебом единым жив человек 6. в одиночку, без посторонней помощи you can't lift the trunk alone —- ты не сможешь приподнять сундук сам the widow raised her three children practically alone —- вдова воспитала троих детей фактически без чьей-л поддержки Id: to leave smb., smth alone —- оставлять кого-л, что-л в покое; не трогать кого-л, что-л Id: leave me alone! —- оставь меня в покое!; отстань! Id: leave that alone! —- перестань об этом говорить!; оставь этот вопрос!; хватит об этом! Id: let alone (that) ... —- не говоря уже о..., не учитывая даже... Id: I have no time for this journey let alone the money needed —- у меня нет времени на такое путешествие, не говоря уже о деньгах along of 1. ам. простореч. из-за, вследствие, по причине we weren't invited along of your rudeness —- нас не пригласили из-за вашей невоспитанности 2. вместе с, с you come along of me to the store —- пойдем со мной в магазин
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См. в других словарях

   1. adj.; predic.  1) один, одинокий  2) сам, без посторонней помощи he can do it alone - он может это сделать сам, без посторонней помощи to let/leave smb. alone - оставить кого-л. в покое to let smth. alone - не трогать чего-л., не прикасаться к чему-л. let alone - не говоря уже о  2. adv. только, исключительно he alone can do it - только он может это сделать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  одиночный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  adj. & adv. --predic.adj. 1 a without others present (they wanted to be alone; the tree stood alone). b without others' help (succeeded alone). c lonely and wretched (felt alone). 2 (often foll. by in) standing by oneself in an opinion etc. (was alone in thinking this). --adv. only, exclusively (you alone can help me). Phrases and idioms go it alone act by oneself without assistance. Derivatives aloneness n. Etymology: ME f. ALL + ONE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from al all + one one  Date: 13th century  1. separated from others ; isolated  2. exclusive of anyone or anything else ; only she ~ knows why  3.  a. considered without reference to any other the children ~ would eat that much  b. incomparable, unique ~ among their contemporaries in this respect  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, solitary, lonely, lonesome, lone, forlorn, desolate mean isolated from others. ~ stresses the objective fact of being by oneself with slighter notion of emotional involvement than most of the remaining terms everyone needs to be ~ sometimes. solitary may indicate isolation as a chosen course glorying in the calm of her solitary life but more often it suggests sadness and a sense of loss left solitary by the death of his wife. lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship felt lonely and forsaken. lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness and poignancy an only child often leads a lonesome life. lone may replace lonely or lonesome but typically is as objective as ~ a lone robin pecking at the lawn. forlorn stresses dejection, woe, and listlessness at separation from one held dear a forlorn lost child. desolate implies inconsolable grief at loss or bereavement desolate after her brother's death.  II. adverb  Date: 13th century  1. solely, exclusively the blame is his ~  2. without aid or support said he could do it ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you are alone, you are not with any other people. There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation... He was all alone in the middle of the hall. ADJ: v-link ADJ • Alone is also an adverb. She has lived alone in this house for almost five years now... ADV: ADV after v 2. If one person is alone with another person, or if two or more people are alone, they are together, without anyone else present. I couldn’t imagine why he would want to be alone with me... My brother and I were alone with Vincent. ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ with n 3. If you say that you are alone or feel alone, you mean that nobody who is with you, or nobody at all, cares about you. Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned... ADJ: v-link ADJ 4. You say that one person or thing alone does something when you are emphasizing that only one person or thing is involved. You alone should determine what is right for you... They were convicted on forensic evidence alone. ADV: n ADV c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you say that one person or thing alone is responsible for part of an amount, you are emphasizing the size of that part and the size of the total amount. The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators... ADV: n ADV c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If someone is alone in doing something, they are the only person doing it, and so are different from other people. Am I alone in thinking that this scandal should finish his career? = unique ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ in -ing/n • Alone is also an adverb. I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people. ADV: ADV prep, n ADV 7. When someone does something alone, they do it without help from other people. Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement... ADV: ADV after v 8. If you go it alone, you do something without any help from other people. (INFORMAL) I missed the stimulation of working with others when I...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S1 W1 adj 1 without any other people  (She lives alone.) ~ together (=if two people are alone together there is no one else in the place where they are)  (Suddenly they found themselves alone together in the room.) 2 without any friends or people who you know all ~ (=completely alone)  (It was scary being all alone in a strange city.) 3 feeling very unhappy and lonely  (He felt terribly alone when June left.) 4 you ~ know/have/can do sth used to say that you are the only person who knows or can do something  (Julie alone knew the terrible truth. | Of all the applicants, she alone had the right qualifications.) 5 used to emphasize that one particular thing is very important or has a great effect in a situation  (The price alone was enough to put me off the idea.) 6 be ~ in (doing) sth be the only person to do something  (You're not alone in feeling upset by all this, believe me.)  ( USAGE NOTE: ALONE WORD CHOICE ~, on your own, by yourself, lonely, lonesome, lone, solitary If you are ~, or less formally, on your own/by yourself that just means that no one else is with you, and is neither good nor bad I just wanted to stay at home alone/by myself. With verbs of action, on your own and by yourself often suggest that no one is helping you I want to swim alone (=with no one else there).| I want to swim on my own/by myself (=either with nobody else there or with other people there but not helping). If you are lonely or lonesome (AmE) you are unhappy because you are ~: I feel lonely living away from home/a lonely old man. Places etc can be lonely or lonesome if they make people feel lonely: a lonesome little town on the prairie. Things that you do can also be lonely: a lonely journey/job/life etc. Lonely is never an adverb but ~ often is: She travelled alone (NOT lonely). A lone or solitary person or thing is simply the only one in a place, and therefore might seem a little lonely: a lone figure in the middle of the square (=it is the only one there). In spoken English, you are more likely to talk about: a figure on its own in...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. all ana "all by oneself." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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