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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - st


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Перевод с английского языка st на русский

I сокр. от Schmitt trigger триггер Шмитта II сокр. от self-testing 1) самоконтроль; самопроверка 2) самотестирование III сокр. от sensing tool контактный датчик-щуп IV сокр. от set-up time for batch время наладки (станка) на обработку партии (деталей) V сокр. от signaling tone тональный сигнал VI сокр. от space telescope космический телескоп VII сокр. от stokes стоке, Ст VIII сокр. от street улица IX сокр. от surface tension поверхностное натяжение
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  матем.; сокр. от star звезда ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  s.t. such that такой, что; так, что setup time установленное время sexy thang сексапильная штучка; сексбомба Shirley Temple "Ширли темпл", название коктейля star trek "звездный поход", "Стар Трек": название научно-фантастической телепрограммы such that такой, что; так, что ...
Англо-русский словарь идиом
  I state noun государство II St - saint noun святой III ST - Standard Time noun поясное время ...
Англо-русский словарь
  var. of -EST(2). ST abbr. 1 Saint. 2 stokes. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   abbreviation  1. saint  2. stratus  3. street ST  abbreviation standard time ST  abbreviation  1. ~anza  2. ~ate  3. ~itch  4. ~one ST  I. — see -est  II. symbol — used after the figure 1 to indicate the ordinal number first 1st 91st ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  st is used as a written abbreviation for stone when you are mentioning someone’s weight. (BRIT) He weighs 11st 8lb. ST also st. Note: The form 'SS' or 'SS.' is used as the plural for meaning 2. 1. St is a written abbreviation for Street. ...116 Princess St. 2. St is a written abbreviation for Saint. ...St Thomas. ...the Church of SS Cornelius and Cyprian. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ suffix 1 forms written ordinal numbers with 1  (the 1st (=first) prize | my 21st birthday) 2 old use or biblical another form of the ~ suffix ­est (2)  (thou dost (=you do)) St ~ BrE also St. 1 (only after n or adj) the written abbreviation of street  (Wall St. | Church St) 2 the written abbreviation of saint  (St Luke's Gospel) 3 st the written abbreviation of stone1 (6) St Bernard ~ n a large strong Swiss dog that was trained in the past to help find people who were lost in the snow ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Sexually Transmitted physiol. abbr. Slight Trace physiol. abbr. Speech Therapy physiol. abbr. Spontaneous Timed physiol. abbr. Stage Of Disease physiol. abbr. Shock therapy physiol. abbr. Stomach physiol. abbr. See And Treat physiol. abbr. Esotropia NASA abbr. Solar Terrestrial NASA abbr. Space Talk NASA abbr. Scientific and Technical NASA abbr. Space Telescope U.S. gov. abbr. Scientific and Technical U.S. gov. abbr. Special Treatment transport. abbr. Special Trailer transport. abbr. Special Touring transport. abbr. Short Tread transport. abbr. Sports Touring transport. abbr. Semi Tread transport. abbr. Sports Tourer transport. abbr. Station Timed transport. abbr. Sport Turismo transport. abbr. Standard Trailer transport. abbr. Special Transport transport. abbr. Stadium Truck transport. abbr. Sign Type transport. abbr. Street Thunder transport. abbr. Scientific and Technical transport. abbr. Standard Touring mil. abbr. Special Training mil. abbr. Surveillance Test mil. abbr. Scientific/Technical mil. abbr. Standby Time mil. abbr. Self Test mil. abbr. Special Text mil. abbr. Short Ton mil. abbr. Scientific and Technical mil. abbr. Siege Tank mil. abbr. Ship Type mil. abbr. Support Technical mil. abbr. Survival Time mil. abbr. Satellite Transmitter mil. abbr. Service Time mil. abbr. Situation Time country abbr. Saint Tome and Principe time zone abbr. Same Time time zone abbr. Standard Time time zone abbr. Sixteen Thirty time zone abbr. Sidereal Time 2-let. lang. abbr. Sesotho railroad abbr. ST Rail System physics abbr. State Transformation ocean sc. abbr. Stratosphere-troposphere meteo abbr. Squall's Time univ. abbr. Special Topics mathem. abbr. Subtraction Term electron. abbr. Special Technology electron. abbr. Special Tuning funny abbr. Silly Twit adult abbr. Straight Tip adult abbr. Soft Touch adult abbr. Stupid Things adult abbr. Sex Toy softw. abbr. The Simulation Toolkit gen. comp. abbr. Show Type gen. comp. abbr. Secondary Table gen. comp. abbr. Sequence...
English abbreviation dictionary


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