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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - sonar


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Перевод с английского языка sonar на русский

1) гидроакустическая станция, ГАС; гидролокационная станция, гидролокатор 2) гидролокация - active sonar - bottom-bounce sonar - bottom scanning sonar - deep-water sonar - dipping sonar - Doppler sonar - downward-looking sonar - echo-ranging sonar - forward area sonar - listening sonar - multibeam bathymetric sonar - obstacle avoidance sonar - passive sonar - re-entry sonar - remote sonar - scanning sonar - sector-scanning sonar - sector-scan sonar - shore-lead sonar - side-looking sonar - split-beam sonar - submarine sonar - synthetic-aperture sonar - towed sonar - upward-looking sonar - variable-depth sonar - wide-range sonar
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См. в других словарях

  side scan sonar ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сонар, система связи на ЗЧ/УЗЧ 2) гидролокационная станция 3) гидролокатор – active sonar – passive sonar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) гидролокатор 2) геогр. гидролокация 3) звуковой локатор 4) система звуковой локации 5) сонар underwater sonar communication — звукоподводная связь - deep-water sonar - dipping sonar - passive sonar - scanning sonar - searchlight sonar - sonar altimeter - sonar dome - sonar transducer - subsonic sonar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сонар, (звуковой) эхолокатор (sound + navigation + and + ranging) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun amer. сонар, гидролокатор ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a system for the underwater detection of objects by reflected or emitted sound. 2 an apparatus for this. Etymology: sound navigation and ranging, after radar ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: sound navigation ranging  Date: 1945 a method or device for detecting and locating objects especially underwater by means of sound waves sent out to be reflected by the objects; also a device for detecting the presence of a vessel (as a submarine) by the sound it emits in water ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sonars) Sonar is equipment on a ship which can calculate the depth of the sea or the position of an underwater object using sound waves. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n equipment on a ship or submarine that uses sound waves to find out the position of objects under the water ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Sound Navigation And Ranging U.S. gov. abbr. Sound Navigation And Ranging transport. abbr. Sound Navigation And Ranging mil. abbr. Sound Navigation And Ranging ocean sc. abbr. Source Of Noise And Reason meteo abbr. Sound Navigation And Ranging electron. abbr. Sound Navigation And Ranging funny abbr. Sex Offender Need Assessment Rating adult abbr. Stupid Old Native American Radio ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1946, from "sound navigation ranging," on pattern of radar. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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