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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - silver


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Перевод с английского языка silver на русский

серебро, Ag - cat silver - developed silver - exposed silver - German silver - image forming silver - nickel silver - photolitic silver - residual silver - solid silver
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  серебро ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) засеребрить 2) серебро 3) серебряный - German silver - nickel silver - recover of silver - silver azide - silver battery - silver glass - silver image - silver nitrate - silver point ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) серебро 2) деньги 3) серебряные изделия - fine silver - free silver - sterling silver 2. прил. 1) серебряный 2) звонкий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ихт. кижуч (Oncorhynchus kisutch) 2) бот. хризопсис злаколистный (Chrysopsis graminifolia) 3) серебристый (об окраске оперения или меха) 4) энт. металловидка-гамма (Phytometra gamma) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. серебро fine silver —- чистое серебро a statue in silver —- статуя из серебра 2. серебряные монеты 2000 yen in silver 2000 —- йен серебром loose silver —- горсть серебряных монет a pocketful of silver and copper —- полный карман серебра и меди to change one's notes into silver —- обменять банкноты на серебро 3. шотл. деньги 4. серебряные изделия table silver —- столовое серебро 5. серебристый, серебряный цвет 6. ам. фот. разг. (азотнокислое) серебро Id: speech is silver, but silence is golden —- посл. слово - серебро, молчание - золото 7. серебряный silver coin —- серебряная монета 8. серебристый silver hair —- седые волосы 9. звонкий, мелодичный, серебристый silver tone —- серебристый звук 10. серебрить, покрывать серебром 11. амальгамировать (зеркало) 12. серебриться the trees silvered with snow —- деревья серебрились от снега 13. седеть (о волосах) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  bridge fig. путь к почетному отступлению SILVER  1. noun  1) серебро; sterling silver - чистое серебро  2) серебряные монеты; деньги  3) серебряные изделия; table silver - столовое серебро  4) цвет серебра  2. adj.  1) серебряный  2) серебристый; silver sand - тонкий белый песок  3) седой (о волосах)  3. v.  1) серебрить  2) покрывать (зеркало) амальгамой ртути  3) серебриться  4) седеть SILVER fir bot. пихта благородная SILVER fox черно-бурая лисица SILVER gilt из позолоченного серебра SILVER jubilee двадцатипятилетний юбилей SILVER Fir пихта SILVER key взятка, подкуп SILVER paper  1) тонкая папиросная бумага  2) оловянная фольга, станиоль SILVER point рисунок серебряным карандашом SILVER screen noun киноэкран SILVER side лучшая часть ссека говядины ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. Chem. 1 a greyish-white lustrous malleable ductile precious metallic element, occurring naturally as the element and in mineral form, and used chiefly with an admixture of harder metals for coin, plate, and ornaments, as a subordinate monetary medium, and in compounds for photography etc. Usage Symb.: Ag. 2 the colour of silver. 3 silver or cupro-nickel coins. 4 esp. Sc. money. 5 silver vessels or implements, esp. cutlery. 6 household cutlery of any material. 7 = silver medal. --adj. 1 made wholly or chiefly of silver. 2 coloured like silver. --v. 1 tr. coat or plate with silver. 2 tr. provide (a mirror-glass) with a backing of tin amalgam etc. 3 tr. (of the moon or a white light) give a silvery appearance to. 4 a tr. turn (the hair) grey or white. b intr. (of the hair) turn grey or white. Phrases and idioms silver age a period regarded as inferior to a golden age, e.g. that of post-classical Latin literature in the early Imperial period. silver band Brit. a band playing silver-plated instruments. silver birch a common birch, Betula alba, with silver-coloured bark. silver fir any fir of the genus Abies, with the under-sides of its leaves coloured silver. silver fox 1 an American red fox at a time when its fur is black with white tips. 2 its fur. silver gilt 1 gilded silver. 2 an imitation gilding of yellow lacquer over silver leaf. silver-grey a lustrous grey. silver jubilee 1 the 25th anniversary of a sovereign's accession. 2 any other 25th anniversary. silver Latin literary Latin of the early Imperial period. silver-leaf a fungal disease of fruit trees. silver lining a consolation or hopeful feature in misfortune. silver medal a medal of silver, usu. awarded as second prize. silver nitrate a colourless solid that is soluble in water and formerly used in photography. silver paper 1 a fine white tissue-paper for wrapping silver. 2 aluminium or tin foil. silver plate vessels, spoons, etc., of copper etc. plated with silver. silver salmon a coho. silver sand a fine pure sand used in gardening. silver...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English seolfor; akin to Old High German silbar ~, Lithuanian sidabras  Date: before 12th century  1. a white ductile very malleable metallic element that is capable of a high degree of polish, is chiefly monovalent in compounds, and has the highest thermal and electric conductivity of any substance — see element table  2. ~ as a commodity the value of ~ has risen  3. coin made of ~  4. articles (as hollowware or table flatware) made of or plated with ~; also similar articles and especially flatware of other metals (as stainless steel)  5. a nearly neutral slightly brownish medium gray  6. coho  7. a ~ medal awarded as the second prize in a competiton  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. made of ~  2. resembling ~: as  a.  (1) having a white lustrous sheen  (2) of or tending towards the color ~ ~ fur a ~ gray  b. giving a soft resonant sound ; dulcet in tone  c. eloquently persuasive  3. consisting of or yielding ~  4. of, relating to, or characteristic of ~  5. advocating the use of ~ as a standard of currency  6. of, relating to, or being a 25th anniversary or its celebration  III. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to cover with ~ (as by electroplating)  b. to coat with a substance (as a metal) resembling ~  2.  a. to give a ~y luster to  b. to make white like ~  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (silvers) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Silver is a valuable pale grey metal that is used for making jewellery and ornaments. ...a hand-crafted brooch made from silver. ...silver teaspoons. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 2. Silver consists of coins that are made from silver or that look like silver. ...the basement where ?150,000 in silver was buried. N-UNCOUNT 3. You can use silver to refer to all the things in a house that are made of silver, especially the cutlery and dishes. He beat the rugs and polished the silver. N-UNCOUNT: also the N 4. Silver is used to describe things that are shiny and pale grey in colour. He had thick silver hair which needed cutting. COLOUR 5. A silver is the same as a silver medal. Britain went on to take bronze and then followed it up by winning silver in the World Cup. N-VAR 6. born with a silver spoon in your mouth: see spoon ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a shiny, whitish, valuable metal that is used to make jewellery, knives, coins etc, and is a chemical element 2 spoons, forks, dishes etc that are made of silver or a similar metal  (As kitchen-maid, it was my job to polish the silver.) 3 the colour of silver 4 informal a silver medal 5 BrE old-fashioned coins that are made partly or completely of silver  (- see also be born with a silver spoon in your mouth born2 (11), every cloud has a silver lining cloud1 (7)) ~2 adj 1 made of silver  (a silver teapot) 2 coloured silver  (a silver Mercedes) ~3 v technical to cover a surface with a thin shiny silver coloured surface in order to make a mirror ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. seolfor "silver," from P.Gmc. *silubra-, from a common Germanic/Balto-Slavic term, possibly from a language of Asia Minor. Chemical abbreviation Ag is from L. argentum "silver," from the PIE root (see argent). The verb is from 1440. Silverfish is 1703 of types of fish; 1855 of insects. Silverware is from 1860. Silver bullet is from 1808, but belief in the magical power of silver weapons to conquer foes goes back at least to ancient Greece. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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